Saturday, August 31, 2019
Do Educated Women Makes Better Mother Essay
â€Å"The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. ’’ Mothers play a vital role in the upbringing of children and they nurture the babies with all the important values to make them great leaders, tycoons, corporate kings and masters of their professions. Therefore, educated women indeed make great mothers as they are more aware of the needs, norms and necessities of this challenging world that their children are going to face. An educated mother knows how to use psychology to her advantage and pave the way for the child to attain great heights. Some educated mothers force their children to excel which puts these children into a planetarium of success. â€Å"You have to be cruel in order to be kind. †Therefore, they may exercise force on their children but it is only a good education will pave the way to a brighter future. Prominent lawyers, doctors and lecturers, writers and other professional pay great tribute to their mothers who took great care for them to emerge the victorious lot and to become the best in the society. â€Å"Behind every successful man is a woman. The educated mother is aware of the perils of illiteracy and will ignorance and being ill-equipped for the future. So, educated mothers will leave no stone unturned in ensuring that their offspring are healthy, strong, fit and most importantly multi-talented. This positive approach allows the children to be the best and to reach for the sky. Education helps these mothers to steer their children away from bad habits, immoral behavior and wrong ways. An educational mother can teach her children when they lag behind in their schoolwork. Some teachers are mothers too and it is not uncommon to see their children doing profoundly well in examinations. Apart from that, educated mothers are a source of inspiration for their children. When the children are aware of the high capability and integrity of their mothers, they will follow suit in their mother’s footsteps. Educated mothers motivate their children in all aspects. These mothers are also aware of setbacks, failure, frustrations and peer pressure. Being educated allows these mothers to use professional approaches in handling children to help them overcome these obstacles in life. Educated mothers indeed know the strength and the weakness of their children. They will teach their children to capitalize on their strengths but not in weakness. This positive approach will go a long way in life. We can, therefore, come to conclusion that educated mothers create a future generation of capable, intelligent, highly skilled and profound individuals.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Coke Cola Face Csr Problem in India
(1)Indian government traditionally undervalue the business activities. Politics and leisure are gained more value than work. While in U. S. , American dream emphasis on working hard for personal value, business and politics gain the same social respect. (2)India has many political and legal issues with foreign investors. Indian law to some extent is ambiguous when handling the lawsuits with foreign investors,which may have been the reason causing problems for Coke’s operations in India? 3) Both countries may have different ways of doing businesses. Foreign investors should consider the fact that every culture is different and they need their own practices (polycentric), if Coke still thinks its American style of business operation is better and practices it in India(ethnocentric), the consumers in India will regard those practices as wrong and inappropriate. This could also have been the reason why India blame on the water contamination and shortage caused by Coke.Coke and Pep siAs the Indian people interpret silence as guilt, thus the representatives of Coke should response quickly: firstly, to apologize for the destroying of water resources in India, and then do some compensation for the local people. secondly,find ways independently or Corporate with authoritative NGOS to solve the problem. It is very important for Coke to built good reputation and consumer loyalty in international market. thirdly, learn from what Pepsi does: doing CSR such as digging village wells, trying best to reduce water waste,etc. these measures could help to interact with local people, improve relationships with government and the public.From global standardization to localization Change the style of advertisement to fit the flavor of Indian people. Add some Indian cultural factors to the can package. Take more CSR as what Pepsi did. Improving relationships with Indian government and the public. Start to communicate with local consumers, and response quickly. Because in India, keep silence means guilty,even though India and U. S. both speak English, because of different value, culture and social environment, miscommunication may exists; on the plus side, it is the best way to understand the need or complain of Coke's consumers. 1) MNCs should overcome Parochialism–view the world through their own perspectives, and the simplification–the process of exhibiting the same orientation toward different culture groups. Because doing things the same way in foreign markets as they are done in domestic markets may arise more conflicts when involving in cross-cultural management. In this case, Coke prefers individualism to achieve their own value in India, while India is a society respect more about politics than business, Coke did not improve the relationships with bureaucratic offices and finally it brings trouble to Coke about the pesticide findings.MNCs should set up unique human resource management system to fit for local employees, improve communi cation effectiveness to reduce misunderstanding among multicultural groups in the company, for example, to provide language and cultural training, to improve feedback system. Internally, to select CSR practices that fit with the company's existing capabilities; externally, work with NGOS, pragmatically respect local culture and protect the environment.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Short Term Long Term Goal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Short Term Long Term Goal - Essay Example Since then, I have never lost sight of my goals of pursuing entrepreneurship. In college, my friend and I started a clothing import company which enjoyed considerable sales. I also joined the companies of AXA Advisors, Philip Simon Developments USA, Inc and later Shoesapart, Inc. to learn fundamental business structures and to have an in-depth scope into daily business operations. Despite these developments, I know I can still be better. Thus, my short term goal is getting accepted to the CEIBS MBA program. My recent trip to China made me discover the great business potential that it holds. Not only does it offer accelerated and extensive market expansion, China also offers a high level of penetration opportunity. I am confident that through the CEIBS MBA program, I will be able to build an extensive network of classmates and alumni and gather sufficient knowledge of the local market in China to streamline future business growth. Within a year of acquiring my MBA, I want to start a p romising food business venture, choosing the initial location at a primary market to promote the brand and attract franchising interest.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Discussion 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
Discussion 4 - Essay Example Hence, it might be stated that the introduction of cloud computing came into limelight mainly to fulfil the requirements or utilities of the individual in this advanced age. As a result of which, the process of attainment of varied essential information became extremely faster and quicker than before (Jamsa, 2011). However, it also includes varied types of issues such as control or managing problems, performance or reliability trouble, security, cost of bandwidth, vendor lock-In, transparency, reliability and final thoughts. But among all these above mentioned issues, the most note-worthy challenges are security and performance among others (Furht & Escalante, 2010). After reading the paragraph and watching the video, I totally agree that, utility is the main driving force that fascinated the customers towards the concept of cloud computing or advanced technology. This is surely a revolutionary move that fuelled the utilities of the customers or business enterprises. As a result of this technological change, the business entrepreneurs may very easily cope-up with the changing requirements of the customers that might enhance the reputation and reliability of the brand to a certain extent. Not only this, cloud computing also enabled the facility of accessing various information or facts at any time from their office locations thereby reducing their work-load. Therefore, due to all these facilities, the concept of cloud computing became extremely popular and eminent in this rapidly changing market among other techniques. In spite of various advantages, cloud computing also comprises of numerous pitfalls or issues such as control problem, performance or reliability issue, security, cost of bandwidth, vendor lock-In issue, transparency and reliability problems. However, among all these issues, the most challenging one is the trouble of security. This is because, in case the valuable data or information about the total sale of the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China Essay - 14
Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China - Essay Example Venturing into the American market requires a workable strategy that goes in line with the current needs of the customers. This means that the organisation has to conduct a thorough market research that would enable it come up with strategies of conquering the market. Lymbersky (29) noted that marketing strategy is all about defining objectives of the way an organisation intends to join a new market and satisfy the customers. Since Chery Cars China is not the first organisation to enter into the American market, it is apparent that there are different things that the organisation needs to look at to decide on the kind of products the American market needs. It would also be critical to understand what other organisations are offering so that the organisation can come up with unique products that would meet the expectations of the customers (Adekola, Abel and Serg). Besides, the customers must be convinced that Chery Cars China has high quality cars that are different from what they are used in the local market. With the American market being flooded with strong automobile companies like general motors and ford, Chery Cars China has to first carryout a market research on the quality of cars manufactured by these companies. This is indispensable in that the organisation will understand the taste of the customers before venturing into the market (Fernandez and Shengjun 2). This would call for a thorough assessment of the weaknesses of the existing companies so that the organisation can take advantage of that ad develops models that would please the customers. For instance, one of the leading strategies employed by the ford company in the US market is provision of quality cars that make its customers loyal. With the increased debate on the need to have eco-friendly cars in the contemporary world, Chery Cars China can take advantage and decide to design
Monday, August 26, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 16
Summary - Essay Example The ruling families realized that there should be policy change in economic programs to ensure that the countries developed long-term and sustainable economic plans. The international community was involved in promotion of economic status of the GCC states where they advised that a knowledge-based economic policy would be effective in steering the economies rather than relying on oil that was dwindling. Introduction of the knowledge-based economy would ensure expansion and investment in education to build wealth from the human labour and resources instead of relying on the natural resources. President Obama and Angela Merkel delivered speeches on the benefits of the knowledge-based economy over reliance on natural resources. Obama stated that the Islamic countries should begin to increase their investment in education since even the countries that had more natural resources like America had invested in other policies to steer their economies. Angela Merkel on the other hand emphasized on the importance of promoting freedom and innovation from the power of science and human intelligence. Innovation, technological development and invention were es sential for development challenges in 21st century. These speeches revealed the interest which the western countries had on the development of the GCC countries. The Arab countries have adopted the policy and culture of promoting the education in the region by increasing the number of institutions of higher learning at high rate. Since the end of World War II, the number of universities have increased from 10 to 140 in 2000 and later increased up to 260 in 2010. This reveals the interest of leaders to propel their countries in knowledge-based economies. Obama and Merkel stated that the countries in the region should pay tribute to the developments taking place in education especially the universities that have embraced the visions of the Gulf monarchies. Modernization of education
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Paper one Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Paper one - Essay Example For me personally I think that the creation story is not really based in fact because there is no proof for any of it. The myth sounds really good and it does provide some kind of explanation for how the world began, but there are so many unanswered questions about it. For example, it has been scientifically proven that the world is billions of years old yet according to the Bible it has only been a few thousand. Something doesnt add up because the difference between these two points of view is rather extreme. I could somewhat believe the Biblical account if it was more in line with what science has proven is real. Another thing that I fail to understand is that global warming is something that is completely dismissed by most Christians. There is no argument for this because evidence shows that the earth is experiencing extreme weather, and this will affect our lives in the future also. It is almost like Christians dont care about the world because they believe that they will go to heaven one day anyway. I can understand that but what they dont realize is that by ignoring the claims of global warming they are making the environment worse for their children and grandchildren. I appreciate the right to free speech, so I am not against Christians for what they believe about the world. I might be attracted more to the religion if it could be modernized and take more of a scientific view of the world. We now live in the 21st century and some things are now fact rather than fiction because they can be proven to be real. Finally, I would say that the Christian world view is becoming less and less popular simply because it has failed to take into account significant changes in our modern society. Nothing lasts forever, but that does not mean that everything about what Christians believe should be thrown away. There are some good things that they believe, yet there are also some things that hold them back. One such example is the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Final - Essay Example 1. Describe the paths of water through the hydrologic cycle. Explain the processes and the energy gains and losses involved in the changes of water between its 3 states. Operationally, we often most concerned with water does when it reaches the solid earth, both on the surface and in the sub-surface. Explain the relationship between the saturated zone, the water table, a ground water well and the cone of depression, all within the sub-surface. The paths of water in the hydrologic cycle can be categorized and examined to assist the comprehension of the key processes in hydrology. According to Waite (2010) the determination of the quantity of water that makes way through these identified paths is dependent upon the conditions of the area under assessment and the seasonal variations. O’Callaghan (1996) defines the phenomenon in a series of stages and states that the initial path of water that is associated with the hydrologic cycle occurs upon the entrance of water into a river b asin as a consequence of precipitation which could take the form of rain, hail or snow (1) once, the water transitions from this path the point of interception is determined through the surface of land which could be vegetation or the soil surface (2) this phase of the hydrological cycle is followed by the movement of the water towards the plants or within the soil in addition to the possibility of evaporation which is succeeded by recondensation and precipitation (3). O’Callaghan (2006) comments that in a scenario where the movement of the water is directed towards the soil surface, the water essentially penetrates through the pores of the soil and once the infiltration capacity reaches its maximum, the remaining water covers its path by taking the form of small channels, accordingly, another scenario reflects the possibility of water amassing within the soil system (4) additionally, in case of the saturation of soil horizons water movement occurs as interflow and ultimately goes into rivers and streams. The aforementioned analysis primarily highlights the inflow of water through the hydrologic cycle however, it is important to understand the significance of key pathways which allow water outflow. These pathways include; the process of evaporation, the river network and the groundwater pathways (O’Callaghan, 1996). Any change in the 3 states of water is marked by distinct processes during which energy is either lost or gained. When ice acquires sufficient heat, the solid matter transforms into liquid through the release of heat energy. During this process, the bonds of heated atoms and molecules are broken. The phase change which transforms solid matter into liquid is called melting in which thermal energy is gained. Consequentially, the phase change of freezing is characterized by a loss of energy while, the process of vaporization is marked by the absorption of heat or gain in energy from the surrounding to allow the bonds between molecules an d atoms to break. The water zones within the subsurface in humid regions are categorized on the basis of their depth and contents of water and the lowest constituent of these three stratums is known as the zone of saturation (Petersen, Sack and
Friday, August 23, 2019
In this assignment you will create your own original argument about Essay
