Friday, May 31, 2019
Essay --
humans are by far the most complex species on this planet. we have knowledge, emotions and the ability to know and choose from right or wrong. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... ...ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Free College Essays - A Father Figure in Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
huckabackleberry Finn A Father Figure Mark Twain, the author of huckabackleberry Finn, has written a story that all result enjoy. Huck is a young boy with not much love in his life, his mother died when he was very young, and he had drunk for a father. Huck lives with the widow and she tried to raise him right. While at the widows, Huck went to school and learned to read and write. The widow also tried to civilize him. She would buy him comminuted clothes, and make him do his homework. The main character in this story is Huck Finn, Finn is a young boy with many problems going on in life. Huck was in need of a father figure more then any thing else in life. He needed someone to talk to most anything. Hucks Pap was never there for him except maybe to give him a tanning. Hucks Pap thought that he was trying to out do him, because he went to school. Youve be sick on considerable many frills since I been away. Ill take you down a peg before I get done with you. You think youre bettern your father, now dont you, because he cant? Ill take it out of you. Who told you you might meddle with such hifalutn foolishness, hey?-who told you you could Pap scolded (p,26). Huck didnt exchangeable having to wear nice clothes, or even going to school, but the he had to go. Starchy clothes-very. You think youre a levelheaded deal of a big-bug, dont you Pap asked (p,26)?Huck would try and be a rebel because he had no masculine to tell him right from wrong. If Huck needed help the only real person that he could talk to would be Tom Sawyer, a very good friend also a thief, a rebel, and he lived on his own. Tom was not that great of a role model, for a young boy like Huck. His father was always away, and never there for him, and when he was around he was always drunk. It is hard enough to talk to a drunk man let alone when you have a problem and need advice. The childhood of a young boy is very crucial in what he will be like in his own life. Huckleberry Finn was written to show young males that there are ways of finding someone.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The World According to Gump: All Nuts and Gooey Centers Essay -- essay
The World According to Gump All Nuts and Gooey Centers Life is like a box of chocolates, says Forrest Gump (as played by Tom Hanks) to anyone who depart listen.You never know what youre going to get. This homily introduces us into the world of Forrest Gump, both the random strangers Forrest encounters on his parking area bench, as well as the films potential audience.Its folksy wisdom is meant to characterize for us the commonsense, down-to-earth, accepting and exceptional attitude supposedly unique to Forrest Gump an attitude we will better understand once we have, as the advertisements put it, seen the world through the eyes of Forrest Gump.Thus this dictum about chocolate is meant to capture what we expertness blackguard the Gump Worldview life is full of surprises, some of them odd or funny looking, but all of them enjoyable. Yet, if we can pull ourselves away from the tempting treats for a reflective moment, we world power ask ourselves is a box of chocolates really all tha t full of surprises?Is it really the case that you never know what youre going to get?If your experience with chocolates is anything like mine, you might agree that, finally, there are ultimately very few surprises to be had this way that in fact chocolates exist in a fairly simplex world where everything is either full of nuts or conceals a gooey center.And so this epigraph does indeed capture the Gump ideology--and a sugary, binary ideology it is. Yet it sure does not capture the philosophy or mood of the book upon which the film is based.Forrest Gump, by southern writer Winston Groom, begins with the line, Let me tell you this being a half-wit is no box of chocolates.Thus the film takes what is in the book a statement of protest and cynicism and... ...historical events in which it deals and that ideology is disturbing.To protest the war is seen as significative of a personality disorder in fact, to protest anything is characterized as a psychological flaw, a self-destructive , self-indulgent neurosis.The epigraph for the film reads The world will never await the same after youve seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.How true.How troubling, for it suggests that if our vision of history were as blinkered and our zests as ideologically vaccuous as are Forrests, then all of our dreams (which we shouldnt have) will know true, and all of the worlds conflicts (which are mere shams) would be solved.For Forrest Gump the film, life is indeed a series of chocolate-coated surprises--as long as you forget each chocolate the moment it is consumed and you desire nothing more than a steady diet of nuts and gooey centers.
Goethe & Vonnegut :: essays research papers
Powerful Emotion (3)Anyone who reads The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe instantly feels the senseal intensity portrayed by Werther, the protagonist. His speculations about life are indeed unique, especially in modern times when life often goes by quickly without notice. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why his immense emotion strikes a chord with readers as coming from someone crazy or dangerous. Werthers rational state seems incredibly alive at some times while seemingly lifeless at others. This lifeless state of mind is similar to another sorrowful character in Kurt Vonneguts Slaughterhouse Five. In his story of Billy Pilgrim, a similar wonder engulfs the reader, causing us to question the cause of both his mindset and of our own. These books bring a couple of interesting questions to mind How much emotion is in any case much? How little is too little? These characters struggle with powerful emotion in many ways, and are therefore judged as mad. The tw o protagonists guide in totally different journeys, but each of them leads the reader to discover the limits of human emotion. These limits are reached by Werther and Billy, therefore leading to both characters demise. In sincere terms, I think that Billy Pilgrim in Slaughterhouse Five demonstrates the extremity of too little emotion, in contrast with Werther in The Sorrows of Young Werther demonstrating the extremity of too much emotion. Both of these characters live their lives in suffering because of this lack/surfeit of emotion. Id like to start my analysis off with the odd mien of Kurt Vonnegut and how he portrays his main character.Billy Pilgrim has mental problems. Too many to name, in fact. He has difficulty in almost every aspect of life because of these mental problems. Vonnegut has concocted an anti-war novel that blames Billys health (or lack thereof) on the trauma of being in a war, but poor Billy has many problems nonetheless before the war. He seems to be extremel y emotionally detached from all aspects of life. Yes, he gets married and has children, but it seems to be portrayed as somewhat nipping and unimportant. This is the danger of being unemotional in life. One of the strongest points proving Billys lack of emotion is when he is at war and essentially tries to set himself up for his enemy to shoot him (Vonnegut 29). The incident seems very ironic considering Vonneguts anti-war opinions, because he seems to want Billy to honor the fairness of war.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Wuthering Heights, Chapters 11-23 :: Free Essay Writer
Wuthering Heights, Chapters 11-23Chapters 11-12After her long absence from Wuthering Heights, Nelly decides to returnin order to speak with Hindley. However, instead she meets Hareton whodoes not bring forward her and greets her with a hail of stones and curses.No doubt these actions have been copied from Heathcliff. Nelly runsaway.The next day, Heathcliff comes to the Grange and embraces Isabella,much to the annoyance of Cathy. Heathcliff tells her Im not yourhusband, you neednt be jealous of me. Edgar challenges Cathy and Heathcliff regarding their relationship. Heathcliff takes the piazza that Cathy has wronged him and that hewill be revenged. Cathy taunts Edgar encouraging him to fight withHeathcliff. Edgar strikes Heathcliff and then goes to get assistancein order to have him removed from the house. Heathcliff, realizingthat he will be outnumbered, leaves. Cathy is asked to choose betweenHeathcliff and Edgar, still Cathy will not answer her husband. Instead,she locks herself in her room refusing to eat. Edgar then decides topersuade his sister Isabella to pursue Heathcliff, as theirrelationship would terminal the link between Cathy and Heathcliff.After a few days without food, Cathy calls for Edgar beggingforgiveness. She is delirious and talks about her childhood withHeathcliff and she has a foreboding of her death. Nelly insists onsafekeeping the windows in her bedroom closed, but Cathy staggers to themand throws them open claiming she can see Wuthering Heights. She goeson to speak about her death, but that she will wander the world untilshe is with Heathcliff. Edgar is appall to find Cathy in such aweakened state and scolds Nelly for not telling him sooner. That night Isabella runs away with Heathcliff and Edgar disowns hissister for this scandal.The doctor arrives and predicts that Cathy will not break down theillness.Chapter 13-15Cathy is in fact pregnant and Edgar tries to nurse her back to health.He hopes for a male heir.Isabella has married H eathcliff and writes to Edgar begging hisforgiveness, but this is ignored. She then writes to Nelly and asksher to visit Wuthering Heights. She is distraught at the wayHeathcliff treats her. In the letter she tells of her loneliness, asHareton, Joseph and Hindley are rude to her. She regrets havingmarried Heathcliff and cannot see any way for her to escape.When Heathcliff learns of Cathys illness he blames Edgar for this.Nelly visits Wuthering Heights, but she can give no words of comfortto Isabella from Edgar who still will have no contact with her.Heathcliff is eager to learn about Cathys situation, understandably hurting
Wuthering Heights, Chapters 11-23 :: Free Essay Writer
Wuthering Heights, Chapters 11-23Chapters 11-12After her long absence from Wuthering Heights, Nelly decides to returnin order to speak with Hindley. However, instead she meets Hareton whodoes not remember her and greets her with a hail of stones and curses.No interrogative sentence these actions have been copied from Heathcliff. Nelly runsaway.The next day, Heathcliff comes to the Grange and embraces Isabella,much to the annoyance of Cathy. Heathcliff tells her Im not yourhusband, you neednt be jealous of me. Edgar challenges Cathy and Heathcliff regarding their relationship. Heathcliff takes the position that Cathy has wronged him and that he leave be revenged. Cathy taunts Edgar further him to fight withHeathcliff. Edgar strikes Heathcliff and then goes to get assistancein order to have him removed from the house. Heathcliff, realizingthat he will be outnumbered, leaves. Cathy is asked to choose betweenHeathcliff and Edgar, but Cathy will not answer her husband. Instead,she locks herself in her room refusing to eat. Edgar then decides topersuade his sister Isabella to pursue Heathcliff, as theirrelationship would end the link between Cathy and Heathcliff.After a few days without food, Cathy calls for Edgar beggingforgiveness. She is delirious and talks about her childhood withHeathcliff and she has a foreboding of her death. Nelly insists onkeeping the windows in her bedroom closed, but Cathy careen to themand throws them open claiming she can see Wuthering Heights. She goeson to speak about her death, but that she will wander the world untilshe is with Heathcliff. Edgar is appalled to find Cathy in such aweakened state and scolds Nelly for not telling him sooner. That night Isabella runs away with Heathcliff and Edgar disowns hissister for this scandal.The doctor arrives and predicts that Cathy will not survive theillness.Chapter 13-15Cathy is in fact pregnant and Edgar tries to imbibe her back to health.He hopes for a male heir.Isabella has married Heat hcliff and writes to Edgar begging hisforgiveness, but this is ignored. She then writes to Nelly and asksher to visit Wuthering Heights. She is distraught at the wayHeathcliff treats her. In the letter she tells of her loneliness, asHareton, Joseph and Hindley are rude to her. She regrets havingmarried Heathcliff and cannot see any way for her to escape.When Heathcliff learns of Cathys illness he blames Edgar for this.Nelly visits Wuthering Heights, but she can give no oral communication of comfortto Isabella from Edgar who still will have no contact with her.Heathcliff is eager to learn about Cathys situation, clearly hurting
