Thursday, November 28, 2019
La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes Essay Example
La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes Paper The poet John Keats, inspired by the sentimental nature of his unrequited love for Fanny and the depression he felt due to the death of his mother and his brother, wrote both ballads using the key theme of time, to engage the listener. The use of tenses links succinctly in with Keats use of time. The change of tenses throughout La Belle Dame, whereby the first three verses are set in the present tense, no birds sing, verses four to eleven are set in the past, I met a lady and verse twelve is again set in the present, no birds sing. The effect of this as well as the first and last verse including, Alone and palely loitering, is to create a circular chronological structure. This represents a question asked and answered within the poem and a feeling of entrapment within a cycle of death and love (key themes featuring in Keats poetry, and contextually in his life). Moreover, the lack of future tense suggests to the listener that there is to be no future and hence no hope adding to the melancholy mood produced by Keats. Conversely, Keats uses a linear chronology in the past tense throughout The Eve of St Agnes, How changed, in order to construct an ordered narrative. This separates the feel of both poems, distinguishing one (Eve of St Agnes) as more story-like than the symbolic other (La Belle Dame). This also infers to the listener that Keats use of time was a deliberate endeavour within his poetry and not simply the standard arrangement of poetic literature of the time. We will write a custom essay sample on La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on La Belle Dame sans Merci and The Eve of St Agnes specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The use of seasons and the weather conditions in La Belle Dame create the ambiance and atmosphere of the poem. As the squirrels granary is full dictating that the harvests done and that the agricultural labouring and gathering of the summer growth is complete, this implies the beginning of autumn, leading on to winter, cold hills side, and the cold, desolation of the surroundings that is associated with it. This use of pathetic fallacy warns the listener for what is to come later in the poem, adding to the sense of intrigue and mystery. However, whilst he is with her, summer is inferred via the use of sensual floral references, garland for her head (touch), fragrant zone (smell), suggesting the warmth and intimacy of his feelings for her. This atmospheric separation between the seasons intensifies the loneliness and suffering of the knight after his meeting with her, alone and palely loitering. The Eve of St Agnes also uses a wintry setting, bitter chill, trembling [ frozen grass, frosted breath, yet this is used to conjure the symbolism of God and Madelines familys disapproval of their courtship. This creates the impression of a higher power perhaps scrutinising Porphyro and Madelines doings; Porphyros inner thoughts, fears and paranoia. Similarly, Keats use of the Moon represents the urgency of Porphyros passion, particularly as the moon is commonly associated with its lunar calendar, in which he has to capture Madeline before his opportunity is lost, Ive mickle time to grieve, an expression of his determination. Both poems create a medieval scene, La Belle Dame; knight-at-arms, pale warriors, faerys child, pacing steed, Eve of St Agnes; lofty plume (reference to a knights helmet), witchs sieve, liege-lord, Elves and Fays, wolves and bears, Merlin, Dame, maiden, queens and kings, mermaid, Beadsman, via a plague of fairy tale characters, having the effect of setting up both poems for an atmosphere of a differing time period to that in which Keats wrote the poems. This creates a historical parallel between the world Keats imagined within the medieval Romeo and Juliet-esque time period and his own affairs and thoughts of Fanny. In addition to this, the use of archaic language such as, La Belle Dame; steed, woebegone and Eve of St Agnes; thy, thee, Quoth, help create the practicality and realism within these imaginary characters and historical scenarios. Unlike the more untouched setting of La Belle Dame, the sedge has withered from the lake, Castle imagery is extensively used in The Eve of St Agnes; arched way, dusky gallery, chamber, balustrade, citadel, carved angels, level chambers, portraying the scene within the listeners minds eye. In addition, The Eve of St Agnes is written in Spenserian stanzas, adding to the medieval feel of the poem (Spenser invented the term Spenserian stanza to be used within his epic, medieval poem, The Faerie Queen). The use of an irregular rhyme scheme in The Eve of St Agnes- Iambic pentameter except for last line which is iambic hexameter suggests an ongoing narrative throughout as well as displaying the infrequency of the pagan Eve of St Agnes feast (whereby virgins may see their future husbands). Also, syndetic listing is included within the caesura, and sleep, and dream creating a rhythm comparable to that of a heart beat, in order to show how Porphyros fear creates a slow motion of time and an increased physical and sexual awareness, as he prepares to witness Madeline. La Belle Dame involves a similar rhyme scheme iambic tetrameter except for the last line of each stanza that are of varying length this variation of length represents the abrupt change in the relationship/ knights life, as the listener, lulled into a security within the regularity, is subconsciously disturbed by a change in rhyme in verse nine. Overall, the use of time in both poems aids the in-depth view into Keats life and emotional workings. Ultimately, it is his use of archaisms that create the setting, yet it is his use of tenses, seasons, rhythm and rhyme scheme that imply the subtleties of The Eve of St Agnes and La Belle Dame sans Merci.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Tartuffe Essays - Operas, Tartuffe, Film, Vocal Music, Free Essays
Tartuffe Essays - Operas, Tartuffe, Film, Vocal Music, Free Essays Tartuffe Molieres neoclassic comedy, Tartuffe, is a prime example of his expertise in the comedic technique. The plot is one that keeps the reader or viewer interested and aware. It begins with Madame Pernell visiting her sons house and reprimanding all of them but their boarder, Tartuffe. She believes Tartuffe is a man of astounding character. The members of the house, however, disagree and say that Tartuffe is deceitful and a fraud. After Madam Pernell leaves, Dorine and Cleante, the maid and the brother-in-law of the main character, Orgon, discuss Tartuffe and both agree that he has captivated Orgon. Damis, Orgons son, wonders whether his father will allow Mariane, Orgons daughter, to marry Valere, who she is in love with, because Damis is in love with Valeres sister. Orgon comes and tells Mariane that he wants her to marry Tartuffe instead of Valere because he wants to ally Tartuffe to his house. She is so shocked that she does not say anything. Cleante tries to tell Orgon about Tartuffes misleading personality, but Orgon does not want to hear it. Valere finds out about this proposed marriage, and Dorine promises to help