In this assignment you will create your own original argument about how your chosen text portrays the relationship between the u - Essay Example In the novel, crime takes place on the dark side of the city where the environment was conducive to crime. In fact, it is ironical that the detective Sherlock Holmes lives in the comfortable area of the city in Baker Street while he solves crimes that occur on the other side of the city. The detective in the story offers an intricate link between the two faces of the city of London. Although the author of A Study in Scarlet grew up in Edinburgh, he chose the city of London as the main setting for his story. London provided a setting in which the differences in men and society would be evident in the Victorian society. The city of London offered multiple layers of being that represented several classes in the society. Essentially, the city was a backdrop of the differences in the society and the occurrences that took place. For instance, there were the dark isolated alleys, the lack of gas lights and the topographical setting that provided the perfect environment for crime. These circ umstances enormously increased the crime rates and thus a perfect setting for crime solving by the detective Sherlock Holmes in A Study in Scarlet (Doyle 25). However, the other side of London, Baker Street, was an uptown suburb which was safe and well developed. It is evident that the city of London provided two seemingly different environments which espoused the conflict between the dark side of the city and the civilized world haven of Baker Street. Sherlock Holmes in A Study in Scarlet creates the link between the two sides. One of the evident connections between the urban environment and the characters in A Study in Scarlet is the portrayal of the detective Sherlock Holmes. The detective considers himself to be special and unique. He tells Watson that â€Å"Well, I have a trade of my own. I suppose I am the only one in the world. I’m a consulting detective†(23). This implies that Sherlock Holmes thinks very highly of himself. The detective sets himself apart from the society by living in high-end Baker Street. It is also symbolic that he lives in an apartment that was above the city from where he could easily observe all the happenings in the streets below. This further segregated him from the common masses in London and cemented his position as an outsider of the London society. Holmes is also individualistic and prefers to stay alone most of the time. Thus, the setting of his apartment in Baker Street offered him a serene environment where he could comfortably enjoy solitude. Watson notes that sometimes Sherlock Holmes could stay weeks on end in his apartment in Baker Street. He notes that Sherlock Holmes could â€Å"lie upon the sofa in the sitting-room, hardly uttering a word or moving a muscle from morning to night†(19). It is evident that the character used the serene urban environment offered by Baker Street to spend his time. Besides, the setting of Sherlock Holmes apartment was critical for his success as a detective. In fa ct, he may not have able to concentrate and lead his preferred chosen lifestyle had he been staying in the dark alleys of the other side of the city. The other reason why the city of London was an enabler of crime is its topographical setting. The urban setting of A Study in Scarlet offers the perfect environment for the emergence of the theme of crime. Due to the rapid expansion of the houses, the city became a labyrinth since there was no element of planning. People were affected by the dark alleys and passages that donned
Enhancing Transit Passengers Experience at Hamad International Airport Research Paper
Enhancing Transit Passengers Experience at Hamad International Airport - Research Paper Example Rowley and Slack (1999) note that air travelers in transit are more likely to experience a sense of placelessness and timelessness, particularly because they travel across different time zones and between distant locations. Investigating the departure lounge of airports from the perspective of places where placelessness and timelessness could be exhibited, the researchers find that there is some level of sameness between passengers on transit, although their experience is influenced to some extent by cultural and national dimensions. As a result, the passengers’ sense of time and place may be softened but it is still present. De Barros et al (2007) also note that transit passengers in airports have different preferences and needs to destination and origin passengers, especially because they do not make use of access roads around the airport, while they are less likely to use some facilities in the airport depending on how the airport is configured, the type of transits, and se rvice quality of airlines. Investigating the views of transit passengers on service quality at terminal buildings, the researchers find that flight information display quality and security check staff courtesy are among the most important services for airport transit passengers. Fodness and Murray (2007), on the other hand, set out to investigate the expectations of passengers in the airport service industry with regards to service quality, exploring the perspective of airport passengers in relation to airport experience. In their findings, the researchers note that that the passengers’ expectations of service quality at airports are a hierarchical and multi-dimensional construct that involves three main dimensions of diversion, interaction, and function. By going beyond traditional measures of service performance in airports and using newer aspects of airport service quality like activity, it is possible to improve passenger experience and fulfill their expectations.Â
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Deregulation and Shipping Industries Essay Example for Free
Deregulation and Shipping Industries Essay Regulation in economy is a process characterized by control, monitoring and managing of rules, processes, operations and methods in order to obtain and yield more positive results and attain an environment that is more convenient to consumers and businessmen (Boyson). Deregulation, which is the opposite of regulation, when used in different aspects and sectors of business have affected directly and indirectly the various business industries and companies. For instance, transportation deregulation has greatly impacted the shipping industry here and around the world. Changes are brought depending on how shippers used the systems of transportation. Globalization is a phenomenon the no one can deny is happening now. Industries and businesses are experiencing wide range of growth as they reach out different regions around the globe, and just like other businesses shipping and carrying industries have their eyes keen towards globalization. Thus a company, for instance, does not solely need to attend to its New York-Chicago transportation affairs, they now must also consider the inbound flow and tracking of ships from Asia and the outbound flow from other continents such as South America and Africa (Boyson). For this reason, there now exists a growing complexity in the networks and channels of transportation systems. Furthermore a challenge to effectively manage and control the local goods combined with the imported products are also observed. The challenged that arises from the complexities of network transportation has then prompted authorities to regulate systems of transportations. The increasing number for international needs of inbound and outbound flow of logistics and shipments had yield to large number of trucks and carriers. Authorities then deemed that a regulation that would minimize the increasing number of truckers and carriers that would enter and leave the US harbor is necessary and significant. Shipment and freight industries have seen enormous change and face lifts through the years. From the late 1970’s advocates of deregulation have called for the removing of federal economic regulation (Brenner). According to them by exposing freight and shipping industries to exit and entry regulation, industries failed to perform to their utmost potential. They are not able to maximize their resources as rate on inbound and outbound flow of shipments are controlled. They call for a deregulation as they believed that industries can perform better with out these laws that hold and breathe down their neck. By lifting various regulations, competition industries can exists that eventually would leave to better service as they searched for different strategies and mediums that would satisfy their customers and followers. Attesting this claim was the significant growth experienced business growth in terms of volume by the shipment and trucking companies under the deregulated market, from 1982 up to 1997 (Brenner). With deregulation, rates in which the companies provide their services are also lowered. This event happens as more ships are made available to travel and with ease of entry restrictions. Companies do not have to require large fees as the risks of inability to dock or set sail is stricken off. Circuitous routes made the shipping vessels are also eliminated which provides ease and convenience to the industries. Furthermore, deregulation encourages freedom in pricing. As a result, lower rates are observed. Deregulation laws in transportation have impacted the shipping industries greatly. From the structure and functions in how companies delivered their services up to the vision they gladly want to fulfill. However, of all those encouraging results obtained from deregulation none could be more important to its affect to the flow of goods here and abroad. With the deregulation, sufficient supply of goods is stimulated locally and internationally which has major effect in international commerce. Work’s Cited Boyson, S. Managing Effective Third Party Logistics Relationships: What Does It Take? Journal of Business Logistics . 1999. Brenner, M. A. World Seatrade Service. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Companies. 1999.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Developing a plan for tourism in Jamaica