Monday, May 27, 2019
Enron Scandal
Ethics are values relating to human conduct, with respect to the rightness and wrongness of certain actions and to the goodness and badness of the motives and ends of much(prenominal) actions. If all people lived by this code the world would be a much better place. Having business ethics in the workplaces is very significant to having a truly successful business. Many companies have been forced to suffer losses or even forced to enter bankruptcy. Enron is one of the biggest examples of when making business honest decisions go wrong.An American energy, commodities, and services come with based in Houston, Texas Enron was a big bear on. Employing approximately 20,000 staff and was being one of the worlds jumper cable electricity, vivid gas, communications, and pulp and paper companies. Enron was a company on top on of the reason the fall was so drastic. Since Enron was the largest corporation contributor to the first presidential Bush campaign some people believed it to be a poli tical conspiracy. The people in charge of Enron you can say lost their way, they became more sick ab emerge the money instead of the wellbeing of their company and employees.If Enron had stayed in the gray areas or at least the moral minimum then thing big businessman have turned out different for them. Staying in these areas they would have made sure that all there business dealing was in compliance with the law. notwithstanding just because a business deal is in compliance with the law does not mean it is ethical. Enron is the largest bankruptcy reorganization in American history and overly the biggest audit failure of that time. With the using of accounting loopholes, special purpose entities, and poor financial coverage, Enron was able to hide billions in debt from failed deals and projects.Many executives at Enron were indicted for a variety of charges and were subsequent sentenced to prison. Employees and shareholders received limited returns in lawsuits, despite losing billions in pensions and stock prices. As a consequence of the scandal, new regulations and legislation were enacted to expand the accuracy of financial reporting for public companies. Enron first rifleed sliding down the unethical path when the market to market accounting style was introduced. Market to market accounting allowed Enron to book capableness future profit on the twenty-four hour period a deal was signed.This is a problem because even if the company did not receive any money that day Enron could make it hold back anyway they wanted. Due to the large discrepancies of attempting to match profits and cash, investors were typically given false or misleading reports. While using the method, income from projects could be recorded, although they might not have ever received the money, and in turn increasing financial earnings on the books. Enron also had something in place called mainland China the performance review committee.It let employees review each other and people that did not meet the requirement you were let go and the better employees were rewarded. Employees constantly looked to start high-volume deals, often disregarding the quality of cash flow or profits, in order to get a higher rating for their performance review. Enron paid out multimillion dollars bonuses to top executive based on imaginary profit. Enron had to find real money to fund them so they merged with Portland General Electric Company. Enron became the largest marketer of natural gas and electricity.Enron and Blockbuster signed a 20 year agreement to introduce video on-demand. After several attempts to get the concept together Enron know it was not going to work. Enron estimated profits of more than $110 million from the deal, even though analysts questioned the technical viability and market demand of the service. When the network failed to work, Blockbuster pulled out of the contract. Enron go along to recognize future profits, even though the deal resulted in a loss. E nron debt was beginning to catch up with them and raise questions so they found different slipway to hide it.One ways was hiding the debt in a lot of dummy corporations. Their purpose was to purpose to raise the companys stock to make it look like profit was coming in. At this point Enron had thrown business ethics out of the window. Making people invest their money in a company stock that had false value. Enron started using the electricity needs to their advantages having forced black out for the cost of electricity to raise and to make a profit. They did not care what the lack of electricity was doing to the people. When Enron went bankrupt the people lost everything there whole savings where gone and they were now without a job.If people had stop to solicit there self is this decision ethical or how it well affect others the Enron scandal could have been avoided. The executive put money over the wellbeing of the company as a whole and the employees. When making the important d ecisions about your business you should always look at the business, personal and legal side of the deal. Every deal has its outcome it is your job to predict the outcome and deal with the consequences of your actions. Hanshermannhesse3. Enron The Smartest Guys in the Room. YouTube. YouTube, 22 Feb. 2012. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. .
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Cost Cutting Essay
Most of us spend more than we need to for a lot of things. If you really can afford luxuries such as gourmet teas or designer clothing and still save for your future, youre lucky. However, if youre struggling to meet the financial goals youve set on your retirement roadmap, its time to look for shipway to cut expensesdaily, monthly, and long-term. Start by seeing if youd benefit from either of these big cost-cutting strategiesIf youre paying high pursual on a mortgage and you plan to stay in your home for a few years, consider refinancing.Be sure to do your home- work to keep down closing be that might make the move less attractive financially. Reduce your credit card debt. Call the bank and try to negotiate turn down finance charges. Then pay down the debt as fast as you can, starting with the high-interest debt. (See AARPs Tip Sheet, Managing Debt. ) Its easy to spend money without realizing how oft it adds up to over a week, a month or a year. So, to make other cuts in your expenses, try reviewing what habits, like eating lunch in a restaurant every day or geting expensive clothes, can add up to in the course of a year.Here are some places to look for cuts. Meals and Entertainment Americans love to eat out, whether its a daily break- fast at a pricey coffee shop or fast-food dinners when you feel too tired to cook. Keep track of where youre eating your meals and what they cost. Bringing your lunch to work and cooking your meals for dinner are trusty shipway to reduce food expenses on a regular basis. Movie fans can save money by renting DVDs, instead of paying admission to the field of operation and eating that expensive popcorn.Household and Transportation ExpensesCable television, phone serviceincluding your cell phone and Internet service can add up to a tidy sum every month. Make sure you have the most economical plans available. If youre in an area with more than one provider, comparison-shop. Energy costs are climbing and will probably conti nue to do so. Do an energy review of your home. Plug up drafty windows and doors with weather-stripping, insulate them with blinds or curtains, and therefore turn down the winter temperature inside by a couple of degrees. Consider solar heating and cooling if its feasible where you live.If you have of import air, try to use it less. Install ceiling fans in some rooms, so you dont have to cool the entire house. During the summer months, avoid victimisation the clothes dryer, dishwasher, etc. during peak hours to disappoint your energy bill. Your biggest transportation expenses probably come from one or more vehicles. Here are some ways to cut back on those costsCar-pool to work with neighbors or colleagues. Use public transportation. Talk to your insurance company about ways you can lower your rate. On the highway, save money on gas by driving 55 miles per hour instead of faster. Shopping Thoughtful planning, before you shop, is a good way to reduce expensive impulse tainting. W hether youre going to the grocery store, shopping for holiday gifts, or looking for a new pair of raiment or a party outfit, make a list and decide what you can afford to spend ahead of timeand dont buy something unless you really need it.In the supermarket, read the unit prices is it cheaper to buy a 16-ounce box of crackers for $3. 0, or 12 ounces for $3. 10? For larger expenses such as a winter coat or a washing machine, check prices at more than one store before you make a decision. You should in addition check out thrift shops, especially if you know of one in an upscale neighborhood where you might get some good bargains. For Internet purchases, in addition to comparison-shopping on prices, check shipping charges. Some sites make you pay the whole cost others will offer a deal to entice you to buy from them.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Passion Is Both Imprisoning and Liberating
Analyses the emotional changes of Jed and How does he Imprison Joe One of the major characters in the novel is Jed hold over, one of the main male leads. Jed is a harsh Christian, to entrust it kindly Please leave your message after the beat. And the may the Lord be with you. After the ballooning Incident, he develops a voracious obsession with Joe Rose, who we have intercourse has a wife Claries. Jed doesnt seem like the violent type, though the power of his obsession Is Itself a kind of violence.He ascribes his love for Joe In his various letters and squall messages, as something dictated by God. He sees himself, as the result of Joeys escape. The tension here is a slight variation of that mingled with Joe and Claries. It revolves around the battle between science and faith. Throughout the novel, Jed exhibites his love and views towards Joe very openly and seems Like the character In which he follows his heart instead of his head. From when Joe receives a phone call from Jed, enquiring when he shall be meeting with IM, he ends his part of the phone call with l can come to you. He hesitates while saying this and with no surprise Jed replies with none Tell me where you are. The fact that Jed is very versatile and forgiving towards Joe tells us that he is truly in love with him. Jed Is very passionate towards Joe and portrays this deeply I dont get why youve chosen me. All I know is that I love you too now, and that theres a reason for it, a purpose. Through this he seems to have shed Joe in a very awkward moment. From this he feels and knows that Joe has to react in either a way of horror or agreement.Joe feels trapped and very put away even though Jed is only expressing his feelings and trying to hear why Joe doesnt feel the same way. Later on In the novel, Jed starts to (In certain ways) Interrogate Joe so he starts to understand exactly how he feels look. You dont have to go about it like this. You could save us both so much misery. This back fires as Joe still doesnt express the truth and his full emotions. Jed continues this act as he later on says What have I done to you?Why are you keeping this up? Joe has Instigated this and feels manipulated and controlled by him. Parry starts to get very affectionate towards Joe Rose, maybe trying to get through to Joe in a different way. He states Something passed between us, up there on the hill, after he fell, it was pure energy, pure light? He tries to approach Rose in many ways and I believe this is his final attack to reach Joe. This quote defines the way in which parry express love.He believes this is the true meaning of love and how he feels towards Joe. The fact that Joe Rose Is married doesnt even cross Parrys pass even thong en Is very aware AT ten Tact l en only way Is Tort ten term of office AT us to talk. From this, I think that Parry believes this is all a game a love triangle in which he believes he new wave fox but Joe isnt taking it. By the end of chapter s even Joe finally loses his patience, hails a taxi and leave abruptly when Jed mentions dealing with what he sees as the Claries problem.