Mariane and Cleante expose Tartuffe for the hypocrite he is. Meanwhile, Damis has a plan to hide in a closet to try to expose Tartuffes hypocrisy. He hears Tartuffe profess love to Elmire, Orgons wife, and suggests that they become lovers. Damis comes from the closet and threatens to tell Orgon what he has said. Damis then tells Orgon, and Orgon is so blind to the truth, that he believes his own son is evil and disinherits him. Later, when Orgon and Tartuffe are alone, Orgon tells Tartuffe of his plans to make him his sole inheritor and his son-in-law. After this, Cleante tries to talk to Orgon about Tartuffe and he confronts Tartuffe in front of Orgon. Tartuffe just dodges the questions, though, and leaves as soon as possible. Elmire then convinces Orgon to hide and find out for himself about Tartuffe, so he does so. Tartuffe comes to see Elmire an d once again professes his love. Orgon hears it all, comes from the closet, and bans Tartuffe from his house. Orgon, however, has already signed over his house to Tartuffe and Tartuffe threatens him with this. Orgon is afraid because he has given Tartuffe some secret papers that could ruin his position in the court. Tartuffe comes back later with officers of the court to try to get Orgons house, but the king has seen through Tartuffe and sides with Orgon. Tartuffe is ordered to be arrested and the story ends. This production seems to be about the blindness of Orgon and how easily a person can deceive another. Tartuffe has fooled nobody but Orgon the man who has the power and wealth in this situation. The characters in this play all play a certain role in the plot. Elmire, Orgons wife, presents a reasonable attitude towards life and the situation. She was the only one able to convince Orgon to see for himself that Tartuffe was a hypocrite. She wants nothing but to save her husband from Tartuffes control. Damis, Orgons son, is the unlucky soul to take the blame for his fathers misjudgment of Tartuffe. In trying to help his father, he loses his trust and his ties to him. He wants to keep Tartuffe away from his family, but the only thing he succeeds in doing is losing his inheritance. Mariane is the lovely daughter, who is going to be forced to marry a man she does not love or even like. She is part of Orgons plan to make Tartuffe a member of the household, whether she likes it or not. She ju st wants to marry the man she loves. Cleante is Orgons brother-in law. He tries to get everyone to view the situation with calm and reason. He wants the best for Orgon and his family. Tartuffe is the imposter who weasels his way into Orgons inheritance and then betrays him. He is only looking for the money and is a very greedy man. Orgon is the central character that comes under the influence of Tartuffe. His only want seems to be to make
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Drug testing on welfare II Speech or Presentation
Drug testing on welfare II - Speech or Presentation Example The article therefore shows Davidson’s stance that he is indeed a supporter of drug testing for welfare. Despite this show of support, this legislation is still very controversial in the United States, and there is a lot of debate surrounding it. It can be said that while the intentions for the passing of this legislation in various states has been well meaning, its positive effects have yet to be seen. According to Ben Neary and Ivan Moreno, drug testing has come to be highly ineffective and unreliable when it comes to welfare. They state that this legislation has come to be seen as a waste of time and money for various reasons. Drug testing for welfare has come to be seen as unreliable because it has been found that people, who receive welfare, are not the biggest drug users in the United States. Most of the states that passed this legislation did so because of the belief that those who received welfare used the money they received to obtain drugs. The legislation w as therefore, introduced to deny them the means of getting drugs, something that was thought to be commendable at the time. However, this assumption was found to be untrue, because of all the welfare applicants tested for drugs, only two percent of them tested positive. Incidents such as these have confirmed that this law is ineffective, due to the fact that its intended targets have been found to be innocent of what they have been accused. It has now been confirmed that welfare recipients are not the majority drug users in the United States. In addition, many of those legislatures, which have already passed the law, have been found to be in the wrong by various federal courts. ... In addition, many of those legislatures, which have already passed the law, have been found to be in the wrong by various federal courts. These courts have blocked this law from being implemented in some states because of the ruling that the drug testing for welfare policy is unconstitutional. Despite this fact, many of the state legislatures, according to Neary and Moreno, are attempting to come up with ways that will make this law survive any court action that is brought against it. The drug-testing program is an extremely expensive process for those states that have instituted it into their welfare system. The welfare applicants are required to pay for their own tests, and if they are found to be negative, then the state has the obligation to refund them. This procedure has turned out to be extremely expensive because the majority of applicants have tested negative. The states, therefore, end up spending more than they normally would have if the program had not been put in place. Moreover, this program also has administrative costs, such as paying the staff that run it as well as for the facilities. All these costs are footed by the states, an unnecessary expense; the money would have been put in better use expanding the welfare program to cater for people who need it. These added costs to the state governments with little result have ensured ineffectiveness of this program. The drug testing for welfare program was created for the purpose of reducing the number of people who applied for welfare. It was estimated that a large number of people who applied for welfare did not totally need it and that they only applied for it to get money to fund their drug abuse among other vices (Hoover). The intended purpose of this law was not met;
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Global warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global warming - Research Paper Example What makes their excess in the atmosphere particularly dangerous is their function. They serve as a blanket for the sun rays after they reach the Earth, so that they can not radiate back to the space (Kayne). The tremendous energy stored in the sun rays thus adds to the heat of the environment, and the temperature of the Earth rises in general. The rising temperature has many repercussions. As the temperature is going up, glaciers are melting away, thus adding to the sea water. There has been a considerable rise in the sea level over the past few centuries. The excess water floods out of the sea and causes damage to life and property on Earth. Every year, several tsunamis happen in different parts of the world. Much of the natural disasters can be attributed to the global warming. Moreover, global warming is depriving the polar bears of their habitat. As glaciers melt away, polar bears find it difficult to
