Friday, August 28, 2020
Intermediate targets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Middle of the road targets - Essay Example One of the most cited instances of an aberrant objective is the cash gracefully in an economy. Central bank can't devastate the old dollars neither one of the its can toss a clump of new ones in the market (practically speaking, the Fed has all the position to print new dollars and increment the cash flexibly legitimately yet it is in all probability and the presumption here is that it wont do likewise) (Bofinger, Reischle and Schachter, 2001). In this way, so as to increment or decline the cash gracefully in the market, the procedure is to modify the loan fees of the economy and open market tasks of purchasing or selling securities. Low loan fees combined with the Fed’s endeavor to purchase the securities in the market would expand the cash gracefully in the market since individuals would remove their cash from their banks to scan for other venture options, which can make more significant yields. Besides, the people who recently had securities presently hold their benefit in a structure fluid structure in this way expanding the general cash gracefully in the market (Solow and Taylor, 1999; Bofinger, Reischle and Schachter, 2001) Unemployment is additionally a halfway objective of money related approach. In spite of the way this isn't the objective of fiscal strategy under all financial approach yet it is a significant objective for the majority of them. So as to diminish joblessness, the financial approach specialists would attempt to diminish the loan costs, which would consequently help the venture from the side of the overall population. Greater speculation would prompt more openings for work and more openings for work, in this way, diminishing the general degree of joblessness (Bofinger, Reischle and Schachter, 2001). Besides, with diminishing loan fees, the swelling is probably going to go up which would give a motivating force for the makers to deliver more and acquire more noteworthy benefits in ostensible terms. This rouses the makers to additio nally build the yield and efficiency, which prompts greater business openings (Solow and Taylor, 1999). Swelling Targeting In a large portion of the states and nations where fiscal strategy exists, one of its ideal objectives is to target expansion and hold the equivalent under the ideal range, by either causing an increment or lessening in it. Since loan cost is the primary apparatus of financial strategy for Central Bank, the opposite relationship of loan fees and expansion rates makes it understood for the overall population that what the Central Bank is attempting to do with the swelling (Walsh, 2003). For instance, if the expansion is over the ideal or focused on level and the Federal Reserve needs to cut it down, the thought is raise the loan costs with the goal that the swelling rates could drop down (Gali, 2008). In this way, as per its definition, swelling focusing on alludes to the procedure utilized the Federal Reserve with which the Fed gauges, plans and set an objective for future expansion and with the assistance of money related arrangement apparatuses makes an endeavor to achieve the equivalent. Individuals in the economy likewise become acquainted with this objective so they could design their investment funds, wages, livelihoods, and others in line of that future degree of swelling. Practically all the creating and created nations on the planet effectively use swelling focusing since it helps in the smoothing of financial activities in the nation (Bofinger, Reischle and Schachter, 2001). Swelling focusing on, which is being utilized by many rising economies of the world, if effectively tied down, prompts incredible advantages. To start with,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Assessment and analysis of a psychology related problem or challenge in Eastman Kodak
Presentation Organizations are generally mind boggling units. They are related with numerous issues that must be done in a provided way so as to accomplish individual and by and large authoritative achievement. A portion of the significant angles in associations incorporate the fixed and current resources and the HR. Human asset assumes an extraordinary job in organizations.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Assessment and examination of a brain research related issue or challenge in Eastman Kodak explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More They encourage different perspectives in an association through control to accomplish the ideal outcomes. Workers execution is influenced by different things some of them being physical while others are mental. Therefore, they should be treated in a proper way to improve execution. This bit of work takes a gander at non-appearance as a brain research related issue in an association. The association of study will be Eastman Kodak. Foundation Information Eastman Kodak is a notable worldwide enterprise/organization in the film and imaging industry. It is a data imaging association that is situated in the United States of America. It has, in any case, spread its activities far and wide to eight significant nations, that is, Germany, Canada, Mexico, France, U.S., Australia, Brazil and the United Kingdom. Its items and administrations are additionally advertised by auxiliary organizations to individuals in excess of 150 nations. Because of its huge size, Eastman Kodak has a huge workforce and requires a great deal of coordination so as to make progress. Over the ongoing past, the organization has encountered a few issues in the human asset office, a perspective that has raised worry due horrible showing by the workers which thus influences the profitability of the organization. The serious issue is, in any case, non-appearance among the workforce which presents the test of meeting the employees†™ wants for example concerning work-life balance (Kodak, 2011).Advertising Looking for paper on business financial aspects? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Absenteeism in Eastman Kodak Absenteeism involves the routine conduct of neglecting to take care of an obligation or commitment. It is a difficult that has been there for an extensive stretch for whatever length of time that associations have existed. In times past, truancy was taken as an indication of poor individual execution or an incredibly terrible mix-up performed by a worker towards a business. It was seen to be an unadulterated administration issue. In the ongoing past, notwithstanding, non-appearance has been found to be an indication that is identified with either, clinical, social or even mental issue which is connected to acclimation to work. Non-appearance is commonly seen to be a freak work environment conduct and subsequently negative attributions. Cons equently, it is dependent upon social control and it typically results to strife in the work place (Eggert, 2002). There are different causes or factors that lead to non-attendance among representatives. The central point incorporate absence of occupation fulfillment and poor treatment where the workers feel undervalued. Poor working conditions could likewise bring about work place pressure which thusly lead to non-attendance because of absence of spirit to continue. Another factor is employees’ poor picture on an association or the manner by which workers see their association. Poor organization’s recognition among the representatives can block their exhibition as far as work participation. Different elements incorporate poor administration or initiative and absence of self inspiration, genuine disease and mishaps, fatigue at work, individual issues, work pressure and poor physical wellness among others (Eggert, 2002). As indicated by the withdrawal model of brain sci ence, truancy is a component that speaks to a representative withdrawal from working conditions that are not fulfilling. There is a positive connection among non-attendance and occupation satisfaction.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Assessment and investigation of a brain science related issue or challenge in Eastman Kodak explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Solution to the Psychology Related Problem A high level of non-attendance in an association is generally connected to poor confidence. Regardless of the way that truancy is an amazingly upsetting issue in associations and Eastman Kodak specifically, there exist a few methodologies that ought to be applied with an end goal to get an answer or rather stay away from non-appearance. Various gatherings should assume various jobs in battling the issue of non-attendance. A portion of the general estimates that ought to be received by the administration incorporate turn of events and usage of fittin g nonappearance strategies. The approaches ought to have an unmistakable qualification between nonappearances that have veritable reasons and those that are because of indiscipline. This will stay away from examples where representatives feel obliged to go to work in any event, when they can not perform, for example, when debilitated just to dodge some serious results. This could cause more prominent non-appearance and decreased efficiency because of working in unexpected frailty. The approaches should likewise offer a few rules on revealing ahead of time incase one truly can not make it to work. Inspiration has an extraordinary effect in creating employees’ temperaments and feelings which may decide the degree of their non-attendance. This is on the grounds that worker feel acknowledged and very much spoke to and henceforth the inclination to try and work harder to improve their individual execution and accordingly that of the association in general. As indicated by the anti cipation hypothesis of inspiration, representatives generally will in general work better in the event that they accept that difficult work will prompt better execution and that better execution will prompt prizes. Prizes, in this manner, diminish the degree of non-attendance among the representatives (DuBrin, 2008). The component of value additionally assumes a crucial job in improving employee’s execution. Workers will be debilitated in the event that they feel that they are being segregated against.Advertising Searching for paper on business financial matters? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More This may expand the degree of non-appearance in the work environment. Then again, representatives will be fulfilled when they accept that their pay is equivalent to that given to other people who make comparable commitment in the association. A proper authoritative culture bonds workers together and encourages acknowledgment of hierarchical objectives. This nearby bond likewise rouses representatives to move in the direction of the acknowledgment of an organization’s targets and objectives. This guarantees the degree of non-appearance is limited. Pioneers should think of an association culture that supports employees’ participation in the working environment. Since a culture is hard to change once engraved in employees’ minds, it is significant that the pioneers be cautious while making hierarchical societies. Solid societies are related with development, development and significant level of employees’ participation (Robbins and Judge, 2010). Another exert ion of managing truancy is selection of authoritative change to impact conduct. It is a decent practice to encourage important changes in an association so as to advance representative duty in the work place. In the advanced business world, the degree of intensity of an association is controlled