Developing a plan for tourism in Jamaica SUSTAINABLE TOURISM TABLE OF CONTENT TOPIC PAGE(S) Project background Objectives Literature review Methodology Understanding the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism industry Benefits of planning of tourism development to stakeholders Advantages and disadvantages of public private sector tourism planning partnership Understand the different approaches to tourism planning and development Features of tourism development planning at different levels Significance of interactive planning systems and processes in tourism development Different methods to measures tourist impacts Understanding the need for planning for sustainable tourism Introduction concept of sustainability in tourism development Factors that may prevent/hinder sustainable tourism Different stages in planning for sustainability Understand current issues related to tourism development planning Methods of resolving a conflict of interest to ensure the future well being of a developing tourism destination Implication of balancing supply and demand Moral and ethical issues of enclave tourism Understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in developing countries and emerging destinations Comparison of current issues associated with tourism and development in a developing country and an emerging destination where the impacts of tourism are different Recommendation Conclusion References Appendices PROJECT BACKGROUND Tourism has been a major contribution to the Jamaican economy; however tourism in Jamaica needs sustainable development. The aim of this project is to give an understanding of sustainable tourism from a Jamaican framework. Sustainable tourism is tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the environment and host communities defined by (WTO 2014). In this project a scenario was given where the ministry of tourism contracts a consultant to develop and plan tourism due to the fact that Jamaica is heading to become unsustainable. In this project you will have analysis, recommendation and solution to the tourism industry in Jamaica. The importance of this project is to give an understanding of the planning in the travel and tourism development and how it can benefit stakeholders. It is important for stakeholders to understand the tourism planning and development at different levels along with their significance. Since it is said that the Jamaican tourism is heading in an unsustainable direction, therefore it is of great interest to know what it is of great interest to know how to become sustainable different stages and how we can prevent it. Information is shown of how important public private sectors are in the tourism industry and their disadvantages. The public private sector must understand the socio-cultural, environmental and economic impacts of tourism in Jamaica. All of these impacts are what causes the Jamaican tourism industry to be heading in an unsustainable direction so the private and public sector can partner to help mitigate these issues. OBJECTIVES There are five objectives of this project as followed: To assess the importance of planning and development in the tourism industry Identify the benefits of planning and development to each stakeholder in the tourism industry To determine the sustainability of the Jamaica tourism and how it can be maintained To identify the impacts of tourism in Jamaica. LITERTURE REVIEW (WTO 2014) defined sustainable tourism as tourism that takes full account of its current and further economic, social and environmental impacts and addressing the needs to visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. The Jamaican tourism is having failures and heading to an unsustainable market however it has some great attraction (sun, sand beach). (JTB 2014) analyzes the element of tourism products which includes accommodation, transportation, attractions and tours, dining and entertainment (inclusive of festivals events) and the support service. According to (Edward 2009) tourism does not benefit the people of Jamaica because 80% of traveler’s expenses go to airlines, hotels and other international companies and not local businesses or workers. (Edward 2009) also gave market failures of the tourism in Jamaica such as low skilled employment are provided, unplanned settlements and squatters communities that are established close to resort areas that causes solid waste, inadequate sewage treatment, and tourism entities that are currently gaining all of the rent are also not accounting for the negative and external effect of their activities. (Ringo Martin 2013) analyze the benefits of tourism such as the gaining of foreign exchange, providing jobs (directly and indirectly), developing income and developing infrastructure. There are five reasons why the Jamaica’s tourism is stated as unsustainable. (TPDCO 2014) summarize the five reasons such as growth rate, competitive advantage of the industry, the wider product outside the hotels is poor, the degrading of the national environment and the view of Jamaican is that the industry is not beneficial. However (JTB 2014) recommended ways to shift from unsustainable to sustainability through five objectives such as enhancing the visitors experience, growth based on sustainable market position, community based development, inclusive and industry and environmental sustainability. METHODOLOGY UNDERSTANDING THE RATIONALE FOR PLANNING IN THETRAVEL AND TOURISM INDUSTRY BENEFITS OF PLANNING OF THE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT TO STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders are the person or group who has interest in an organization. Planning of the tourism development is putting things together actions such as infrastructure, co-operate plans etc. stakeholders involve in the planning of tourism in Jamaica are JTB, TPDCo, Ministry of Tourism, Jampro, JHTA etc. Other stakeholders who benefit from the planning of tourism developments are the communities, visitors and non-government organizations. Ringo Martin (2014) wrote an article about how important is tourism to Jamaica, which gave ways that tourism, benefits the stakeholders of Jamaica. The planning of tourism development is beneficial to the government and its agencies because for the past years tourism has generated the highest level of foreign exchange (approximately US$2b). Foreign exchange benefits the government, their agencies and locals indirectly. However, it is said that the government gain direct benefit from the increase of income whereas tax revenues will increase. The article also states the benefits to local Jamaicans through employments. The planning of tourism development provides jobs for communities and other local Jamaicans such as vendors etc. Statistics shows that employment through tourism provides approximately 200,000 persons directly and indirectly. Jobs that are provided directly are hotels, crafting, transportation, attractions and indirect are trading, bank etc. Infrastructure can be beneficial to not only hotels and resort but also the public facilities. Infrastructure has to be improved to accommodate tourist that are at the airport to hotels. For example the Norman Manley Airport road has just been improved. Locals also benefit indirectly from the increasing of foreign exchange. The planning of the tourism development is also beneficial to tourist/visitors. If tourism is developed then it would attract more visitors to the island. This will improve the visitor experience and will come again to endorse in our culture and, our sun, sand and beach. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF PUBLIC PRIVATE SECTOR TOURISM PLANNING PARTNERSHIP According to DBJ (2012) public private partnership is a long term procurement contract between the public and private sectors, in which the proficiency of each party is focused in the designing, financing, building and operating an infrastructure project or providing a service, through the appropriate sharing of resources risk and rewards. There are recently public private partnership for tourism planning between JTB and JHTA. Public private partnership can bring advantage to tourism or disadvantage. However, the partnership between JTB and JHTA has brought advantage to the planning of tourism in Jamaica which is to gain competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is the main advantage of public private partnership in tourism planning. The public sector will transfer their knowledge while the private do the same to create ideas and increase innovation for the destination of Jamaica. JTB and JHTA have created a ‘give away’ of free rooms which would enable a little competitive edge to attract visitors. The partnership project creates not only a competitive edge but also innovations and new ideas. Another advantage of the PPP is the risk sharing. When problem arise the party who can best manage this problem, the risk would transfer to that party. Another example of PPP was with Lover’s Leap and Minist ry of Tourism which would enable to provide jobs to the community members and involve them in participating in tourism. Private sector provides finance and service, where the public sector depends solely on them. For example NTO and JHTA. The private partner manages complex financial and technical task while the public sector deals with law and policies. Therefore the combination of the two brings higher value and minimizes cost. PPP share technology that will enable projects to finish faster and reduce delays. On the other hand there are disadvantage that affect both private and public sector and both. Although risks are shared, most of the risk sometimes goes to the private partner and overall the government will be responsible in the final aspect. So we can say that although risks are shared most risk is on the government. The projects of public private partnership may take years to finish and this can be an disadvantage for the planning of tourism development. Political problems may arise for example if the government changes and they no longer want to be involved in that partnership then this cause a problem for the private sector. 1 | Page
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Changing Output Voltage of DC †DC Converters