Monday, November 18, 2019
ICT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
ICT - Assignment Example The cases related to sell of software is controlled by the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Furthermore, law of digital contracts is evolving worldwide at a significant pace. It can be stated that contract law or law in general is not static. Instead, laws are often quite dynamic that involve in responding to new occurrence and innovation (Schwanzer, 2007). Based on the above mentioned statement, this report intends to discuss whether software is to be classified as goods or services by taking into concern the notion of contract law along with its various implications. Discussion Specially mentioning, consumers engaged in buying software are not generally entitled to enjoy the same rights as in the case of purchasing tangible products. In this regard, it can be stated that software is a term, which is often used to describe the collection of instruction and data that facilitate computers to function in an effective manner. Evidently, computers are redundant without proper app lication of software. This implies that computers are unable to perform tasks in an effective manner without the installation of software. From the legal perspective, software is notable for two major reasons. The first major reason can be related with its unique characteristics, revealing that software is not similar to any conventional law. The second major reason can be noted as that despite the widespread use of software in the modern commercial arena, it does not have any distinct legal entity. Correspondingly, there is no specific manner through which legal treatment should be implemented to resolve software related disputes. Thus, this uncertainty largely raises a question, whether software should be considered or to be classified as goods or services (Green & Saidov, 2007). The lack of precision, surrounding the legal principle of software can be regarded as both commercially inconvenient and conceptually arbitrary. The buyers of software often possess the similar expectatio n of rights, while purchasing other items that are recognized under the law. However, in the recent time, the refusal to consider software as goods or services can be identified as the failure of law to protect the expectation and the interest of the buyers of software. Correspondingly, the two product related aspects i.e. â€Å"tangibility†and â€Å"movability’ determine the characteristics of software (Green & Saidov, 2007). In this similar context, â€Å"tangibility†is commonly defined as possessing a physical form or being able to be perceived by senses. It can be argued that this notion acted as the stumbling block towards considering software as goods. The relevancy of â€Å"tangibility†for adjudging software as a good can be ascertained owing to the reason that most of the legal system defines the sales of contract as a sort of agreement, which is associated with the transfer of property in goods in exchange of money, denoted as price. Conseque ntly, such transfer generally requires transfer of possession (Green & Saidov, 2007). However, in the case of possession of intangible service, both civil and common law signifies that possession of intangible is not possible and also cannot be owned. However, software can be acquired and possessed, making it tangible. Similarly, the aspect of â€Å"
Friday, November 15, 2019
Comprehensive Study on Big Data Technologies and Challenges
Comprehensive Study on Big Data Technologies and Challenges Abstract: Big Data is at the heart of modern science and business. Big Data has recently emerged as a new paradigm for hosting and delivering services over the Internet. It offers huge opportunities to the IT industry. Big Data has become a valuable source and mechanism for researchers to explore the value of data sets in all kinds of business scenarios and scientific investigations. New computing platforms such as Mobile Internet, Social Networks and Cloud Computing are driving the innovations of Big Data. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the concept Big Data and it tries to address various Big Data technologies, challenges ahead and possible. It also explored certain services of Big Data over traditional IT service environment including data collection, management, integration and communication Keywords Big Data, Cloud Computing, Distributed System, Volume I. INTRODUCTION Big Data has recently reached popularity and developed into a major trend in IT. Big Data are formed on a daily bases from Earth observations, social networks, model simulations, scientific research, application analyses, and many other ways. Big Data is a data analysis methodology enabled by a new generation of technologies and architecture which support high-velocity data capture, storage, and analysis. Data sources extend beyond the traditional corporate database to include email, mobile device output, sensor-generated data, and social media output. Data are no longer restricted to structured database records but include unstructured data. Big Data requires huge amounts of storage space. A typical big data storage and analysis infrastructure will be based on clustered network-attached storage. This paper firstly defines the Big Data concept and describes its services and main characteristics. â€Å"Big Data†is a term encompassing the use of techniques to capture, process, analyze and visualize potentially large datasets in a reasonable timeframe not accessible to standard IT technologies. II. Background Need of Big Data Big Data refers to large datasets that are challenging to store, search, share, visualize, and analyze the data. In Internet the volume of data we deal with has grown to terabytes and peta bytes. As the volume of data keeps growing, the types of data generated by applications become richer than before. As a result, traditional relational databases are challenged to capture, share, analyze, and visualize data. Many IT companies attempt to manage big data challenges using a NoSQL database, such as Cassandra or HBase, and may employ a distributed computing system such as Hadoop. NoSQL databases are typically key-value stores that are non-relational, distributed, horizontally scalable, and schema-free. We need a new methodology to manage big data for maximum business value. Data storage scalability was one of the major technical issues data owners were facing. Nevertheless, a new brand of efficient and scalable technology has been incorporated and data management and storage is no longer the problem it used to be. In addition, data is constantly being generated, not only by use of internet, but also by companies generating big amounts of information coming from sensors, computers and automated processes. This phenomenon has recently accelerated further thanks to the increase of connected devices and the worldwide success of the social platforms. Significant Internet players like Google, Amazon, Face Book and Twitter were the first facing these increasing data volumes and designed ad-hoc solutions