by its capacity to deal with fundamental changes inside an association. The procedure of progress isn't in every case simple. It includes modifications in an association which may influence everyday exercises. Change is related with various difficulties, for instance, representative protection from change. Thusly, the procedure needs a ton of consideration so as to concoct viable changes which will summon employees’ support as opposed to opposition. The workers ought to be completely associated with the progressions to build up a sense obligation in actualizing the changes. Great relational aptitudes in an association are likewise significant. Relational abilities assume a noteworthy job in decreasing the degree of worker non-appearance. This is both between the pioneers and representatives just as among workers themselves. Great relational abilities advance shared comprehension inside an association. This advances great connections among the workers henceforth improving their comprehension and occupation fulfillment. Pioneers must require some serious energy in speaking with representatives to sharpen them on the effect of non-attendance on the presentation of the association. Such association will help in building up an awareness of other's expectations among the workers along these lines evade truancy. Representative pay additionally helps in decreasing truancy. Pay is the prize given to representatives for the measure of work they have done in a particular timeframe. Workers could be remunerated through different ways. For example, there is a need to have after some time guideline and installment. This will help in repaying representatives for working for a long time than anticipated. This will help in decreasing the degree of non-appearance in the work place. For instance, representatives will be urged to go to work regardless of whether it implies working for extended periods of time since they anticipate pay by the day's end. Opposite, representatives may neglect to answer to work in the event that they anticipate staying at work past 40 hours without pay (Aamodt, 2009). Human asset supervisors can likewise impact the lead of the representatives in the work place. The chiefs can control representatives so that there is insignificant degree of non-appearance. This could be through turn of events and pay of the representatives. This aides in persuading the workers. Human asset administrators likewise have a significant job in recruiting representatives. The human asset chiefs should complete a basic assessment of the past exhibition of the up-and-comers. T
Friday, August 21, 2020
Memo to Chiquita Brands International free essay sample
Since the current issue is a genuine nature undermining the presence of a major player in the banana showcase, I have attempted to return to history of the organization of profoundly political nature of the universal arrangement making in this exchange. I have attempted to comprehend the job of protectionism in the worldwide banana advertise as it has made a great deal of issues for players like Chiquita Brands International. After a cautious assessment of the entire issue undermining the presence of our organization, I have attempted to discover the exit plan. Governmental issues and Chiquita Brand International Apparently Chiquita Brands International and governmental issues have been interlaced with the introduction of the organization. The historical backdrop of the organization that goes back to 1870 has seen association of the organization in exchanges to far away places. Directly from the absolute first deal to North American markets the organization appeared to move more distant and more remote to take into account more current markets and make huge benefits. We will compose a custom exposition test on Reminder to Chiquita Brands International or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Working together in a remote nation gets certain level of vulnerability as the business needs to work outside legitimate system administering business there. The organization delighted in a place of unchallenged force in Latin American district where it delivered banana crops on its own territory. Through banana exchange, the organization for all intents and purposes controlled economies of the countries in Latin America. The organization claimed not just huge fields of land in these nations yet additionally possessed streets, rail tracks, transportation arranges as these were exceptionally pivotal in banana business. The sheer size of business tasks of the organization in the area brought organization proprietors closer to the administrations of these banana creating countries, and further prompted company’s authority over governmental issues of the district. Indeed, even the US government guaranteed business interests of the organization in temperamental regions by sending marines to shield company’s resources. The organization not just delighted in a definitive force in its creation base of Latin America yet in addition controlled the European markets by assuming control over a 45% offer. The current emergency of the organization has a great deal to do with governmental issues as the European countries need to confine US organizations and offer assurance to their previous states as respects banana exchange is concerned. Despite the fact that the organization attempted to comprehend the issue through political channels, the organization must investigate its general working to survey the explanations behind its defeat. The prohibitive and prejudicial conditions forced by EU are regular for all the players in the market however different players are not under comparable antagonistic states of monetary emergency. This demonstrates despite the fact that legislative issues has assumed a job for good just as awful for the organization, the