Friday, May 24, 2019
How did the Prohibition Change USA Essay
The word ban as stated in the existence Book encyclopaedia refers to law of natures that are designed to prevent the drinking of watersp come to the fore b foreverages. The enforcement of the Volstead Act in the United States of America (USA) saw the nationwide beginning of the prohibition on the 16th of January 1920. The bar brought about a change in attitude for the lot of the United States (USA). It caused an extreme heave in offence encouraging e genuinelyday people to ameliorate the law and increased the amount of pot likker that was consumed nationwide. Overall this law was a failure because a law can not be enforced on a democratic company with out the support of a majority. The effect of this mistake (prohibition) lingered on American (USA) decree for more eld to follow.Before the Prohibition the people of the United States of America had exalted moral standards, were more conservative and in many ways experienced slight freedom both socially and economically. Before the Prohibition period the crime rate was relatively low compared with pre prohibition figures. There was a 78 percent increase in crime from those crime rates that were recorded in the lead the Prohibition. Alcohol phthisis in pre prohibition in years had begun to drop since 1910, however this may have been due to the fact that between 1880 and the beginning World War One in 1914 many states had adoptedstate wide Prohibition.Before Prohibition occurred nationwide, the economic boom of the 1920s (also known as the bunce Twenties) had not yet taken place, therefore the changes in attitude amongst the people of the United states were not yet established, consequently pre prohibition years were times of less social freedom, more conservatism and some would argue higher moral standards. Due to these higher moral standards some groups believed Prohibition was a necessary mensurate in the creation of a society free from evils and less tainted in the old ways meaning a societ y where crime rates, poerty, and cobblers last rates would be considerably reduced, the idea was that this in deed would improve the economy and quality of life for the people of the United States of America.The Prohibition caused an extreme rise in crime and in many cases it encouraged everyday people to break the law. As moral standards within society declined and proscribed alcohol phthisis increased crime rateswithin society rose considerably. This was because in order for alcoholic needs to be met, everyday people were forced to break the law, going against the honesty and freedom once shared by the democratic nation. Crime rates within the United States of America rose a heavy(p) deal during the Prohibition years, criminal activity rose to 78 percent above that of pre-prohibition rates as more and more people broke the law, whilst drab crimes such as murder and assault rose to nearly 13 percent above what it had once been. With the Volstead Act running its course a overb old market was created for corrupt politicians and gangsters to give the public what they demanded -alcohol and plenty of it.One of the main reasons for the increase in crime rates was due to lack of enforcement this was because there werent enough Prohibition agents to enforce the laws which were being broken on such a gravid scale. It was assumed that Americans would follow the requirements of the new Prohibition law and so only 1520 Prohibition agents were employed in 1920 the number climbing to 2836 in 1930. This rise in the amount of Prohibition agents did not really help matters very much as people continued to rebel against the enforcement of the Prohibition and continued to break the law, finding more creative measures to get away with their violation of the Volstead Act, many people hid their liquor in hip flasks, false books, hollow canes, and anything else they could find.Nationwide liquor consumption increased during Prohibition years. In order for people who valued t o fulfil their alcoholic needs to do so they were forced to break the law. Alcohol consumption considerably increased within the first couple of years of nationwide Prohibition in the United States (USA). The drinking of alcoholic beverages became an act of rebellion against authority from the beginning of Prohibition, especially among university students and flappers. Alcohol consumption did increase over Prohibition years, $40 million of liquor had been smuggled into the United States in 1924 alone and that did not include the amount of alcohol which people made lawlessly in their own homes, which was most likely consumed that same year as well.There was a decrease in the consumption of beer, because it had to be transported in large quantities, which made the substance difficult to hide, as a result prices of beer and other alcoholic substances which had to be transported in such large quantities skyrocketed.Once this had happened people began to turn to the more concentrated for ms of alcohol or hard liquors, which were a lot easier to transport and as a consequence they were cheaper. Due to the increase in consumption of more concentrated forms of alcohol, people got drunk much faster than in pre prohibition years. Consequently there were more alcohol related deaths during the Prohibition, due to a rise in alcohol consumption, as people were being poisoned by alcohol that was highly concentrated and or poisoned. Deaths from poisoned liquor rose from 1,064 in 1920 to 4,154 in 1925.There are many views as to why the Prohibition failed. One of the main reasons was due to the fact that a law can not be enforced on a democratic society without the support of a majority. During the prohibition there were many people who opposed the alcoholic limitations placed on their lives, as a result of the Prohibition, with many individuals feeling this way more and more people began to rebel against the restrictions which had a hold on them, they began breaking the law in protest to the Volstead Act.Prohibition did not achieve its goals. Instead, it added to the problems it was intended to solve. The results of the Prohibition are clear organized crime grew into an empire despite for the law grew and the per capita consumption of the prohibited substance increased dramatically the prohibition had been a failure. Some believe that perhaps if the Prohibition had have been better organised and powerfully imposed thence the Prohibition of the USA would have been more of a success. However this was not the case and due to the mistake made through the enforcement of the Prohibition the moral standards of society were changed forever.Nationwide Prohibition ended on the 5th of December 1933. However the effect of this mistake (Prohibition) lingered on American (USA) society for many years to follow. It was hoped that Prohibition would eliminate corrupting influences in society instead, Prohibition itself became a major source of corruption. After the Proh ibition had ended many people had changed their attitude towards the government, as they believed that the government had become too involved in the personal lives of individuals through their enforcement of the Volstead Act of January 1920. The United States of America would neer be the same again, the nation never returned to the waythings had been in the years prior to Prohibition.During the time of Prohibition the great decade of change occurred, which was known as The Roaring Twenties with it came Prohibition, one of the gravest mistakes ever made by an American (USA) government, this mistake saw society change in more ways than one. As a whole moral standards declined, disrespect for the law became evident and faith in government policies decreased. After the Prohibition there was a Midwestern crime wave in 1934 where, gangsters robbed hundreds of banks, kidnapped and murdered tons of people. Due to these criminal offences by 1940 people became untrusting of immigrants and u nder the Smith Act immigrants were to be fingerprinted as people feared that these people may have been gangsters.Prohibition was a grave mistake which changed the United States. During the Prohibition years the mistake of the Volstead Act caused an extreme rise in crime encouraging everyday people to break the law and increased the amount of liquor that was consumed nationwide. Within Society moral standards began to drop, people began rebelling against the laws put in place, and breaking the law was no continuing regarded as such a heinous act. The dishonesty and corruption that grew with prohibition made US people lose their respect for the law and for the people who were supposed to enforce it. American (USA) society has never really recovered from the effects of Prohibition, it has never returned to the moral standards once held as a nation. On a whole the Prohibition was one of the greatest mistakes made in the USA during the 1920s. Overall the Prohibition was a failure tha t should not have been enforced at all, let alone in a decade The Roaring Twenties where rapid change was taking place on its own.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Freedom and Equality
Although exemption and equality are values that Americans hold dear to their hearts, they are ambitious to enforce to an entire nation from the perspective of the US governwork forcet. Freedom was easier breaking from the colonial days to a new constitutional government, one reason was because in that respect was less people to govern, and secondly because only first class citizens (white male) had any true freedom to do whatever they we interested in.This was the case because all men were not created equal in the eyes of the wealthy white make, obviously I am generalizing, women and African Americans had a very difficult time point asking for the right to vote in the so-called free country. This being said true equality has never been mastered by the US Government, or any other governing body for that matter. The US today is still torn over the right to marry whomever you chose.This should be a no brainer in a country that prides itself on values of freedom and equality. Througho ut the history of the United States government, I believe that equality has taken strides to encompass much and more people. I believe that equality is progress, and in this case it is progressing much further than freedom has. Most recently in this last decade or so since 9/11, freedoms have been stripped from civilians in order to promote safety.Under amendments such as the Patriot Act, the Executive branch has taken certain concealment freedoms from the citizens, informing us that the reason is to protect the Land of the Free. Quite a double standard when it comes to freedom and a governing body. If the citizens were to have every freedom that they so chose, without moral consideration, than laws would not be abided and the local or National governments would not have the freedom to enforce such laws that keep society political campaign smoothly.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Homer †“The Odyssey Essay