Changing Output Voltage of DC – DC Converters Ben Harper The Purpose of this investigation is to look at the effects of changing various components in a 3 volt to 9 volt DC – DC converter will have on the output voltage. The results collected will be compared to theoretical values in order to find out whether or not they match and if not why. Background DC – DC converters are very important components in many different circuits, they are used in laptops, cars, and cell phones, mainly devices that receive their power from batteries. There are often sub circuits within complex circuits and these sub circuits often require a specific voltage that is different from the voltage that is flowing through the circuit, this is where the DC – DC converter comes in, it is used to either step up or step down the voltage so that the sub circuit can function properly. One other use is to step up the voltage of a battery that is low on power, when batteries become low on power their output voltage can decrease making the circuit unable to function but with a step up DC – DC converter the lowered voltage can be stepped up and increased enough to allow the circuit to continue functioning for longer. This method is much more efficient than using multiple batteries. Ultimately DC – DC converters play various roles in circuit s but they are essential and effective. Research Resistors Resistors are small devices usually made of ceramic that control the amount of current flowing through a circuit. The resistance of resistors are measured in ohms (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¦) When the resistance of a resistor is high the current is low and when the resistance is low the current is high. Voltage, current and resistance is all connected to one another through Ohm’s law. Ohms law can be stated in words as the current in a resistive circuit is directly proportional to its applied voltage and inversely proportional to its resistance (, 2014). In the form of an equation it can be defined as: Resistors can be found in almost any circuit and play a very important role. Certain components within circuits cannot handle high levels of voltage and will overload and become unusable if too much voltage flows through them, properly placed resistors can stop this from happening. There are many other types of resistors such as variable resistors and foil resistors and potentiometers Capacitors Capacitors are very common components that can be found within most circuits and have multiple uses. These components have the ability to store an electrical charge and then discharge at certain intervals of time. They are used for multiple reasons, one of which is their ability to smooth a current. Having a smooth current can prevent false triggering of sensitive components such as relays. Capacitors are measured in capacitance and this is found using the formula: A capacitor contains only two conductors that are separated by a single insulating material called a dielectric. The dielectric can be one of many different things, plastic, paper, ceramic or air. The two plates can be made of aluminium or a thin film of metal. Electrolytic capacitors have positive and negative leads, this means that they are polarized, the capacitor must be placed the right way around or else the oxide insulator on one of the foils will erode and cause the component to become conductive causing it to conduct large amounts of current which results in the electrolytic fluid boiling, building up pressure and ultimately popping. Non-electrolytic capacitors tend to have a significantly lower capacitance and are normally used to smooth the current in a circuit. Electromagnetic induction coils Electromagnetic induction a process that takes place when a conductor is present in a varying magnetic field or when a conductor is moves through a non-changing magnetic field. These actions cause voltage to be produced across the conductor. This whole process induces an electrical current. The discovery of electromagnetic induction was made by Michael Faraday in 1981 and he is known for the equation named Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. The equation is as follows: Flux is a measurement of how much of a vector field passes perpendicularly through a given area (, 2014). A vector field is a vector quantity that can have different values, an example of a vector field is the water molecules in a river, in this example the vector quantity changes depending on its location. The vector field that present in electromagnetic induction is dependent on multiple things such as location and number of coils. In Faradays law of electromagnetic induction, flux which is represented by the Phi symbol is found using: The voltage (E.M.F.) created in a coil by a changing magnetic field is proportional to rate in which the magnetic flux changed and the number of winding in the coil (Basic Electronics Tutorials, 2014). TL499A IC The TL499A is an integrated circuit (IC) that was created for the purpose of providing adjustable regulated supply voltages, by adding a battery between 1.1 volts and 10 volts, an inductor, a filter capacitor and two resistors the IC can function as a step-up switching regulator. In this specific chip output voltages can vary between 2.9 volts and 30 volts, but this depends on multiple factors such as input voltage, current and resistance. This IC was designed to be a back-up step up switching regulator in the instance of an ac-line failure. The top view of the IC can be seen below in Figure 1. Inside of the IC there is a complex circuit that consists of multiple diodes, transistors, resistors and capacitors. Refer to Figure 2 below for a detailed circuit diagram Transistors Transistors are a form of switch, nearly all circuits will have at least one transistor. There are two main types of transistors, the most common is NPN but there is also PNP. When p-type and n-type materials are placed in contact with each other, the junction behaves very differently than either type of material alone. Specifically, current will flow readily in one direction (forward biased) but not in the other (reverse biased), creating the basic diode. This non-reversing behaviour arises from the nature of the charge transport process in the two types of materials. ((, 2014)). There are all different kinds of transistors that come in different shapes and sizes but they always have three legs. There is the base, the collector and the emitter. The base is responsible for the activation of the transistor, the collector is the positive leg and the emitter is the negative leg. Diodes Diodes are very common components that can be found in many circuits, the function of a diode is to cause electricity to flow in one direction. A diode is an electrical device allowing current to move through it in one direction with far greater ease than in the other. The most common kind of diode in modern circuit design is the semiconductor diode, although other diode technologies exist. (, 2014). There are few diodes placed within the DC – DC converter assembled for this investigation but there are multiple diodes found within the TL499A IC. Hypothesis By changing resistors R1 and R2 within the Jaycar DC – DC converter kit the output voltage will vary. An increase in the resistance between these two resistors in parallel will result in an increase in output voltage. Aim The aim of this experiment is to determine whether or not decreasing the voltage of two parallel resistors will increase the output voltage of the entire circuit. By decreasing the resistance the current will increase and therefore allow a higher output voltage from the IC. â€Å"output voltage can be varied from 2.9 V to 30 V by adjusting the input of current which can be changed using the two external resistors†(, 1984). Experimental procedure Method In order to determine the effects that the external resistors, R1 and R2 have on the circuit, they must be replaced with resistors of varying values. Once the resistors have been replaced the circuit must be connected to a power pack and the output voltage must be recorded. This process must be repeated with different resistors until there is a satisfactory amount of data collected. Materials Soldering iron Heat proof mats Resistors Solder Sponge Results Results: Practical The second change made was to R2, it was determined after changing the resistor R1 that the current flowing through the circuit was the variable that directly affected the output voltage of the entire circuit. The lower the output current the higher the output voltage was. Input Voltage Resistance of R1 Resistance of R2 Output Voltage 3 22000 Ohms 27000 Ohms 4.26 Volts 3 15000 Ohms 180000 Ohms 4.94 Volts 3 33000 Ohms 39000 Ohms 5.83 Volts 3 27000 Ohms 180000 Ohms 7.38 Volts 3 33000 Ohms 220000 Ohms 8.95 Volts 3 47000 Ohms 270000 Ohms 11.92 Volts 3 56000 Ohms 560000 Ohms 14.81 Volts Results: Theoretical Input Voltage Resistance of R1 Resistance of R2 R1, R2 Parallel Output Voltage 3 22000 Ohms 27000 Ohms 12122.45 4.51 3 15000 Ohms 180000 Ohms 13846.15 4.97 3 33000 Ohms 39000 Ohms 17875 6.05 3 27000 Ohms 180000 Ohms 23478.26 7.55 3 33000 Ohms 220000 Ohms 28695.65 8.95 3 47000 Ohms 270000 Ohms 38726.59 11.99 3 56000 Ohms 560000 Ohms 50909.09 14.91 The graph above represents the change in resistance as the output voltage increase. Sources of Error There are many different possible sources of error within the procedure that is undertaken during this experiment. The power packs at Albany Creek State High school do not all give out the correct amount of voltage; most multimeters are faulty and can give false readings, and with the resistors being constantly soldered and unsoldered in order to replace them there may be a drop in accuracy due to the board melting a small amount or a soldering joint not being done properly. Any other sources of error would be related to physical factors such as temperature and would have minimal and negligible effect on the final results. Discussion In any situation where more voltage than what is available is needed when DC current is being used, a step up converter is the solution. The circuit that was put together for this experiment can deliver between 4.5 and 20 volts output depending on the input voltage and the configuration of the resistors. Figure 1 contains a diagram of the TL499A power supply IC. Within the IC there is a series and a switching regulator. The switching regulator is responsible for the operation of the step up pulse width modulated DC – DC converter. A single variable frequency oscillator operates a transistor that is a switch between one side of a boost inductor and ground. In Appendix A it can be seen that the end of the