issue lies elsewhere. The way that the European market has given particular treatment to ACP area as against Latin American and other non-favored districts directly from 1975 and still United Fruits Company figured out how to expand its volumes, its benefits and its hold over the world. The EU’s new banana system is by all accounts troublesome for the organization however the way that EU figured out how to break Latin American area by consenting to a structure arrangement to give special treatment to specific countries and debilitate GATT appeal shows that Lindner’s political administration is a lot less fortunate than the individuals who were overseeing United Fruit Company. Indeed, Lindner comprehends the significance of legislative issues in running such a major business realm and that is the reason has enjoyed political subsidizing and taking assistance of lawmakers and lawful system like area 301 of USTR. He has moved toward the entire issue from a political reasoning that became issue of global governmental issues that should be settled through legislative issues. Protectionism in worldwide banana showcase †Good or terrible? The current emergency being looked by the organization is by all accounts a consequence of protectionism in the worldwide banana showcase. Preferably there ought to be no limitation with the expectation of complimentary progression of merchandise and ventures however this isn't accurate. There is not really any field where limitations are absent in exchange as the country/area forcing those limitations needs to shield nearby economies from intense worldwide rivalry. Banana industry is no exemption to this general guideline. The world is still in a progress stage as respects genuine mix of the world exchange into a perfect single market. Without a doubt the protectionism has played a ruin sport for enormous players in banana advertise and yet offered genuinely necessary help to creating countries particularly ACP locale that shaped previous settlements of Britain and France. The exchange obstructions demonstrated fruitful for the less-proficient makers as they got insurance against greater players. Such a procedure can give control to littler substances in becoming greater and giving extreme rivalry in the market. In spite of the protectionist arrangements of European locale as respects banana exchange the US organizations and those from different pieces of the world have earned substantial sums of money out of it. The exchange has been very productive through every one of these years and has rather prevented this industry from turning into a home-ground for a couple of huge players as it were. The way that this business needs a great deal of capital, this industry is probably going to go under the control of a couple of huge enterprises. These limitations can be defended in light of the fact that banana produce from less proficient creation bases should be sold for the monetary government assistance of delivering countries. This has rather opened an open door for organizations to attack into new creation destinations and build up those countries as Chiquita helped creating Latin American economies through its business domain. Company’s way to deal with EU’s Banana Policy Since the organization, since its commencement, has delighted in political help in the Latin American locale and the US, Keith E. Lindner’s way to deal with take care of the issue through political channels appears to be very self-evident. Rather than making proactive move in making sure about its situation in EU advertises by making sure about more licenses or making new creation base in EU favored locales, organization relied more upon political connections. Be that as it may, the political force went under doubt as EU forestalled endeavors of a solid GATT appeal by isolating Latin American locale by consenting to a Framework Arrangement with a few countries and giving them better access to European markets. This ought to be considered as a political calamity for the organization as it further confined the company’s business in European district. Lindner documented segment 301 request with USTR simply after the organization had just lost a sizable piece of the overall industry to its rivals in the European district. In spite of the fact that the progression was the correct way yet it was past the point of no return. Rather than legitimately going for requesting activity against Latin American signatories to the structure understanding the organization ought to have utilized its political assets to campaign as one substance. Rather Lindner moved toward Bob Dole, Kansas Senator to squeeze these nations as they appeared to easy objectives against political weight given the way that they were creating countries and were subject to US for a great deal of things. Give not just caused Lindner to get his segment 301 application through yet in addition put focus on the US government to relate banana system with section of GATT. Lindner and Bob Dole put forth a valiant effort to get the banana system featured and remedial estimates taken by the legislature however it flopped as the two were uncovered by the media. Because of political reasons Bob needed to retreat as he couldn't completely legitimize his full scale support for an organization that had significant piece of its activities and resources outside US. In spite of the fact that Bob retreated from the political strategy, his help and dynamic crusading lead to certain improvements at USTR requesting conceivable approval against EU and Latin American signatories of Framework Agreement. What’s next? Since the organization over years had delighted in a political help in its business and financed the political systems, it moved toward the banana system with same outlook. Rather than understanding the monetary ramifications and discovering