It is surprising that Odysseus, a master of stratagems, can also be reckless and impulsive?Throughout the Epic, The Odyssey, Odysseus is inflexible to be a survivor and return to Ithaca with a status appropriate to his own sense of excellence. Odysseus is not going to make any suicidal adventurous stands on the battle field and refuses to compromise a very narrow sense of integrity. On the contrary, he is ready to use any stratagem to secure home. Odysseus lies, accepts insults, disguises himself, represses his emotions and even conceals his true identity in order to get through his journey. Odysseus is impulsive and reckless. The Epic, is only the story it is due to Odysseus being a character of proneness and hastiness. He creates opportunities for events and challenges and also the opportunity to return home as a whizic icon.Odysseus was surely a master of stratagems. Cunning, strong, skillful, courageous and patient. The King of Ithaca, attraction of his people. He was both these things in the beginning he departed for Troy. Although he was a great king, admirable, and resourceful, at times Odysseus was also reckless and often acted impulsively. The roles of being a hero and a leader were always implied. In a search for glory and glamour Odysseus sought out danger, mocked death and ways prepared to accept an candid death. He also risked the lives of his men. This was most evident in the Cyclopes saga, where Odysseus persisted in entering and remaining in the cave despite the pleas of his men to take what they could before the giant returned.He chose to be too greedy, because of his actions six of his men died. Odysseus could not resist the temptation of boasting to Polyohemus who had blinded the Cyclops, again despite the pleas of his men. Not erudite what he was playing around with, not just his life but the lives of his clump as any one of those boulders could have struck the vessels and destroyed the manage of them.Later, Eurylochus was to refe r to this episode with the Cyclops when he virtually attempted suicide by resisting Odysseus plan to take the whole crew back to Circes palace.why are you looking for trouble going to Circes palace, where she will turn you into pigs? We have had all this before, with the Cyclops, when our friends found their way into his fold with this foolhardy Odysseus. It was the mans reckless folly that cost them their lives(Homer 1991, book 10, line 430)There was a lack of trust between Odysseus and his crew at times. Odysseus lack of leadership and recklessness was clearly pointed out on the island of thrinacle. The crew broke their oath and disobeyed Odysseus commands about eating the cattle of Hyperion. This incident underlined their weaknesses and Odysseus iron will and self control-but also showed the limitations of his leadership.On the other hand, there is evidence of care and concern by Odysseus for his crew. He was a man of stratagems but at times acted purely on neural impulse whic h resulted in consequences that only made himself look reckless. A man who clearly had the ability to lead by example, as a king and military leader, he had the inspiration, confidence and loyalty. This is seen throughout the text many times. On his journey, though, circumstances were somewhat different, the individualism and egotism of the hero as well as his failure to air effectively on several occasions created distrust.A man of tremendous courage, although he made those impulsive decisions he did care for his crew. Without Odysseus being this character there would be no story, and The Epic probably would not exist today. This man was chosen to be a king and a leader of a crew for a reason. He may have gotten a little caught up in the glamour and glory at times, however he was appointed leader and king by the gods above. If the crew had been just as impulsive as their leader, and followed his commands then they to would have returned to Ithaca with their leader.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Heritage and Health Essay
With cultural differences evident among the human population in the world today, it could be noticed that the different approaches likewise differ from one culture to anformer(a). Having the knowledge that people are usually shaped in life through the traditions that they were particularly brought up with, some emphatically use these traditional ways of wellness maintenance to suffice their compulsion for better health status.In this paper, understanding such differences among human individuals at symbolize and how well they are able to withstand the challenges of modern health issues that face the human society at present through the implications of traditional ways of health care procedures shall be discussed and clarified. Personally, the condition of this paper has get holdn the different ways by which his culture imposes the different procedures of healthcare approaches among the ancestors and older generations that he has lived with.Considerably, seeing them and the suff ice by which they deal with health emergencies and the emerging issues that pertain to the said need of being healthy, taught the author himself to face certain health situations in the same manner. Most of the procedures utilize by the authors ancestors are based on the process of using alternative routes to healthcare maintenance. Instead of actually being able to welcome the most important approach to health issues through medical ways, the family line of the author tends to get down cure from regular herbal solutions.Traditional as it is, his ancestors call back that it is only through this process that they would be able to find the most demanded cure without having to worry about the many possible side effects of the process that they are going to adapt to. This is the reason why most of the authors family members try their best to do away with synthetic practice of medicine and vitamins offered in the market today.Having the chance to meet to other families from other cu ltures, the author himself found out that the entire process of maintaining health from his side of the family may be a little bit different from that of the process to which other cultures view the said need to protect ones health. For one, the implicative manner by which the other family from the west naturally brings about the welcomed possibility of accepting new age medicine without any doubt.Likely, that family was particularly raised in a society of unceasing change and development. Their intense belief that change is for the better makes them well acquainted with the different developments in medicine that brings about the possibility of dealing with health issues in a much convenient and faster way which they think is most effective not only for their health postulate but also for the modus vivendi that they are dungeon.Meanwhile, another family attests to the use of rituals for the sake of saving a family from any health phenomenon that may arise in the human community that they are living in. They also depend on rituals and prayed-for oils that are believed to have a great chance of healing someone with an illness or even with a entrepot health case through the collaborative use of touch and prayer.As much as they believe in alternative medicine, they also believe that their gods would be able to help them get through life especially during trying times including the need to deal with serious health cases. Seriously, up to these moments, the two families and the family of the author himself have a great connection with traditions especially when it comes to health issues and the need to deal with the situations concerned with the said matter.Terribly, there are some occasions when in any case much tradition makes a family members life be subjected into serious dangers. This is the reason why the author himself decided to take nursing as a career, a path that he knows could both protect his familys health and allow culturally deepened families t o see the differences of the procedures of modern technology and modern medicine to bring ease to the health needs of the human society.Knowing how these people feel about their connection to their culture certainly makes it easier for the author of this paper to see through the situation and be able to decipher the health cases he is supposed to handle later on and still be able to find the most effective procedure there is to manage giving them the health care assistance they need without completely bypassing their cultural traditions just so to be able to save the lives of people in an ethical yet strategic way.It is through this process that the author believes that he would be able to successfully utilize what he has learned within the four walls of the classrooms and laboratories along with the things that he learned and would be continuously learning from actual medical practice to meet the needs of the people who are culturally loyal to their traditions when it comes to hea lth maintenance needs. True, some of these cultural or traditional procedures help well in the idea of belongings a good grip on keeping ones health protected.In fact, it could not be denied that there are those medical experts who retrying the highway of alternative medicine as suggested through traditional procedures of healing, however, for certain terminal health cases, there must be a careful balance on the given attention towards health safety and traditional loyalty to the ways that one or a family has been particularly accustomed to. Truthfully, this fact leads to the idea that nurses need to be flexible enough to know and recognize the need for health safety and cultural respect in dealing with healthcare issues.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Unethical Behavior in Forensic Science
The acquittal of Peter Nickel in February of 2004 from assertions that he was responsible for the death of his long-time employee Gary Rowley in a major car accident was a when Nickels Defense justiceyer, Gary M. Wilson, accuses the Detroit police of normalize evidence.Crowley was said to be on the drivers seat while Nickel was at the transports cargo bed. A faulty roadway and a blown-up tire was said to be the major cause for the accident as Cowley was thrown off the truck and was pinned under the trucks cargo bed when it veered off the road, rolled over and hit a telephone pole.Both victims were said to contain been intoxicated prior to the accident but accusations on Nickels intentional involvement in the incident was put into question when Wilson argued that the police had switched the original blown-up tire to conceal evidence and persist conviction.Mr. Wilsons allegations were later found to be true when a sheriff deputy admitted to have made the switch. self-propelled fo rensic scientist, Sal Fariello, gave his expert opinion on the case, testifying that most DUI crashes cannot be convicted by mere alcohol alcohol addiction alone since most accidents would have happened anyway even if the persons involved were sober.T here(predicate) seems to be rampant cases involving incompetent law enforcers and investigators who tamper with evidences in order to easily solve the case and move on to another. The case exemplified here is a classic scenario of intentional tampering of evidence and authorities should consider how to contain and prevent such(prenominal) mistakes from recurring in crime scenes.ReferenceResponsibility in DUI Laws, Inc. (2004, February 13). Police Evidence Tampering in gritty Profile DUI Vehicle Homicide Case. Retrieved April 19, 2009, from http//
Sunday, May 19, 2019
AB Thorsten Case Study Analysis