inductor is connected to the positive battery output while the other is connected to pin six of the IC, pin six is the collector of the switching transistor. When the transistor turns on current flowing through L1 rapidly increased while it holds energy within the magnetic fiel d of the inductor. The inductor works by producing voltage when a conductor is moving through a magnetic field and when this field collapses it causes all of the electricity that was being stored in the magnetic field to discharge. When the transistor is powered down it turns off and the magnetic field breaks down producing an immediate increase in voltage. This allows the blocking diode to conduct, therefore transporting the voltage from the inductor to the capacitor that serves as an output filter before it carries on to pin 8 of the TL499a. The second transistor creates a section â€Å"of a cycle by cycle current limiting circuit†(, 2014). This current turns off the switching transistor when the current through it reaches a predetermined level (, 2014). The circuit uses a fixed time arrangement to preserve a controlled output voltage in changing load environments, the changing frequency can be as small as a couple kHz but with the highest load and lowest possi ble input voltage, it rises to over 20 kHz. DC voltage applied to pin 1 flows into the output at pin 8 through the transistor. â€Å"The base of Q3 is driven by an error amplifier, which compares a 1.26 volt reference voltage on its non-inverting input with the voltage at pin 2†. (, 1984) The output voltage is determined by the equation: By choosing appropriate values for R1 and R2, the output voltage of the entire circuit can be set for any voltage between 4.5 volts and 20. From the data collected it is clear that they the resistance does increase with resistance of R1 and R2. The data does not completely match the theoretical values and the difference between them varies significantly, this is most likely due to the fact that different power packs were used for some of the of the measurements, it could also be an effect of repeatedly soldering and unsoldering the join where the resisters were placed. The clear increase in voltage with the increase in resistance makes it obvious that the results are supportive of the hypothesis and create a clear pattern that shows the increase of voltage that is relative to the resistance. The results do not go past an output voltage of fifteen therefore the limits have not been tested, it has been stated â€Å"the TL499A has a minimum output of 2.9 and a maximum output of 30 volt s†(, 1984). One possible way of improving the results and increasing the accuracy would be to find an accurate power pack to use on the circuit, another viable option would be to use the same power pack and multimeter for every measurement that is made therefore the results would not be accurate but they would be precise. In order to get accurate results the power pack and multi meter must be tested and it must be made sure that the power pack has the correct output voltage and the multimeter reads the voltage output correctly. Another investigation that this experiment could lead to could be the effect of varying the input voltage to an induction coil. Conclusion In conclusion the results collected from the DC – DC converter ultimately support the hypothesis presented earlier in the report that by changing resistors R1 and R2 within the Jaycar DC – DC converter kit the output voltage will vary. An increase in the resistance between these two resistors in parallel will result in an increase in output voltage. The results corroborate with multiple other theories and laws. This DC – DC converter can be altered by simply changing the resistance of resistors R1 and R2 and this is supported by a suitable amount of both primary and secondary data. Bibliography, (2014). Introduction : Diodes And Rectifiers. [online] Available at: Basic Electronics Tutorials. 2014. Electromagnetic Induction and Faradays Law. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2014]. CDS linear, (2014). Linear technology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jun. 2014]., (1984). TL499A Datasheet | [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jun. 2014]. 2014. Ohms law. [online] Available at: Smith/page4.htm [Accessed: 26 May 2014]. 2014. Magnetic Flux. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2014]. Jones, A. (2014). How Electromagnetic Induction Creates Current. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jun. 2014]., (2014). Electromagnetic Induction. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jun. 2014]., (n.d.). EET 155 Unit 2: Capacitors and Inductors in DC Circuits. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Jun. 2014]., (2014). TL499A | Step-Up (Boost) Converter | Converter (Integrated Switch) | Description parametrics. [online] Available at:
Monday, August 19, 2019
Nadine Gordimers A Soldier’s Embrace Essay -- essays research papers
A lion, apartheid, South Africa and racism. What do these things have in common? They all play a part in Nadine Gordimer’s collection of short stories called A Soldier’s Embrace published in 1980. This book is based around the lifestyle of South Africa, and the law separating the different cultures at that time (South Africa no longer has these laws of apartheid as of 1991).      In the recent news, there was a story about South Africa and its quarrels. What happened was there was a black man who tried to enter South Africa illegally, and he was caught. As a punishment, the white South African police let their dogs attack the black man and rip him apart. Just because the racist laws of South Africa have been rewritten less than a decade ago, does not mean that the people of different races have forgotten about that ordeal. It is these problems that Nadine Gordimer writes about.      She is a South African novelist and short story writer, who wrote about many of the issues there, such as the clash of races. In her short stories, she explores human behavior and unjust authority which was forced not only upon the native Africans, but also upon the people from the Middle East and the Chinese. She is a founding member of the Congress of South African Writers and won the Nobel prize for literature in 1991 (notice that is the same year the racist laws of South Africa were changed). She writes devotedly about South Africa and even ...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Women Must Unite to End War :: Feminism Feminist Women Criticism
War, war machines, jihad. These words have entered the vocabulary of everyday practice during the past twenty years. They mark a new stage in the discourse of Empire, what Hardt and Negri call a global project of network power, that knits the world together in a dynamic fabric of exchange, flows but also of conflict. 9-11 was a catastrophic example of the ways in which the threads in this fabric tighten and break. American citizens felt for the first time how the apparently innocent business of moneymaking in New York City and of policymaking in Washington DC are seen as criminal elsewhere. The daily deals struck in the financial and military-political capitals of the U.S. have direct and mostly negative consequences for most of the rest of the world. These consequences are invisible to the average American citizen, they are searingly obvious elsewhere. 9-11 has a long history going back through the Gulf War to the establishment of Israel in 1948. It is a history that spans the length of the Cold War and is witness to the growing suspicion and fear of U.S. policies in the region. Indeed, the last great battle of the Cold War took place in a dry dusty landlocked backwater called Afghanistan. Having been chosen for this showdown between the two superpowers placed Afghanistan squarely on the stage of world history. It is hard to know who got there first, to find the origins of the last great battle of the cold war. One version, which I find compelling, has it that when, on December 24, 1979, the Soviets invaded and took over rule of the country with the help of Afghan tribesmen in the north, they were not venturing into virgin territory. Six months earlier, President Carter had signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. Zbigniew Brzezinski claims in a Jan. 15-21, 1998 interview for the French "Le Nouvel Observateur" that the U.S. government "didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we knowingly increased the probability that they would." The CIA recruited Afghan tribesmen separated from their birthplaces by war and displaced into dehumanizing refugee camps where religious education provided their only anchor. The U.S. government armed these men with guns and capitalist ideology and they won. The U.S. declared the Soviets defeated, the cold war over, and their warriors were left to fend for themselves.
The Bretton Woods System Essay -- Economics