to be able to cope with the situation. Those solutions have since, partly migrated into the open source software communities and have been made publicly available. This was the starting point of the current Big Data trend as it was a relatively cheap solution f or businesses confronted with similar problems. Dimensions of Big Data Fig. 1 shows the four dimensions of Big Data. They are discussed below. Fig. 1 Dimensions of Big Data Volume refers that Big Data involves analyze huge amounts of information, typically starting at tens of terabytes. It ranges from terabytes to peta bytes and up. The noSQL database approach is a response to store and query huge volumes of data heavily distributed. Velocity refers the speed rate in collecting or acquiring or generating or processing of data. Real-time data processing platforms are now considered by global companies as a requirement to get a competitive edge. For example, the data associated with a particular hash tag on Twitter often has a high velocity. Variety describes the fact that Big Data can come from many different sources, in various formats and structures. For example, social media sites and networks of sensors generate a stream of ever-changing data. As well as text, this might include geographical information, images, videos and audio. Veracity includesknown data quality, type of data, data management maturity so that we can understand how much the data is right and accurate 000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes Big Data Model The big data model is an abstract layer used to manage the data stored in physical devices. Today we have large volumes of data with different formats stored in global devices. The big data model provides a visual way to manage data resources, and creates fundamental data architecture so that we can have more applications to optimize data reuse and reduce computing costs. Types of data The data typically categorized into three differ ent types – structured, unstructured and semi-structured. A structured data is well organized, there are several choices for abstract data types, and references such as relations, links and pointers are identifiable. An unstructured data may be incomplete and/or heterogeneous, and often originates from multiple sources. It is not organized in an identifiable way, and typically includes bitmap images or objects, text and other data types that are not part of a database. Semi-structured data is orga nized, containing tags or other markers to separate semantic elements, III. Big Data Services Big Data provides enormous number of services. This paper explained some of the important services. They are given below. Data Management and Integration An enormous volume of data in different formats, constantly being collected from sensors, is efficiently accumulated and managed through the use of technology that automatically categorizes the data for archive storage. Communication and Control This comprises three functions for exchanging data with various types of equipment over networks: communications control, equipment control and gateway management. Data Collection and Detection By applying rules to the data that is streaming in from sensors, it is possible to conduct an analysis of the current status. Based on the results, decisions can be made with navigation or other required procedures performed in real time. Data Analysis The huge volume of accumulated data is quickly analyzed using a parallel distributed processing engine to create value through the analysis of past data or through future projections or simulations. IV. BIG DATA TECHNOLOGIES Internet companies such as Google, Yahoo and Face book have been pioneers in the use of Big Data technologies and routinely store hundreds of terabytes and even peta bytes of data on their systems. There are a growing number of technologies used to aggregate, manipulate, manage, and analyze big data. This paper described some of the more prominent technologies but this list is not exhaustive, especially as more technologies continue to be developed to support Big Data techniques. They are listed below. Big Table: Proprietary distributed database system built on the Google File System. This technique is an inspiration for HBase. Business intelligence (BI): A type of application software designed to report, analyze, and present data. BI tools are often used to read data that have been previously stored in a data warehouse or data mart. BI tools can also be used to create standard reports that are generated on a periodic basis, or to display information on real-time management dashboards, i.e., integrated displays of metrics that measure the performance of a system. Cassandra: An open source database management system designed to handle huge amounts of data on a distributed system. This system was originally developed at Face book and is now managed as a project of the Apache. Cloud computing: A computing paradigm in which highly scalable computing resources, often configured as a distributed system provided as a service through a network. Data Mart: Subset of a data warehouse, used to provide data to users usually through business intelligence tools. Data Warehouse: Specialized database optimized for reporting, often used for storing large amounts of structured data. Data is uploaded using ETL (extract, transform, and load) tools from operational data stores, and reports are often generated using business intelligence tools. Distributed system: Distributed file system or network file system allows client nodes to access files through a computer network. This way a number of users working on multiple machines will be able to share files and storage resources. The client nodes will not be able to access the block storage but can interact through a network protocol. This enables a restricted access to the file system depending on the access lists or capabilities on both servers and clients which is again dependent on the protocol. Dynamo: Proprietary distributed data storage system developed by Amazon. Google File System: Proprietary distributed file system developed by Google; part of the inspiration for Hadoop3.1 Hadoop: Apache Hadoop is used to handle Big Data and Stream Computing. Its development was inspired by Google’s MapReduce and Google File System. It was originally developed at Yahoo and is now managed as a project of the Apache Software Foundation. Apache Hadoop is an open source software that enables the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity servers. It can be scaled up from a single server to thousands of clients and with a very high degree of fault tolerance. HBase: An open source, free, distributed, non-relational database modeled on Google’s Big Table. It was originally developed by Powerset and is now managed as a project of the Apache Software foundation as part of the Hadoop. MapReduce: A software framework introduced by Google for processing huge datasets on certain kinds of problems on a distributed system also implemented in Hadoop. Mashup: An application that uses and combines data presentation or functionality from two or more sources to create new services. These applications are often made available on the Web, and frequently use data accessed through open application