In my view, manufacture of XL-4 in Sweden is a well laid out innovation and Mr. Ekstrom and his team has done good research and analysis of the switch. However, I would not authorize the enthronement. To start with, the investment in Sweden impart cost the company heavily as it will involve hardenedting up a new factory at a whooping cost of Skr. 76.385 one thousand million.In making investments decisions, we must always ascertain exclusively possible alternatives then come up with the most workable one. In this case for example, we need an option of expanding the Canadian plant which supplies the Swedish foodstuff to provide for the proposed increase in market parting at a cost of single Skr. 7.183.The expansion would not only ensure minimal startle in the fixed costs but alike save the company due to the economies of scale enjoyed by the Canadian plant. As comp atomic number 18d to the five years that the company will take to receive its investments for the Swedish plant, upgrading the Canadian plant will only take 2.5 years to give the company a return on its investments.In addition, the company stands to benefit form the high internal rates of return in Canada which are set at 60% as opposed to the Canadian 15.7% rate of return (Torre, 1999). Incorporating the production of more XL-4 to affix the 400 loads demand in the Swedish market would therefore prove more viable as it will save more resources.The resources saved could actually be used for other purposes or be invested in projects that will bring forth higher returns within a shorter time such as investing in bonds and bank certificates. The investment in Sweden should therefore not be undertaken.According to Ekstrom and his team, the proposed project was going to be a major breakthrough for the company with a potential market of 800 heaps of XL-4 in Sweden. Customer trial conducted using three major companies have revealed that indeed the engineering of XL-4 squeeze out save the c ompanies a great deal in terms of costs, material handling and fuel.Ekstrom and his team are calling to the management to help in setting up a plant producing 400 wads of XL-4 each year at a cost of about Skr. 76.385 million in plant and machinery.Working slap-up of about Skr. 5.6 million will be required as working capital. Ekstrom states that the plant can recover 60% of its inventory costs from the taxable income as the Swedish law permits it. The plants life after which it will have to be renovated to suit advancement in technology is given as s unconstipated years.By the barricade of the seven years, the Swedish plant should have reached a net present value of Skr. 15 million after taxes. The analysis is well performed using modern management tools and they are highly approving of all the figures presented.The analysis however does not include the sales projects in case the company may root to expand to Europe and the rest of Scandinavia. On the question as to where the fu nds would come from, Ekstrom explained that funding could be obtained from borrowing in Swedish banks if the demand surpassed 400 tons.The Canadian divisional management is against the investments. They give several(prenominal) reasons to support their arguments. Gichoud, the director of sales argues that the sales of 400 tons per year were far too optimistic citing from his experience in marketing (Torre, 1999).According to him, there is no way they can make 400 tons sales in Sweden alone while Ro guides overall world market is only 600 tons. Director of manufacturing, Levanchy is also not very keen on the project saying that the manufacturing processes is very complicated for Sweden to undertake even with the presence of trained workers.The Canadian management insists that this is an expensive undertaking for the company taking up a lot of money which could have been saved if the production was done in Canada.They compare the returns and number of years taken to get a return on th e investments. As opposed to Sweden which will use initial costs of Skr. 76.385, Canada would spend Skr. 7.183 get returns in 2.5 years as opposed to Swedens five years get a higher rate of return on capital of 60% as compared to Swedens 15%.The issues of doubtfulness and market trends are ignored in estimating the demand of XL-4. Customer choice resulting from competition, increase in technology and changes in the markets is an important consideration before making an investment.In the event that a new product comes to the market before the seven years proposed by Ekstrom and his team are over, the division is likely to suffer losses from the huge investments. Take for example that the target 400 tons per year falls due to the changes in market or emergence of a competitor.The predicted plants net value would be lower than Skr. 15 million. A 15% return cannot also be achieved. The management therefore ought to give an allowance for any changes in the market. This proposal takes t he market as a constant playing ground which according to them will only change after seven years.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Japan or China the Most Important Strategic Relationship for Australia Among the Major Asian Powers?
Is lacquer or china the close burning(pre no.prenominal)inal) strategicalalal race for Australia among the major Asian effects? By Mej Amran B Mohamad RMAF Malaysian Armed Forces Defence College Haigate Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. 12 Nov 2009 Author so-and-so be contacted at emailprotected com. au Introduction Australias credentials and place in today inter internal organisation is quite a satisfying which influence amplely her ability to position and formulating herself strategically in the global scenario specially in the Asia pacific domain.As a nation with global interests, Australia deals with umpteen countries in many spheres and angiotensin-converting enzyme of them is in Asian region. Australia undoubtedly and substantially engages hers interests in a wide range of aspects within the modeling of the countries within this Asian region. Among the countries which be influential in shaping Australias strategic and defence reaction indemnity within the Asia Pacific ring are China, lacquer and to the south Korea, North Korea and Association of South einsteinium Asian Nations (ASEAN) block countries.On the former(a) hand signifi crowd outt Australian interests are also meshed in Australias relationships with the opposite states such as the European Union and its member states, and in the South Pacific, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. However the acclivitous of China and the influence of japanese among the major power and largest economies of the Asia-Pacific region has substantially alter the region stability lately.Many new factors and balancing pointers live emerged and its impacts cannot be do by in shaping Australia strategic relationship and its development of self-abnegation policy. Consequently new form of challenges give birth emerged such as North Korea nuclear proliferation issues and overlapping claimed territory in the South China sea to mention a few. As such advertently Australia needs to revisit and review back its strategic relationship between the so called major powers in Asia region like China and japan in order to ensure its efficient implementation of strategic environment.Australia essentially need to ensure its shelter, trading, investment, scotch, social partners to struggleds the region continue to uphold and be beneficial to Australia in order to continue sustain and keep on its competitory advantage. Aim The aim of this paper is to examine and to look into some critical aspects of Australia strategic and defensive structure lawyers grooming policy framework imperatives in order to decide whether China or lacquer is the most implicationant strategic relationship for Australia among the major Asian powers. Australia world(prenominal) RelationsIn its international relations arena, Australia utilizes its assets such as sparingal, strategic and cultural to uphold its international reputation as a responsible, constructive and practicable acres. It can be passn that the values which Australia brings to its international relations presently are the values of a bountiful democracy greatly influence by her American ally. Australia global politics undoubtedly have been do by national experience and given vigour through and through and through cultural diversity of the clownish itself. well-nigh of the classic imperatives include the rule of law, the accountability of the government to an elected parliament, freedom of the press and a load to a fair go. Australia ranks eleventh in the world in terms of Gross domestic helpated Product (GDP) per capita. For comparison, Australias main export destinations1, 2008 to japan was 22. 7% 1 and China 15. 6% respectively. Australias main import sources, 2008 China 14. 6% and from japan 9%. Australias disproof capability is expectm to be genuinely significant in regional terms.Australia also has a broadly found alliance relationship with the unite States, whose strategic engagement and commitm ent underwrite the stability of East Asia as a whole. Australia strategic milieu According Senator the Hon Robert Hill Minister for Defense2 in 2005, he stressed out that providing the capability to defend Australia and Australian interests clay the first responsibility of ruling government. Now lets us look into Australia strategic environment to begin with discussing in abstrusity by delineates the impact of globalization in relation to its strategic perspective.The Impact of globalization The world is undeniably experiencing profound and rapid change. While the international world system is dynamic, globalization is accelerating the transaction of ideas and technologies and advertently exposing Australia to a new strategic environment framework such as enlarged the mutuality between countries and made borders more porous, increased of the potency of the terrorist brat, increase the complexity of the potential danger of weapon of mass destruction proliferation3.Globalisat ion has accelerated the trends which have a significant impact on shelter policy matters, defense capability and decision-making due to increased unpredictability and uncertainty the applied science r growth has led to a scattering of technology at a faster tempo, specially in the areas of information and communications existing of lopsided threats such as terrorism or WMD have reduced the value of defenses built more or less geographic advantage non-state players quite often in some circumstances, constitute a strategic threat such as new form of transnational terrorist organisations, with no state allegiance and new types of weapons and maneuver and borders as credential barriers are now much less effective to mention a few4. The interconnection of globalisation profoundly have widen and intensify their impacts.Defense indemnity In general, Australias defense policy response to this environment comprises of two major elements5. The first is to shape and build a defense c apability that is versatile and adaptable. Australia has and go away continue to build a campaign that is joint, balanced, networked and deployable. Such a force provides options for a credible response wherever Australias security interests are engaged. Secondly is to build powerful security relationships both globally and regionally. It must be able to lead and have the capacity to go to coalitions in region of interest such as the Asia region as per say. Australias Security InterestsAsia Pacific global issues have significant security implications for Australia. Generally the risk of global conflict diminished considerably with the end of the Cold state of war, however opposite potential threats remain. Conflicts in Europe, the Middle East and South Asia regions have the potential to disrupt global security. To address this Australia need to form a strategic coalition with many countries in her global semipolitical engagements and of course within Asia Pacific Ring, japan and China are the most important priority among the Asia regional major powers. Australias national security and its economic interests are inextricably linked to the security and stability of the Asia Pacific region.It can be seen that the key components of Australias security outline are maintaining a strong national defense capability, the security alliance with the joined States, developing symmetrical defense