courses out to kill negative ramifications through great business arranging and activity, the organization depended more on political connections and lawful system. Indeed, even on political front he was unable to keep the Latin American economies together to give an extreme battle to the banana system in Europe. He ought to have utilized Germany in getting some help from the prohibitive banana system as Germany had no territories to give assurance in this exchange. The way that Germany was against the system couldn't be utilized by the organization in support of its. Since the organization has just put a great deal on ideological groups in the US, the organization should keep campaigning for exacting activity against EU on banana system and should put all its weight behind area 301 petitions with USTR. This will absolutely give organization some alleviation in the more drawn out run. Be that as it may, the organization needs a transient answer for its issues all things considered under serious budgetary tension. The organization must investigate its budget summaries and attempt to discover the difficult territories. While its US-based rivals are venturing into ACP district, the organization can't bear to be deserted. The organization can't consider such a measure as the organization has a money emergency. The budget summaries show that the deals of the organization have expanded thus have working salary. The difficult zone is by all accounts substantial obligation. The prompt arrangement lies in selling hold land; some portion of transportation organize and different resources in Latin American locale and with the returns increment money position and extend in ACP area. This will prompt better piece of the pie in Europe and give some protection against vulnerabilities as the ranches would be spread across landmasses. The compa
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
A Great Example of How to Write a Scholarship Essay
A Great Example of How to Write a Scholarship EssayWe've all had experiences at school where we were 'scooped' or the instructor gave us some samples on how to write a scholarship essay. This could be for any subject matter or grade level. It could have been in the books or used by the teacher as a discussion topic.Usually, these are done in class or by listening to them on tape or CD and thinking that it was a 'quick and easy way to do it'. It wasn't! And I can assure you that as you did a lot of the writing yourself, you also weren't writing from a book.Today I want to show you a nice example of how to write a scholarship essay. It's a less than simple task that usually has a lot of student involvement. It also was not given a lot of information that wasn't given in the classroom.We're going to talk about this on another site but basically what happens is we take the money problem and then solve it with your own personal success. What you're going to do is spend some time comparing the demands of what you want with what you actually need. Where the need should be lower, the demand should be higher.In this case, you'd be using a test item that could be on any topic. I would recommend quizzes or essay test. These can be just about anything you want. A long term illness, a job interview, or a simple question on what a school offers, would probably be the best choices.At first glance, you may not see a lot of information in the required resources that are offered. You'll have to work at it and discover those that will help you become a stronger, better writer. What you are going to be doing is taking a huge lesson in everything you've learned up to this point and taking that and putting it into practice. If you learn one thing, think it through, that is the next thing you're going to learn.You're going to find out that the need is actually lower than you thought it was, but the need can be higher if you find the needed things to help you better understand the syl labus. Remember, you can always call me if you're ever lost. We can discuss a scholarship essay in depth with you and help you improve your own writing abilities.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Case of the Wayward Water Drinking Water Getting...
The Case of the Wayward Water - Page 1 of 44 Welcome to an EthicsGame Hot Topics Dilemma! Few issues have recently gotten as much attention as the energy extraction activities involving a controversial procedure called fracking. As reports of drinking water becoming tainted with fracking fluid flood the news, both oil and gas companies as well as environmental groups are presenting competing facts about the effects of drilling on ground water. Economists are often asked to prepare reports with objective analyses balancing the cost and potential damage to the water sources against economic benefits to the local and national communities. These requests for analysis can provide interesting ethical questions for those†¦show more content†¦Now, lets see how learning about the Four Ethical Lenses and a simple method for decision-making can help you resolve a typical ethical dilemma. Ready? The Case of the Wayward Water - Page 2 of 44 Discover the Four Ethical Lenses The easiest way to resolve an ethical dilemma is to work through a straightforward five-step decision method called the Baird Decision Model. The first step is Being Attentive. This step has two pieces: figuring out what exactly is going on in the situation and then determining what ethical values are conflicting with each other. However, both of those steps depend on knowing about the Four Ethical Lensesâ€â€four very different ways that people approach ethical decision making. Using the concepts of the Four Ethical Lenses helps clarify the differences in ethical expectations and resolve conflict. Values in Tension The concept behind the Four Ethical Lenses is that people give varying priority to commonly held values, such as truth-telling and loyalty. For example, one person may believe that the value of truth-telling means that you can never tell a lie, even if someones life is in danger. Another may believe that lying to save a lifeâ€â€loyaltyâ€â€is, in some situations, absolutely justifiable and more important than telling the truth. A good place to start making sense of the differences is by identifying the two great tensions that we as