programming interfaces or from open data sources. Data Intensive Computing is a type of parallel computing application which uses a data parallel approach to process Big Data. This works based on the principle of collection of data and programs used to perform computation. Parallel and Distributed system that work together as a single integrated computing resource is used to process and analyze Big Data. IV. BIG DATA USING CLOUD COMPUTING The Big Data journey can lead to new markets, new opportunities and new ways of applying old ideas, products and technologies. Cloud Computing and Big Data share similar features such as distribution, parallelization, space-time, and being geographically dispersed. Utilizing these intrinsic features would help to provide Cloud Computing solutions for Big Data to process and obtain unique information. At the same time, Big Data create grand challenges as opportunities to advance Cloud Computing. In the geospatial information science domain, many scientists conducted active research to address urban, environment, social, climate, population, and other problems related to Big Data using Cloud Computing. V. TECHNICAL CHALLENGES Many of Big Data’s technical challenges also apply to data it general. However, Big Data makes some of these more complex, as well as creating several fresh issues. They are given below. Data Integration Organizations might also need to decide if textual data is to be handled in its native language or translated. Translation introduces considerable complexity  for example, the need to handle multiple character sets and alphabets. Further integration challenges arise when a business attempts to transfer external data to its system. Whether this is migrated as a batch or streamed, the infrastructure must be able to keep up with the speed or size of the incoming data. The IT organization must be able to estimate capacity requirements effectively. Companies such as Twitter and Face book regularly make changes to their application programming interfaces which may not necessarily be published in advance. This can result in the need to make changes quickly to ensure the data can still be accessed. Data Transformation Another challenge is data transformation .Transformation rules will be more complex between different types of system records. Organizations also need to consider which data source is primary when records conflict, or whether to maintain multiple records. Handling duplicate records from disparate systems also requires a focus on data quality. Historical Analysis Historical analysis could be concerned with data from any point in the past. That is not necessarily last week or last month  it could equally be data from 10 seconds ago. While IT professionals may be familiar with such an application its meaning can sometimes be misinterpreted by non-technical personnel encountering it. Search Searching unstructured data might return a large number of irrelevant or unrelated results. Sometimes, users need to conduct more complicated searches containing multiple options and fields. IT organizations need to ensure their solution provides the right type and variety of search interfaces to meet the business’s differing needs. And once the system starts to make inferences from data, there must also be a way to determine the value and accuracy of its choices. Data Storage As data volumes increase storage systems are becoming ever more critical. Big Data requires reliable, fast-access storage. This will hasten the demise of older technologies such as magnetic tape, but it also has implications for the management of storage systems. Internal IT may increasingly need to take a similar, commodity-based approach to storage as third-party cloud storage suppliers do today. It means removing rather than replacing individual failed components until they need to refresh the entire infrastructure. There are also challenges around how to store the data whether in a structured database or within an unstructured system or how to integrate multiple data sources. Data Integrity For any analysis to be truly meaningful it is important that the data being analyzed is as accurate, complete and up to date as possible. Erroneous data will produce misleading results and potentially incorrect insights. Since data is increasingly used to make business-critical decisions, consumers of data services need to have confidence in the integrity of the information those services are providing. Data Replication Generally, data is stored in multiple locations in case one copy becomes corrupted or unavailable. This is known as data replication. The volumes involved in a Big Data solution raise questions about the scalability of such an approach. However, Big Data technologies may take alternative approaches. For example, Big Data frameworks such as Hadoop are inherently resilient, which may mean it is not necessary to introduce another layer of replication. Data Migration When moving data in and out of a Big Data system, or migrating from one platform to another, organizations should consider the impact that the size of the data may have. To deal with data in a variety of formats, the volumes of data will often mean that it is not possible to operate on the data during a migration. Visualisation While it is important to present data in a visually meaningful form, organizations need to consider the most appropriate way to display the results of Big Data analytics so that the data does not mislead. IT should take into account the impact of visualisations on the various target devices, on network bandwidth and on data storage systems. Data Access The final technical challenge relates to controlling who can access the data, what they can access, and when. Data security and access control is vital in order to ensure data is protected. Access controls should be fine-grained, allowing organizations not only to limit access, but also to limit knowledge of its existence. Enterprises therefore need to pay attention to the classification of data. This should be designed to ensure that data is not locked away unnecessarily, but equally that it doesn’t present a security or privacy risk to any individual or company. VI. CONCLUSION This paper reviewed the technical challenges, various technologies and services of Big Data. Big Data describes a new generation of technologies and architectures, designed to economically extract value from very large volumes of a wide variety of data by enabling high-velocity capture. Linked Data databases will become more popular and could potentially push traditional relational databases to one side due to their increased speed and flexibility. This means businesses will be able to change to develop and evolve applications at a much faster rate. Data security will always be a concern, and in future data will be protected at a much more granular level than it is today. Currently Big Data is seen predominantly as a business tool. Increasingly, though, consumers will also have access to powerful Big Data applications. In a sense, they already do Google and various social media search tools. But as the number of public data sources grows and processing power becomes ever faster and c heaper, increasingly easy-to-use tools will emerge that put the power of Big Data analysis into everyone’s hands.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Surgical Treatment For Morbid Obesity Essay -- Medicine Health Papers