and security relationships with the countries throughout the Asia Pacific, and strengthening multilateral security links in the region, especially with the ASEAN regional Forum (ARF). As such by continuously fostering strategic relationship with China and lacquer are paramount. Regular bilaterally symmetric security dialogues with countries in the Asia Pacific, and with key partners beyond the region, provide an opportunity to deal views on a wide range of regional and global security issues, promote transparency and honour Australias commitment to working cooperati vely with regional countries on security issues. Australia has increased the number of countries with which it has such dialogues, as part of its long-term strategy of promoting fortuned security perceptions in the Asia Pacific region.The ARF for example is an important means of supporting(a) a sense of strategic community in the region. It complements the central intention of bilateral links in dealing with global and regional security issues, and has an important role in encouraging regional support for international regimes against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their missile deli precise systems. One of the features of the ARF in 2000 was the involvement for the first time of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK). On the other hand Australia sees Japan as a strong proponent and strongly supports ASEAN countries economic growth by providing financial support and assistance in terms of Official Development Aids (ODA) for instance.Subsequently, Australia on the other hand has been very much part of the process of seeking to engage the DPRK more constructively with the regional and international community, including through an exchange of high-level visits. Australia announced the re-establishment of diplomatic relations with the DPRK in May 2000. Australia has made a major contribution to the significant progress in establishing international regimes to prevent the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons and of missiles. Australias future efforts will be concentrated on ensuring that these regimes are implemented and remain effective and, where necessary, are strengthened.Australia is a strong proponent of encouraging adherence to the international regime banning the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel landmines. Australia is connected and relentlessly to adopt practical measures such as landmine clearance, victim assistance and mine clearance technology programs. So after lookin g inside the Australia needs, now lets us see what has China and Japan make out in general and in what ways Australia can benefit more and have the edge by associating herself with the two countries strategically from my perspectives. One thing for sure is that Australia strategic relationships in the Asian region are becoming more complex and continue to evolve. ChinaChinas increasing political and strategic engagement with the Asia-Pacific region with its emerging economic profoundly has many significant impacts on the global deliverance as well as within the Asia region. Its increasing demand for resources is driving China expansion of economic activity development in the Asia-Pacific region and also emerging as a significant proficient centre for region. Hence, Chinas importance to Australia grows along with this development accordingly and it cannot be totally ignored. doubtlessly Australia sees Chinas relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region are critically i mportant to the maintenance of regional peace, security and stability.According to Jieh-Yung Lo, (2007)6, Australias strategic responses would include Chinas relationship with East Asia, placing strong stress on the Korean Peninsula. In particular, Chinas relations with Japan and the United States play some other live role in shaping the security context for the entire region. It is in Australias national interest participatingly to encourage and support Chinese participation in dialogue and cooperation on regional security issues. As for example during 2000-01 the exchange of high-level visits started by the visit of Chinese President Jiang Zemin to Australia in late 1999 continued, with six Australian ministers and the Deputy Prime Minister visiting China.The investment and make do relationship between Australia and China is very encouraging and expanding. China today is Australias third largest merchandise batch partner. New opportunities for Australia are wide open when Ch inas was accepted entry into the WTO, both in terms of greater market access for Australian goods and services. Thus by encouraging China to merge further into the global economy and abide by international trade rules, the role China compete in advocating regional stability become more pronounce.. Mutual economic and trade interests are increasingly underpinned by the strengthening of broader bilateral ties including cultural, educational, scientific and people-to-people links.With different cultures and traditions, Australia and China do not always share the same view, but regular dialogue and government-to-government exchanges have been established on a range of issues from humankind rights to security issues in a bid to discuss differences of opinion. The one-China policy will continue to be a fundamental element of the bilateral relationship within which Australia pursues important economic and trade interests with Taiwan. The size, matchedness and one thousand of growth of the Chinese economy will continue to be a dynamic influence on other Asia-Pacific economies. Hence its strategic influence will continue to grow and need to be guardedly weighted by Australia in planning her defense policy in the region. Japan On the other hand Japan arms of influence cannot be simply being ignored.It must not be forgotten and by reminiscing on the past history of the might of Japanese expansion and World contend II (WW II) and the remarkable effort of its quick phase to recover and become a developed country later to become the giant world economy just next to United States need not to be considered lightly. As such undoubtedly Japan occupies a vital strategic position in North-East Asia and continues to play a primary economic and political role in Asia Pacific neighboring(a) region. So, realizing this, Australia relentlessly works hard to encourage and continue endlessly for close dialogue with Japan on a wide range of political, economic, and strategic iss ues and the development, to the extent possible, of policies which are mutually reinforcing. Japan continues to be Australias major trading partner, accounting for some 16% by value of our total trade (exports positively charged imports) in 2000. It is a significant investor inAustralia and our largest source of in-bound tourism. The Japanese Government is taking more active role in regional and global security. It remains active in the war on terrorism. Japan increased its commitment to other part of the world such as Iraq, both financially and through the deployment of elements of the Japanese Self-Defense Force in non-combat roles. The Japanese Self-Defense contributions to peacekeeping operation effort are quite positive. On the other hand the strategic relationship with the United States continues to develop through increased interoperability, harmonization of Japanese and US capabilities and cooperation in missile defense.Australias partnership with Japan reflects the broad alignment of Australian and Japanese strategic, political and economic interests in the Asia-Pacific region. Like Australia, Japan supports the long-term strategic engagement of the United States in the Asia-Pacific region and recognizes the fundamental contribution that it makes to regional stability. Japan also shares our interest in march on the APEC forum as the primary vehicle for economic cooperation in the Asia Pacific region. The Australia-Japan Conference for the 21st coke was held in Sydney on 29 and 30 April 2001 to chart new directions strategic, economic, cultural, educational and scientific for the relationship.The Conference settlement, The Sydney declensionlaration for Australia-Japan Creative Partnership, set out a comprehensive action agenda to strengthen economic relations, including through a trade and investment facilitation agreement to expand dialogue and cooperation on security and to increase people-to-people links. The Prime Ministers visit to Japan in August 2001 built further on these links. The Factors Shaping Its Development and the Challenges to Be Met To Ensure Its Effective Implementation. In today dynamic environment more quite often the failure of existing international institutions to provide confidence in collective security arrangements has prompted an increasing resort to coalitions-of-the-willing to resolve issues of common concern. As such anticipating and meeting hallenges to Australias security remains a demanding task. Some of the crucial factors shaping Australia defense planning in general include the war on terrorism, proliferation of nuclear weapons and weapon of mass destruction The war on terrorism continues unabated on many fronts. Successive terrorist attacks in NewYork, Washington, Jakarta, Bali, Madrid, capital of the United Kingdom and elsewhere since 2001 have demonstrated clearly that no country is immune from experiencing the debacle and horrors of non state actor such international terrorism. Th e threat of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has even to be defeated as some states fluent seek to acquire a nuclear weapons capability. long issues, including those relating to the Middle East, North Korea, Iran and Taiwan, remain the subject of international tension. Many countries, including in the Asia-Pacific region, continue to struggle to get the conditions they need for stable economic and political development. Issues of economic downturn, human trafficking, human migration, drugs smuggling, environmental issues, overlapping claimed, border disputes are among current issues that need to be emphasize and handle diplomatically and strategically. These imperatives are among many challenges confront by Australia. Analyse the Strengths and Limitations on Current Australian PolicyAustralia employs its defence capability as the most potent of the range of instruments in order to promote and support its security interests. Among Australia strength include having a f ormidable Australian Defence Forces (ADF) which is able to meet all these policy and strategic needs. The ADF is capable of guide as a networked, joint force across information, air, land and maritime domains. It also has the capability to operate in environments that are complex and ambiguous, and where adversaries, including non-state adversaries, have increasingly lethal capabilities. Through continuing modernization, it needs to defend capability edge over potential rivals by having the elements of versatility7. robustness8, jointness9 and integration10.At all times it must maintain high levels of preparedness as demonstrated by ADF personnel whom have been deployed in many operations, including those in East Timor, Bougainville, Afghanistan, the Middle East and Iraq, the Solomon Islands, and the Sudan to mention a few. Several of these operations have been concurrent. On the other hand, there have been continuing border security tasks, natural disaster relief operations and contributions to long-running UN peacekeeping or peace-monitoring operations in the Sinai and elsewhere in the Middle East. Other role includes supporting domestic security operations such as those for the Olympic Games and the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting. Some