The theme of this essay outlines two things. One, the key elements of Bretton woods system and second, the characterisation of Bretton woods system by Ruggie as ‘embedded liberalism’, and how far he succeeds in it. The Bretton woods system is widely referred to the international monetary regime, which prevailed from the end of the World War 2 until the early 1970s. After the end of the World War 2, the need of international monetary framework to boost trade and economic; growth and stability, was important. Taking its name from the site of the 1944 conference, attended by all forty-four allied nations; the Bretton Woods system consisted of four key elements. First, to make a system in which each member nation has to fix or peg his currency exchange rate against the gold or U.S. dollar, as the key currency. Secondly, the free exchange of currencies between countries at the established and fixed exchange rate; plus or minus a one-percent margin. Thirdly, to create an institutional forum, so-called International Monetary Fund (IMF), for the international co-operation on money matters: to set up, stabilize, and watch over exchange rates. Fourth, to remove all the existing exchange controls limiting (protectionism) policies by the members, on the use of its currency for international trade. In practice the first scheme, as well as its later development and final demise, were directly dependent on the preferences and policies of its most powerful member, the United States. According to John Gerard Ruggie, 1982, this Bretton woods system of monetary co-operation represented the type of liberalism which characterise â€Å"domestic social economic stability along with a liberal trading order.†He referred this system as ‘embed... ...aracterised Bretton woods system as ‘embedded liberalism’ to show how market forces were surrounded by social and political constraints. Embedded liberalism thus signifies a compromise between the excessive free international market economics and the excessive domestic protectionist policies. Ruggie embedded liberalism represented an enclosed international liberal trade within the post-war consensus of fixed exchange rates and capital controls. The fixed exchange rate helped to promote stable liberal trade by removing any future uncertainty in exchange rate movements. Whereas for domestic social and economic stability, national government would use capital controls. All these practices were the key elements of Bretton woods system and also constitute the institution of embedded liberalism. Hence, Bretton woods system can be characterised as ‘embedded liberalism’.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Fluke, or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings Chapter 10~11
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Friday, August 16, 2019
Clarke Case Study
CSR 3/13/13 Going Green The company Clarke is a family company that has grown, since 1946, and is now the largest Mosquito Abatement firm out of all the districts in the US. They have been involved in the industry since 1927 when John Clark Sr. wrote the legislation that established the Mosquito Abatement District in the state of Illinois. The main goal was to produce a full, high-quality selection of products for the Mosquito Abatement Districts, taxpayer-funded municipal regions; individual administered, and state government entities.Starting out with their mission to provide pesticide applications, they have grown to turnkey mosquito management systems, which include necessary personnel, chemical, and public education equipment. This case involves the company Clarke and their efforts to go green, and focus on environmental CSR, which seems to be what most companies are trying to do now-a-days. Consumers see going green as a company who is producing goods that are not harmful to th e environment. It projects an overall better image for the company, which in return pleases environmentalists and helps to generate a better customer database a larger profit.It also gives companies a way to be innovative with their products and differentiate themselves from all of their competitors in the market, and promotes a global initiative to provide a better overall living environment for the consumers. Their overall goal was to be able to shift their industry and bring in a new business model that would be able to change the industry in a positive way and give them an upper hand on their competition. They followed four core values, which are: 1. Extend the Reach: Responding to the growing interest in environmentalism. . Innovate: Helping their company grow with new products. 3. Sustainability 4. One Clark: Creating a culture of shared aspirations. Over the course of time, Clarke’s new developed product called â€Å"Natular†, was redeveloped and made environmen t friendly for multiple aquatic habitats such as lakes, ponds, retention ponds, and potable water containers. The main issue that the company faces is that they are having difficulty adding this product because it would potentially alter the overall consumers that they have.And with the company trying to go green, this product does not really promote the â€Å"going green’ initiative, mainly because the fact of the matter is that this product is still a pesticide. It seems a bit contradicting to go green when you are producing pesticide products. Question: How does a company become a pesticide leader, demonstrating environmental responsibility in everything it does, in a way that is both profitable and credible to its customers, employees and other stakeholders?The question stated above is what the main issue that was discussed in their recent meeting, and how they could go about solving this issue without sabotaging their business as a whole and losing their current custome rs. I believe that the bottom line is that they can go green but by what methods can you use to begin the process being that they are the industry that they are. The type of industry that they are in are already making products that have been know to harm the environment, not by choice to harm the environment, but that’s typically what they do when consumers use them for the things that they are used for.In this case killing mosquitos. Which also in the long run can be very costly for the companies because there are specific regulations that they are to follow that are enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency, and they can also shut down any operations that Clarke has going on if the suspect that they are in fact not following the regulations that they are to abide by, and that could make it more difficult to create new products that could help them promote going green.With their four goals that I mentioned earlier, they should really have no problem with trying to imp lement new CSR strategies that would eventually make them more environment friendly. They just have to be sure that they abide by regulations and continue working to develop their products to be more environment friendly until they achieve their overall goal.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Hunting skills Essay
Without hunting we would all be dead. Our ancestors needed to hunt for food and clothing. Hunting is very important to our human history. Today hunting is not as significant to some people, the populaces who hunt these days hunt for food or they hunt for a hobby. To hunt successfully, you need patience, the equipment and skill. Patience is one of the key ingredients to a good hunt. One of the hardest things to do for me is being patience because half of the time you are sitting (or standing) in one spot looking for the animal and if you see the animal you got to debate whether you want it or to look for a better animal. If it is not in a good position you got to wait for it to move to get a good shot. Having patience is one of the best things to have when hunting. Having the right equipment when hunting is like going to school with a pencil it is common sense. The weapon is the most important so you can get the animal, but you need different weapons for different animals like 22. is good for hunting grouse, not for hunting a moose. Clothing is second; you do not want to go hunting in a T-shirt and jeans there is clothing made just for hunting. The right gear is vital to a successfully hunt. Skill is everything you need to be a great hunter. First a skilled hunter would know how to find the animal, where it lives. Second you need to be a good shot because you do not want to miss the animal then it would get scared and run away. Also you do not want to shot the animal more than once because the meat would get ruined. Skill is all you need to have a good hunt. Hunting is a way of life and a hobby to some. People have been hunting throughout the ages and are still hunting today.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
God Is Black: Examine the Uses of Religious Imagery in the Fire Next Time.
‘God is black’ (The Fire Next Time). Examine the uses of religious imagery in The Fire Next Time. The Fire Next Time includes many religious images concerning race, ethnicity and culture. The first essay, My Dungeon Shook, is a letter from James Baldwin to his nephew, in an attempt to â€Å"strengthen [him] against the loveless world. †The second, Down at the Cross, explores the background experiences that shaped his view of the world, and allowed him to give the advice in the previous essay.Throughout Down at the Cross, Baldwin examines the â€Å"white God†of his Christian youth, and the â€Å"black God†preached by Elijah Mohammed and the Nation of Islam. Although Baldwin acknowledges both groups’ achievements, he is ultimately critical of their ideologies. Baldwin becomes disillusioned with his church; he feels the â€Å"slow crumbling of my faith, the pulverisation of my fortress†after practicing as a preacher for 3 years. Simila rly, he rejects the Nation of Islam’s ideology that God is solely for the black community, and that â€Å"the white man [†¦] is a devil. Baldwin uses religious imagery to advocate a policy of acceptance, of love between black and white. He argues that by making God colour-conscious, and by belonging exclusively to one race, each group is guilty of legitimising and strengthening the racial hatred and discrimination of the time. Baldwin makes it perfectly clear that he values the church. He describes his childhood, in which it saved him from the sordid drugs, prostitution and gambling on the street. He describes his time in the pulpit as â€Å"very exciting,†and confesses that nothing else in his life could â€Å"equal the power and the glory†that he felt while leading a congregation.The language he uses to describe the fervor, the experience, of his sermons is remarkably literary. His personal feelings are clearly being recalled here, as he allows himself to be swept up in the â€Å"fire and excitement that [would] sometimes, without warning, fill a church, causing it [†¦] to ‘rock. ’†This imagery is very visual, as Baldwin allows the reader into his personal view of the church. This strengthens his argument, as it gives it authenticity. However, this