In today’s society where good looks, physical fitness, appearance, and good health are used to measure success, confidence, and self-control, it is ironic that eating disorders are so prevalent in our culture. People are so concerned with how other people view their physical appearance that when they cannot meet their own or others’ expectations they often develop eating disorders. However, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are not the only types of eating disorders. Today there is an increasing number of obese people who suffer from overeating. These people find it especially difficult to have the kind of lifestyles that they desire. Obesity and associated medical complications take the lives of thousands of people each year. Many obese individuals are aware of current or possible medical problems, but though they have tried diverse measures to solve their eating problems by using suppression drugs, commercial diet programs, behavioral therapies, hypnosis, exercise programs, jaw wiring, etc., they usually regain the weight after it is lost. Surgical intervention, which started in the 1960’s, however, has gained increased popularity in the last 50 years as a means of controlling and maintaining weight loss for morbidly obese individuals. This paper will provide you with general facts concerning surgical intervention for obese patients, claims made by web sites, as well as evidence and results based on scientific findings. The goal for paper is to help readers understand the surgical procedures, the benefits and risks involved, and to answer questions that potential candidates for surgical intervention may have. Who Qualifies for Surgery? According to the SurgiLite web site (, although i... ... Bibliography Chandarana P., Holliday R., Conlon P., Deslippe T. (1988). Psychosocial considerations in gastric stapling surgery. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 32 (1) 85-92. Garrow, JS. (1989). When to advise surgery for severe obesity. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 65 (759) 10-3. O’Brien., Brown WA., Smith A., McMurrick PJ., Stephens M. (1999). Prospective study of a laparoscopically placed, adjustable gastric band in the treatment of morbid obesity. British Journal of Surgery, 86 (1) 113-118. Reeves-Darby V., Soloway RD., Halpert R. (1990) Gastric bezoar complicating gastric stapling. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 85 (3) 326-327. Schauer PR., Ikramuddin S., Gourash WF., (1999) Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a case report at one-year follow up. Journal of Laparoendoscopic and Advanced Surgical Techniques: Part A, 9 (1) 101-106.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Business Applications Case Essay
Chapter 1. 5. What does the statement â€Å"costs can be assets or expenses†mean? 6. Why are the salaries of production workers accumulated in an inventory account instead of being expensed on the income statement? 7. How do product costs affect the financial statements? How does the classification of product cost (as an asset vs. an expense) affect net income? The following information was taken from the 2008 and 2009 Form 10-Ks for Dell, Inc.Required a. Explain whether each line of information in the table above would best be described as being primarily financial accounting or managerial accounting in nature. b. Provide some additional examples of managerial and financial accounting information that could apply to Dell. c. If you analyze only the data you identified as financial in nature, does it appear that Dell’s 2009 fiscal year was better or worse than its 2008 fiscal year? Explain. d. If you analyze only the data you identified as managerial in nature, does it appear that Dell’s 2009 fiscal year was better or worse than its 2008 fiscal year? Explain| Chapter 2 10. How is the relevant range of activity related to fixed and variable cost? Give an example of how the definitions of these costs become invalid when volume is outside the relevant range. 12. When would the high-low method be appropriate for estimating variable and fixed costs? When would least-squares regression be the most desirable? 13. Which cost structure has the greater risk? Explain. Chapter 3 6. When would the customer be willing to pay a premium price for a product or service? What pricing strategy would be appropriate under these circumstances? 7. What are three alternative approaches to determine the break-even point? What do the results of these approaches show? 8. What is the equation method for determining the break-even point? Explain how the results of this method differ from those of the contribution margin approach. Chapter 4 10. Why are some manufacturing costs not directly traceable to products? 11. What is the objective of allocating indirect manufacturing overhead costs to the product? Chapter 5 1. Why did traditional costing systems base allocations on a single companywide cost driver? 2. Why are labor hours ineffective as a companywide allocation base in many industries today? 3. What is the difference between volume-based cost drivers and activity-based cost drivers? 4. Why do activity-based cost drivers provide more accurate allocations of overhead in an automated manufacturing environment? 5. When would it be appropriate to use volume-based cost drivers in an activity-based costing system? ATC 5-4Writing AssignmentAssessing a strategy to control quality cost Lucy Sawyer, who owns and operates Sawyer Toy Company, is a perfectionist. She believes literally in the â€Å"zero-defects†approach to quality control. Her favorite saying is, â€Å"You can’t spend too much on quality.†Even so, in 2010 her company experienced an embarrassing breach of quality that required the national recall of a defective product. She vowed never to repeat the experience and instructed her staff to spend whatever it takes to ensure that products are delivered free of defects in 2011. She was somewhat disappointed with the 2011 year-end quality cost report shown here. Although external failure costs had declined, they remained much higher than expected. The increased inspections had identified defects that were corrected, thereby avoiding another recall; however, the external failure costs were still too high. Ms. Sawyer responded by saying, â€Å"We will have to double our efforts.†She authorized hiring additional inspectors and instructed her production supervisors to become more vigilant in identifying and correcting errors. Required Assume that you are the chief financial officer (CFO) of Sawyer Toy Company. Ms. Sawyer has asked you to review the company’s approach to quality control. Prepare a memo to her that evaluates the existing approach, and recommend changes in expenditure patterns that can improve profitability as well as increase the effectiveness of the quality control system. Chapter 6 7. What is an opportunity cost? How does it differ from a sunk cost? 8. A local bank advertises that it offers a free noninterest-bearing checking account if the depositor maintains a $500 minimum balance in the account. Is the checking account truly free?