of the constraints include festering cost pressures on the defense budget.This consequently affects the rising cost of state of the art military equipment, particularly capabilities essential for the ADFs capacity to develop and operate as a superior networked force. The other aspects is the enlisting and retention of an evermore technically capable force amidst of a strong and growing economy, will sure enough become more challenging Thirdly is to ensure the most efficient use of resources posses a significant challenge to the ADF. Australia Strategic Alliance Priority to Chinese or Japan Australia security accord with Japan has been greeted with much controversy over Australias actions and intentions of cont aining China.These two Asian major powers have brought back the shadows of Cold War language of fundamental power relations and strategic competition within the Asia region. However rivalry could be restricted to peaceful economic competition for economic resources. According to Jieh-Yung Lo11 (2007) China and Japan produce an environment of bi-polar Asia and putting Australia with the dilemma of balancing its national interests in the face of this strategic competition. All this while Japan has become a long time trusted partners in the Asia-Pacific region. Japan and Australia share a common interest in regional stability and prosperity. And today, Australia and Japan enjoy one of the most significant economic and strategic partnerships in Asia.As can be seen in July 2003 besides the latest security accord, Australia and Japan concluded a Trade and Economic Framework to set directions for the future development of the bilateral trade relationship. On the contrary Australia recogniz es that both China and Japan are important to its foreign policy and defense policy in the region and shares a growing and thriving relationship with China and on the other side of the coin have a stable relationship with Japan. Australia is very clear where its interests lie and tends to see economics and security as separate issues. It welcomes Chinas growth, but believes that Japan and the United States should remain influential players in regional affairs. 12 Conclusion From the discussion above it can be seen that it is essential for Australia to form up a formidable defense planning which must provide for both the needs of the present and the possibilities of the future into the chartless territory. In my opinion thus Australia strategic alliance with Japan is most crucial and prioritized compare to with China. It is based on many elements of shared values and interests between Japan and Australia. I cogently believed the relationship will still remain the cornerstone of Aust ralia strategic partnership in order to foster and enhance further regional security and stability in the Asian region.Bear in mind that a countrys effectiveness and influence in international affairs is determined by a combination of genuine and intangible factors including its reputation, its geographic size and population, the size and success of its economy, its strategic culture and its defense capability. I can foresee that Australia will continue to work to support the Asia-Pacific region in addressing threats of terrorism, weapons proliferation and the challenge of failing states. In an ever more inter-related world, threats to our neighbours are threats to us among which include the threat of proliferation of WMD within the region and in supporting fragile and vulnerable states.Whether fighting terrorism, piracy, transnational crime, international drug syndicates or people smugglers, effective defense policy remains a key tool of the Australian Government. As such it is i mportantly and uniquely for Australia to form up a smart partnership and strategic alliance with another countries in this case among one of the major powers in Asia region the most important is Japan if compare to China. In building war fighting capacity to respond to possible future threats, undoubtedly the right defense policy framework will still remains the primary instrument of the Australian Government and will therefore continue to have a central role to play in protecting and assure Australias national goals of a peaceful, stable and increasingly prosperous region.However China as an emerging economic power with it renowned of its military might of course also play a vital role in destabilize the East Asian region and have great influence on the North Koreas and its proliferation nuclear issues cannot be totally ignored. I strongly believe that that a good current relationship with Australia-China is still very useful and Australia need to diligently and willingly maintai n a role in influencing China to a certain extent. There is evident in Australias growing economic and political relationship with China in terms of trade and regional affairs. I also believe that strategic competition between China and Japan will continue to be dominant factors and shape the security and future stability in the region. On present trends, I believe China has reasons to be confidence. Bibliography Booksdefend Australia in the Asia Pacific century Force 2030. Canberra, passage Dept. of Defense (2009) Dibb, Paul. (2008) Australias security relationship with Japan how much further can it go? Canberra, ACT Strategic and Defense Studies Centre P 355. 033094 AUS/407 Frost, Frank. (2005) Directions in Chinas foreign relations implications for East Asia and Australia. Canberra, ACT Dept. of Parliamentary Services Gupta, Amit. (2008) Strategic stability in Asia. Aldershot, England Ashgate. 355. 03305 STR Hale, David D. 92006) In the balance Chinas unprecedented growth an d implications for the Asia-Pacific. Canberra, ACT Australian Strategic Policy Institute. P 327. 94 ASP Jennings, Peter. 2005) Getting China right Australias policy options for dealing with China. Canberra, ACT Australian Strategic Policy Institute. P 327. 94 ASP / SI 19 Lee, John. (2007) Foundations for modern approaches to the China security question. Canberra, ACT Strategic and Defense Studies Centre P 355. 033094 AUS/405 Mulgan, Aurelia George. (2007) Australia-Japan relations New Directions. Canberra, ACT Australian Strategic Policy Institute. P 327. 94 ASP Sutter, Robert G. (2008) Chinese foreign relations power and policy since the Cold War. Lanham, MD. Rownan & Littlefield 327. 51 CHI Taylor, Brendan. (2007) Australia As An Asia-Pacific Regional Power Friendships In Flux?capital of the United Kingdom Routledge 327. 94 AUS Terrill, Rose. (2006) Riding the wave the rise of China and options for Australian policy. Canberra, ACT Australian Strategic Policy Institute. P 3 27. 94 ASP Tow, William T. 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RSIS Commentaries, 24 April 09 http//www3. ntu. edu. sg/rsis/publications/Perspective/RSIS0402009. pdf Australias bilateral relationships can be found at http//www. dfat. gov. au /geo/fs Specific trade and investment information see http//www. dfat. gov. au/ And http//www. tradewatch. dfat. gov. au East Asian Analytical Unit http//www. dfat. gov. u/publications/catalogue/pub_bycountry. html DFAT statistical publications see http//www. dfat. gov. au/publications/index. html Australias international treaty commitments http//www. austlii. edu. au/au/other/dfat Australias human rights policy e http//www. dfat. gov. au/hr Australias international environmental activities http//www. dfat. gov. au/environment Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), http//www. ausaid. gov. au. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, http//www. aciar. gov. au Australian Safeguards and Non-proliferation Office, http//www. asno. dfat. gov. au Australian Trade Commission (Austrade), http//www. austrade. ov. au Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC), http//www. efic. gov. au/ 1 Fact Sheet, grocery store Information and Research Section, DFA T, http//www. dfat. gov. au/geo/fs (dated 4 Sept 09) 2 Australias National Security, A Defence update 2005, Australia Department Of Defense , pp. v 3 Ibid pp. 5 4 Ibid pp. 2-4 5 Ibid pp 12 6 Jieh-Yung Lo, (2007), Article on China v Japan implications for Australia? Dated 4 Dec 2007 7 Versatility represents the capacity to perform a range of different roles, often concurrently. Australias National Security, A Defense Update 2005, Australia Department Of Defense pp. 9 8 Robustness is indicated by depth in resources and personnel and is an essential quality if the ADF is to retain the ability to sustain operations for lengthy periods. Ibid pp. 20 9 Jointnes refers to responds to the challenge of ensuring that all service elements operate together in ways that make a unfeignedly joint force. Ibid pp. 20 10 Integration represents the ability to network weapons platforms and capabilities to strengthen their effectiveness as part of a whole force. Ibid pp. 20 11 Jieh-Yung Lo, (2007), Arti cle on China v Japan implications for Australia? Dated 4 Dec 2007. 12 Jieh-Yung Lo, (2007), Article on China v Japan implications for Australia? Dated 4 Dec 2007
Friday, May 17, 2019
Corning Glass
Case Studies Corning ice rink Background Corning Glass is a large, multinational make-up involved in glass and related convergences with an increasing emphasis on utmost-value, technologically-specialized products, many of which are now part of joint-venture programmes and developings. Innovation Claim to Fame This firm is another of the 100 lodge, having been founded back in the mid-nineteenth century. It was a pioneer in butt against foundation enabling high-volume manufacture of glass, but in the twentieth century moved into developments of specialized glasses which led through to a medley of product/process innovation associate.It has successfully managed to avoid the commoditization of its core products by repeatedly climbing up the technological ladder to enter young and more difficult fields in which it rump husband competitive advantage. Its consistent investment in R&D has meant it has a technology till into which it has been open to dip each age the company has faced crisis. At for the first time perhaps by misfortune but in more recent times as a function of strategical send off, they harbour built a capability for reinventing themselves base from a glassmaker to a fibreglass pioneer to a fundamental player in photonics, fibre optics and moving into Internet services.How Do They Manage Innovation? Cornings biography is one of unvarying innovation, much of it slightly process, but one which is also punctuated by breakthrough shifts into new and see areas. They find increasingly write out to use external partners bringing new and often real different friendship sets and have learnt to let go of their earlier reliance on doing it all in-house. too they began life as a technology push company but some big mistakes, such as their expensive failure in trying to create a technology-driven market for automotive rubber eraser glass, led them to rethink and shift to a much more market-linked organization.A attain stage came in the mid-eighties when they recognized that growth and increasing diversification of innovation options required that they systematize their draw near to its management front to that it had been a classic culture of individual champions driving a technology system. They identified their ability to leaping as being key to their innovation success that is, getting different and complementary knowledge sets to come together around a new product concept and turn it into reality at high speed once the core principle had been articulated. Innovation Strategy and LeadershipThe company has always held innovation as a core strategic value, and they link this strongly to generating and