does not show the full picture. The Church and the street are linked by Baldwin later in the essay when he asks whether heaven is â€Å"merely another ghetto. This could be seen to be a reference to New York’s status as a ‘safe haven,’ away from the lynching and segregation in the Southern states, however in reality New York was crowded and dangerous. It could also be a reference to how the Church itself is not able to help the black population. It connects the Church and the street, and to some extent brings the dangers of the street into the church itself, something that is expanded upon later when Baldwin complains of the â€Å"ugly an d unctuous flirtatiousness†that he experienced in his Church. This sentence defines the Church, with how it promises much but delivers so little.Baldwin understands what he is arguing against, as he spent 3 years of his childhood totally immersed in its ideologies, and it is only now that he can pick apart its restrictions and failures. `It is these restrictions and failures that cause Baldwin to reject his faith. He comes to realise that â€Å"there was no love in the church. It was a mask for hatred and self-hatred and despair. †He starts to see that instead of practicing a message that God loves everybody, the Christian church protects and loves only those that believe the same thing as them. What he found most disturbing was that this love â€Å"did not apply to white people at all. This split between believers and non-believers did not fit with Baldwin’s theory of acceptance and integration, as he saw is as an example of hypocrisy at the heart of the chur ch. This imagery can be seen to mirror that of segregated America, except it is whites who are marginalised and discriminated against. It perpetuates the notion that black and white are different, and cannot co-operate together. Baldwin fears that it is these teachings – that the black community should not attempt to reconcile with the whites, but should exclude and dislike them – that is the first road block on the journey to racial equality.He believes that â€Å"we cannot be free until they are,†as it is black people who must learn to love those that do not show them love in return, before the white oppressors will come to realise, and therefore be free of, their crimes. Baldwin uses religious imagery to reveal the hypocritical behavior of his fellow preachers. He says that he â€Å"knew where the money for ‘The Lord’s work’ went,†indicating not only that he realised that church money was being stolen and spent by preachers on the mselves, but also the use of inverted commas reveals that Baldwin is rejecting that Church work really helps people at all.It gives it an element of sarcasm, by subverting the framework that he used to preach and turning it into a comment on the failure of the Church’s ability to help, Baldwin shows the depth of his disillusionment. Baldwin’s time in the church also helped him come to realise that racism exists even at the heart of Christianity. He states: â€Å"I realised the Bible had been written by white men. I knew that, according to many Christians, I was a descendant of Ham, who had been cursed, and I was therefore predestined to be a slave. [†¦] My fate had been sealed for ever. †¦] It seemed, when one looked out over Christendom, that this was what Christendom effectively believed. †Baldwin uses Christian imagery in order to highlight its flaws. He reveals an institution that offered nothing more than a vengeful God, who did nothing to help b uild constructive relations between black and white people. The refusal to accept white and black together reveals an institution that is bound by parochialism. As B. Pakrasi has said before, â€Å"Baldwin sees the seeds of hatred and acrimony embedded in the dogma of Christianity perpetuating the belief of a white God. †Another facet of religious imagery that Baldwin critiques is the notion that there is a ‘black God. ’ This is part of the ideology of the Nation of Islam, a group led by Elijah Mohammed, but also closely associated with the radical activist Malcolm X. Baldwin expressly praises the Nation of Islam, as he believes they have succeeded where Christianity failed. Mohammed was able to â€Å"heal and redeem drunkards and junkies, to convert people who have come out of prison and keep them out, to make men chaste and women virtuous,†however Baldwin disagrees with one crucial aspect. The Nation of Islam allows for no integration between black and white.Mohammed sees the white population as â€Å"devils,†and links them to being sinners. Baldwin contends this, as he argues that if one is to adopt the theory that all white people are sinners, they open themselves to the â€Å"gates of paranoia,†as they become incapable of distinguishing between an actual threat and an imagined one. In a society that was so hostile towards blacks, Baldwin admits that this is an extremely hard trap to avoid, but he maintains it is necessary to try, because otherwise they will see all whites as an enemy, and will never integrate and build better relationships.Baldwin makes it clear to Mohammed that he has no intention of overthrowing the white population. He says to the table that given the choice between dying with his white and black friends, and living but at their expense, he would choose death. He thinks to himself â€Å"I love a few people and they love me, and some of them are white, and isn’t love more important tha n colour? †Again, Baldwin is using the religious imagery of the devil, the sinners and above all the black God to highlight the weaknesses and hypocrisies in the Nation of Islam’s ideologies.He is pushing forward his own courses of conduct; love and integration with both white and black. He sees no reason why there should not be a black God, but he believes that when a group attaches Him solely to their race, it becomes something else. It gives that God a new meaning, as it encourages His followers to hate the opposing race. He finds this on both sides, both with Christianity and Islam, and is ultimately unable to accept either doctrine. Baldwin sees a mirror image in the Nation of Islam’s treatment of white people, and their treatment of blacks. Harvey G.Simmons sees this, saying that Baldwin rejected the Nation of Islam because â€Å"its methods are infused with the same fanaticism and hatred that the Negro faces in white society. †James Baldwin uses r eligious imagery in The Fire Next Time in order to critique both the Christian church, and the Nation of Islam. He finds them both lacking, as he comes to the conclusion that neither advocates a policy that allows for an increase in co-operation between black and white people. Instead, they are insular, only caring for themselves and are unwilling to truly share the love of God with everyone, black or white.This is what Baldwin wants. He articulates his message in his letter to his nephew, saying that â€Å"you must accept them and accept them with love. For these innocent people have no other hope. They are, in effect, still trapped in a history which they do not understand; and until they understand it, they cannot be released from it. †He is using these essays to attempt to speak to the American public, to urge them to take a stand and speak out against the discrimination. Throughout My Dungeon Shook James uses the personal form of â€Å"I,†giving his letter perso nal emotional ties.It also makes his message more human, and helps establish empathy before his appeal in Down at the Cross. Down at the Cross uses terms such as ‘we Americans’ repeatedly, which shows that Baldwin is attempting to unite everyone, both black and white. For him, religion is short sighted and controlling, it doesn’t follow through with its promise that God loves everybody, because as Baldwin points out; â€Å"If His love was so great, and if He loved all his children, then were we, the blacks, cast down so far? Word Count – 1811 Baldwin, James, The Fire Next Time(London: Penguin, 1964) Bloom, Harold, James Baldwin (New York: Infobase Publishing, 2007) Hardy, Clarence E. , James Baldwin's God: Sex, Hope, and Crisis in Black Holiness Culture (Tennessee: University of Tennessee Press, (2003) Pakrasi, B. , ‘Review: The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin,’ The Journal of Negro History, 50. 1 (1965) ;http://www. jstor. org/stable/2716413 ? amp;Search=yes;searchText=baldwin;searchText=%22the+fire+next+time%22;list=hide;searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3D%2522the%2Bfire%2Bnext%2Btime%2522%2Bbaldwin%26acc%3Don%26wc%3Don;prevSearch=;item=1;ttl=312;returnArticleService=showFullText; [accessed 20th November 2011] Simmons, Harvey P. , ‘James Baldwin and the Negro Conundrum,’ The Antioch Review, 23, 2 (1963) ;http://www. jstor. org/stable/4610523? seq=3;Search=yes;searchText=baldwin;searchText=%22the+fire+next+time%22;list=hide;searchUri=%2Faction%2FdoBasicSearch%3FQuery%3D%2522the%2Bfire%2Bnex %2Btime%2522%2Bbaldwin%26gw%3Djtx%26acc%3Don%26prq%3D%2522the%2Bfire%2Bnext%2Btime%2522%26Search%3DSearch%26hp%3D25%26wc%3Don;prevSearch=;item=2;ttl=312;returnArticleService=showFullText;resultsServiceName=null; [accessed 20th November 2011] â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. James Baldwin, The Fire Next Time (London: Penguin, 1964) [ 2 ]. Baldwin, p. 15 [ 3 ]. Baldwin, p. 62 [ 4 ]. Baldwin, p. 62 [ 5 ]. Baldwin, p 37 [ 6 ]. Baldwin, p. 60 [ 7 ]. B. Pakrasi, ‘Review: The Fire Next Time by James Baldwin,’ The Journal of Negro History, 50. (1965) p. 61 [ 8 ]. Baldwin, p. 35 [ 9 ]. Baldwin, p. 37 [ 10 ]. Baldwin, p. 36 [ 11 ]. Baldwin [ 12 ]. Baldwin, p. 58 [ 13 ]. Baldwin, p. 40 [ 14 ]. Baldwin, p. 41 [ 15 ]. Baldwin, p. 18 [ 16 ]. Baldwin, p. 39 [ 17 ]. Baldwin, p. 38 [ 18 ]. Pakrasi, p. 60-61 [ 19 ]. Baldwin, p. 64-65 [ 20 ]. Baldwin, p. 60 [ 21 ]. Baldwin, p. 61 [ 22 ]. Baldwin, p. 64 [ 23 ]. Harvey G. Simmons, ‘James Baldwin and the Negro Conundrum,’ The Antioch Review, 23, 2 (1963) p. 252 [ 24 ]. Baldwin, p. 16-17 [ 25 ]. Baldwin
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