Friday, November 8, 2019
Article Review Essays - Intellectual Property Law, Monopoly
Article Review Essays - Intellectual Property Law, Monopoly Article Review LAW/421 November 3, 2014 Article Review E-Commerce has become a major source of business due to the Internet giving businesses the ability to conduct online business transactions. Countless companies have expanded their consumer base to the entire world; something that could not have been done without the use of the Internet. Those businesses that have taken the opportunity and utilized the availability of the Internet have experienced a growth like never before. Those businesses have also experienced a growth in profits from the use of the Internet as well. However, these growths do not come without some risk. The intellectual property of these businesses has been put into a vulnerable position because of this type of expansion. The article titled E-Business Makes Protection of Intellectual Property More Critical, Complex than Ever examines how expansion via the Internet requires some strong security and laws covering intellectual property. With up to 90 percent of U.S. companies expected to be transacting business over the Internet in the next year, the need to protect intellectual property has never been greater or more of a challenge (E-Business Makes Protection of Intellectual Property More Critical, Complex than Ever, 2000, para. 1). This example shows exactly how e-business is shaping the requirement for intellectual property protection. Continuous drafting of new software, laws, regulation, and legislation protecting intellectual property is currently in effect. Yet, continuously changing right along with these new drafts are the ways that businesses are at risk regarding intellectual property. Readers are informed by this article, on the way e-business has pointed the way to the increase of intellectual property theft, and how that has increased the concern for this legal matter. The center of this matter is focused on new laws that will protect businesses privacy concerning intellectual property as well as secrets of the trade. E-Business Makes Protection of Intellectual Property More Critical, Complex than Ever (2000) describes how protection of these valuable instruments on the Internet today are varying as much as the creation of those properties. Patents, trademarks, copyrights, nondisclosure and confidentiality agreements, even non-compete covenants and employment agreements that convey title of intellectual property back to the company, all play an important role in protecting a company's interests from its current and prospective competitors (E-Business Makes Protection Of Intellectual Property More Critical, Complex Than Ever, 2000, para. 3). It goes on to state, It's impossible to prevent employees from taking intellectual property with them when they leave. Strategic partners and even vendors also have access to company secrets, so it's easy to see why the lines of ownership become very blurred when it comes to intellectual property (Traber, 2000, as cited in E-Business Makes Protection Of Intellectual Property More Critical, Complex Than Ever, 2000, para. 2). Generally speaking, the article displays well-written examples providing the reasons behind the need for businesses who partake in e-commerce to seek out and maintain help from law groups so that they may protect their business from expensive and unnecessary lawsuits because of intellectual property theft from employees or from the businesses intellectual property. It is essential to notice that some theft of intellectual property can be committed very easily; especially when the business is unaware of any privacy statements in regards to a specific piece of intellectual property, such as a video used for training purposes. Attaching a privacy disclosure to each piece of intellectual property that the business owns is also critical. The disclosure will help to ensure that the intellectual property remains protected by law, from theft or misuse. Moreover, this also allows the company legal rights to take action against the theft or misuse of the intellectual property, giving the compa ny the advantage in the case. Whether it is unintentionally or intentionally, ignoring the privacy disclosure statements on intellectual property is considered unethical. Making sure that all employees in the company are aware of the privacy disclosure statements in their employee handbook regarding intellectual property is essential. Requiring signatures from the employees helps protect the company from any damages that may incur during a lawsuit against any employee that may illegally use anothers property is a good way to help protect the company. Laws pertaining to the use or theft of intellectual property are continuously changing.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Cella Cruz essays
Cella Cruz essays Salsa music started circulating around North America in the 1960s. It was described as a mixture of Latin musical styles. For years, salsa was dominated by the male gender. Even though most salsa musicians were male, a woman by the name of Celia Cruz was able to break that barrier down and allow other female artists to take over the fame of the upbeat and energetic rhythms of salsa. Celia Cruz has been known in transforming the Cuban musical genre known as salsa for female vocalists. Born October 21, 1924 in Havana, Cuba, Celia Cruz has been described as the queen of salsa. Cruz has been portrayed as the most influential female vocalist in the history of Afro-Cuban music. Even as a young girl, growing up in the poor district of Santo Suarez, with fourteen people living in her household, Cruz was able to draw attention to herself due to her singing. One of her first music auditions took place in a singing contest called La hora del t, and that one audition was enough to motivate her in joining many other auditions across Cuba. Celia Cruzs father was never a big believer in her continuing a career in the music industry. According to her father it was not a career that a woman should part take in. Despite her fathers disapproval, Cruz followed her dreams with the support of her mother. Her biggest break that made her change her career of being a teacher to a full time musician was when she landed the lead vocalist for a group called La Sonora Matancera in 1950. Despite American record executives who did not believe that the fans would approve of a female vocalist singing a rumba record would sell well, her band leader Rogelio Martinez never gave up faith in Cruz. Martinez kept on encouraging the novice singer into not giving up and his encouragements paid off when the album did well both in Cuba and the United States. ...