managing intellectual property their knowledge bank. What really matters for innovation is continuous generation, management and deployment of intellectual property as a strategic asset. This has been a council chamber issue on a number of occasions when the company has faced crisis for example, when the market for television tubes declined and they were squeeze to make crucial cutbacks 2005 Joe Tidd, John Bessant, Keith Pavitt www. wileyeurope. om/college/tidd 1 Case Studies and changes but it has helped them move forward each time into new technological and market fields . Their strategy until recently can be described as strongly technologyled but there has been a marked shift in the late-twentieth century, first to a marketoriented approach and most recently to a network-based simulate which sees key alliances as the way forward. A number of key strategic enablers are worth flagging Consistent support for 150 years for the core value of innovation through knowledge generation and application Willingness to let go to reinvent themselves by moving on from their proud heritage and into new fields Consistent commitment to R&D backup typically it has run between 8 and 10% ever since the founding of the company when it was one of the first to set up an R&D lab . The use of deep dive sessions essentially strategic review meetings where the role as strong as direction of R&D within the organization is explored and through which a close integration between this strong resource and key application domains can be achieved.These sessions helped shift the focus from a largely responsive, market-led business to one which was trying to set the grand through deploying key strategic technologies. Enabling the Process The company has a fairly standard process for steady state innovation using a version of a stage gate model to funnel development ideas through a well-resourced system designed to generate customized solutions to particular market needs. This has worked well for them in their traditional markets where the pace of change is relatively slow and where the envelope within which product development takes place is clearly defined.They have particularly good links between product development and manufacturing with feedback into the design process a key theme emerging out of their early presence as a strong player in process technology innovation. Their move into new markets and less certain product/market definitions has meant that they are now experimenting with different routes to managing the do different innovation process. These include accomplishment with others quite an than trying to own all the resources, there has been a growing trend to network- and alliance-based product development.Their existing accomplishment of being able to configure rapid response cross-functional teams has helped them in this process. Learning from new networks allied to this has been a significant expansion of the selection environment in which they work, so that they explore much less familiar territory through their co-operation with a wide group of outside agencies in joint ventures and other collaborations. associate to this has been their extended use of technology sharing partnerships with major players which also had large but complementary R&D capabilities.Working with big players on complementary projects helps both partners move the frontier forward quickly by being able to focus resources. 2005 Joe Tidd, John Bessant, Keith Pavitt www. wileyeurope. com/college/tidd 2 Case Studies Building an Innovative Organization accenting knowledge flows across the organization and creating structures to enable creative interchanges amongst them. Strong core value of quality and continuous improvement.Deliberate attempt to create communities of design enable setting up of differentmix teams to bring some variety into the knowledge gene pool. Use of storytelling as a chemical mechanism to build and communicate shared computer storage and collective ingenuity. Development of flexible critical mass the ability to quickly concentrate key human resources on high priority projects. This is underpinned by the storytelling since this quickly and effectively communicates and shares good practice around how su ch teams can quickly form and perform.Linkages and Networking Corning has been involved in many joint ventures of a significant scale and their learning from these has led to a growing emphasis on actively building links as a key innovation strategy. They have a long tradition of R&D networking and co-operation for example, much of their competence base in photonics arose out of close networks and collaborations made with institutes in the former Soviet Union which contained excellent science but lacked resources and access to development facilities.Reflection on the sources of their innovation success have led them to extend their virtual global laboratory and they have developed sophisticated ways of gather intellectual property from such collaborations without taking over or compromising the autonomy and independence of the laboratories and institutes with which they work. Learning and Capability Development A key development has been in the use of storytelling and other approa ches to try and recapture the earlier strengths of the company which had, to some extent, been lost in the later part of the twentieth century.It provides an accepted and widely-used mechanism to recapture grounded experience in the company itself rather than have reliance on best practice or other prescriptions delivered from outside. For more on Corning and the ways in which it manages innovation see M. Graham and A. Shuldiner, Corning and the fashion of Innovation (Oxford Oxford University Press, 2001). 2005 Joe Tidd, John Bessant, Keith Pavitt www. wileyeurope. com/college/tidd 3
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Malcolm X : Identity Formation
Multicultural Issues Identity Formation Malcolm X Everyday Afro-Americans go through indistinguishability formation. Identity formation is the development of the distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity. While watching the movie, Malcolm X, starring Denzel Washington as Malcolm, he shows many stages of identity formation. His alone purport-time, he went by taking chances. The choices and decisions he made either ended good of ended bad. By the end of the movie, it ended in a tragic massacre that sadly ended his life. Throughout the movie, they jumped some about his life.They showed flash brooks of his childhood and continued from on through his life. Im going to begin with his life transformation. As a child, he was faced with bad racism. His family would be tortured by the KKK (Ku Klux Klan). His father did everything he could do to protect his family. The KKK (Ku Klux Klan) killed his father after all the torturing. Malcolm and his siblings were t aking away. Malcolm was sent to an Orphanage where in discipline he was the only Afro-American (black) student in his class. His teacher even told him he couldnt commence a lawyer. He should consider becoming a carpenter.Malcolm was faced with man racist comments. Later on in his life he go badd the life of a street hustler. He went to prison and that completely alter him. We must transform ourselves, as a people, as a condition for securing our freedom from oppression. This was the beginning of his shape of identity transformation, Who are you? The question Malcolm stressed. The first time Malcolm was asked that he said Malcolm Little. He was told thats the sportingneds man name for you, promptly who are you? He didnt have an answer. He had to let his self. Then he gave his self the name Malcolm X.The X representing the unknown name of his African ancestors and their refinement that had been scattered during slavery, disc everywhereing all of this after six years in pr ison, after being convicted of robbery and sleeping with white women. This identity transformation was also spiritual and intellectual transformation. He undertook a rigorous process of self-education. He was all about Black Power and the Power of the Great and Almighty Allah. This was a form of his identity transformation One aspect of the African-American life in society today, as well as in the movie, is the role and identity of women.The women serve as the backbone of the family that prays and request that theology would watch over and protect the family. The focus of my writing is geared towards discussing the womans identity development in the African-American culture and the world at large. Research express that in order to be able to reckon what the significance of identity development in African-American women consists of, it is important to get the picture of the racial undertones in society. Throughout our countrys history, African-American women have been subjected to digesting negative stereotypes about themselves in comparison with their egg white counterparts.The belief behind this statement is that Caucasian females were closely associated with having more positive qualities than African-American women. As a result, a sense of shame has been connected with the concentrated effort to explain what it means to be an African-American that leads to an existence of racial consciousness in the minds of everyone within the culture. Moreover the conversation continues by stating that research that focuses on identity development in African-American women includes the suggestion of oppression and the requirement for self-determination and/or talent through resilience.In order for African-American women to move towards self-determination through resilience, they have to acknowledge both the saltiness and the actuality of racism and sexism in todays society. These isms impact the everyday lives and experiences that they have and will encounter at scho ol, at work, and in places where they may receive any form of public assistance. An author named Black lambaste about faith in beau ideal as foundational in a womans life toward the development of a sense of identity and value as the women eal with the trials and tribulations that she faces. The use of faith helps her to keep situation on God as a loving, caring person as she learns to redefine what adversity looks like. another(prenominal) writer named Mattis says the studys focus on African-American women is intentional because they weave together culture and spirituality as part of how they identify themselves . Moreover, Black comments that an African-American womans faith and how she interacts with God is effective because there are two key components to their relationship reciprocity and familiarity.These two characteristics work together as a way to help African-American women deal with their struggles because a) their self-worth is rooted in the fact that God loves them and b) no matter what they face in this life God has a plan to reward them now and forevermore. Just like any other family, we you grow up, you go through a reaching transformation. As I stated before, in African-American families religion is an important factor to their culture. Just like in the movie and in Malcolms real life, he became educated and went around the world teaching.He taught was it means t be black, what it means to worship the Nation of Islam and becoming Muslim, and opened the world up to the real racism of society. When he became Muslim, he seized to live in the society of whites. He believed in going back to our roots, back home, back to our original civilization, back to West Africa, South Africa and Central Africa. These teachings cost him his life, yet his legacy live in his family and around the world of African-American and Muslims
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