Monday, November 4, 2019
The dangers that police officers face in rural areas due to the lack Research Paper
The dangers that police officers face in rural areas due to the lack of back up or riding partners - Research Paper Example The personal safety and security of a rural police officer is a cause of stress to the police fraternity, as they are faced with isolation that poses great danger. The back- up required by an urban police officer is met with, almost instantly. Whenever the need arises, the urban police officer is assured of back-up within minutes. The same is not in the case of their rural counterparts because at most times there is the danger that relief comes when it is too late. In most cases it sometimes takes more than an hour to get help from back-up forces. This leads to stress on the part of the rural police officer even when they have to handle seemingly easy cases of domestic violence or auto crashes. A good example of this was an incident that took place on March 31st 1989, where help did not arrive in time and Maine State Police Detective Giles Landry was shot and killed after he responded to a call regarding a domestic dispute in a secluded spot in a rural area. When inspector Landry arrived at the scene of the crime, the suspects girlfriend made a beeline to the passenger seat of the detective’s patrol car, giving the suspect reason to believe that Detective Landry was indeed her lover because he was in an unmarked police car and moreover alone. The suspect had slowly approached the vehicle from the rear- end and shot at Landry twice through the window at the back, with a Ruger .44 caliber rifle, hitting Detective Giles Landry in the head, putting an end to him instantly. Immediately after this, the suspect shot at his girlfriend killing her on the spot and soon after that committed suicide himself. The detective officer had left behind a wife and their two children. There are countless such cases taking place especially in the rural areas, where unsuspecting police personnel are at the mercy of dangerous criminals. Such a dangerous situation could have been averted had the officer
Friday, November 1, 2019
Creating the Decision Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Creating the Decision Environment - Essay Example This is happens because the group welcome outside opinions, so there is no objectivity. This can be prevented by always having a neutral party that hasn’t been part of the group. This brings insight to it, and also leaves room for questioning of that decision and with this, a better decision is made. (Virtualsoft, 2009) Belief in Inherent Morality of the Group: The group has a mindset that the decision they have made is moral and ethical, this is because the group assume that they have done right. To prevent this kind of problem. The group should give the same scenario to an anonymous group of different people and gauge their responses to tell whether their decision is right (Janis, 2009). Collective Rationalization: This happens when the group makes a decision and they believe it rational. This happens when the collection of material is highly selective and biased. This tends to leave out some information that does not fit into the groups’ decision and reason for the s ame. This can cause a big problem because when a decision is made without all the relevant information regarding is examined (Marlene & Antony, 1998). This is mostly because of the close mindedness in the group. This is can be avoided by bringing in experts to examine the problem and advise the group before a group decision can be made. With the inclusion of an expert, critical information is less likely to be omitted. Illusion of unanimity: When the group look to each other to confirm their theories without consulting or involving an outside source (Janis, 2009). This close-mindedness can cause problems during the decision making process. To avoid this, the leaders should not state preference initially. This influences the group and affects the decisions made. Self-Appointed mind guards: this is also as a result of close mindedness, and the avoidance of troublesome ideas, these mind guards are usually to protect the leader. To prevent this symptom, a devil’s advocate should be appointed within the group and the sole purpose should be to critique every decision and look for flaws in it. This individual should ensure that alternatives are explored extensively. Stereotyping: Excessive stereotyping is a major symptom of groupthink; this happens when the group members start forming and constructing negative stereotypes of other rival groups (Janis, 2009). This happens especially if the other group’s opinions or ideas are not the same as theirs. This leads to the group shunning any external input leading to a decision that is a result of close mindedness. This can be prevented in decision making environments by always discussing what is happening with others outside the group (Marlene & Antony, 1998). With this, diversity is brought into the group and the decision in question will have been vetted by different individuals not just the group members, this makes the decision so much better. Pressure for conformity: Another symptom of groupthink is the m embers pressure anyone in the group that expresses an opinion or argument that is against their beliefs or ideas. They make this member or members feel that they have to conform. They make them feel that expressing an idea different from theirs is a sign of disloyalty. So in situation where a member might have a differing opinion they do not express it because they want to
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