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
New Health Promoting Vending Machines - 1394 Words
One can rarely pick up a newspaper or magazine without reading about the obesity epidemic. With this rapid rise of obesity throughout our country, many people are growing increasingly concerned about the types of food that we are consuming. Specifically, the availability of vending machines has been under great scrutiny for the past several years. Many believe that the rise in obesity, is in part, linked to the easy access to junk foods prevalent in most vending machines. If vending machines had other healthier options then people would not have to make such poor nutritional choices. New methods have already been put in place to help create healthier food environments in schools, but so far other institutions like pediatric hospitals have yet to be reformed. Most people would assume that a hospital would offer the best nutritional services for their patients. Sadly, this is not the case. Most pediatric hospitals provide poor nutritional environments, especially when it comes to vendi ng machines. I. PURPOSE New Health Promoting Vending Machines (HPVMs) were developed by the health promotion centre of a university affiliated pediatric hospital (Van Hulst, Barnett, Dery, Cote, Colin, 2013). Initially 95% of snacks and 75% of drinks existing in the vending machines at the hospital did not meet the dietary recommendations. As a result, it was determined that new healthier vending machines should be made available to consumers. (Van Hulst et al., 2013). This study was designedShow MoreRelatedIdentify A Need Or Opportunity For Program Development1488 Words  | 6 Pagesprogram development or a new area in which to practice: There is a need to decrease obesity and promote healthy snacking on the go. Missouri ranks 10th among states for the highest in obesity and about 32.4 percent of adults that live in Missouri are obese. When one is overweight, they increase their risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease and hypertension, cancer, arthritis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, kidney disease, Alzheimer’s/dementia, and mental health concerns. Obesity is oneRead MoreShould Unhealthy Food Be Banned?811 Words  | 4 PagesHealth is an important function that overall defines the physical, psychological and social ability of a person to perform in a given situation. In today’s fast and instant life health has taken a backseat. Health related issues visible in all genre people and especially becoming a growing concern in children. At the young age children are facing health related problems like obesity, cardiovascular, and blood pressure. These problems occur only due to the easy acce ss of unhealthy food at home andRead MoreGrowing Health Epidemic : Childhood Obesity1258 Words  | 6 PagesChildren in America are now facing a growing health epidemic: childhood obesity. As many as 1 out of 6 children are now considered obese, and the number is expected to grow. In fact, if current trends progress, the generation born after 2000 will be the first generation that will be unhealthier than their parents. Along with health risks, the cost of care for the increasing obesity cases is estimated to cost $78 billion in medical expenses (Spradlin 2015). With an increase of obesity and relatedRead MoreObesity Among Children And Children Essay1456 Words  | 6 Pages Obesity among children ages 6-18 in the United States Obesity is a major issue not only in the United States, but also around the world. It is dangerous, and it can lead to many health problems. Obesity can causes short and long term health problems; children with obesity are more likely to have risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, and to develop pre-diabetes. Research shows that, â€Å"In a population-based sample of 5-17-years-old, 70 percent of obese children had at least one risk factorRead MoreBlame For Obesity1279 Words  | 6 Pagesthe the United States and in the world. Fast food industries are a common source to cause of obesity due to advertisements and lack of labeling many of their products, which all lead on an effect towards the youth population, otherwise known as the new generation. Society has conformed to unhealthy eating in not just adults but also children , this is due to the fact the that they are being influenced by those around them, specifically adults such as their parents. With this conformity, obe sity percentageRead MoreSwot Redbull969 Words  | 4 Pagesdrinks market with annual sales of billion dollars. According to the statistics, in year 2003 red bull achieved 80% brand share of the energy drinks in market. Since year 2000 (compare to 1990s), it has been a clear shakeout, and fewer new brands are launching new products to the market. Furthermore many products offered by leading drink manufacturers could not compete with Red bull in the market, such as Coca-Cola’s Burn. (â€Å"Red Bull SWOT Analysis†) Marketing capabilities The successful marketingRead MoreIntroduction: Red bull is an energy drink created in 1987 by Dietrich Mateschitz. Red Bull is the800 Words  | 4 Pagesusing trade as a new pathway to increase sales . In addition to that Red Bull is also using vending machines to increase the awareness of it’s brand. †Red Bull is also introducing vending machines, which shows that it’s committed to diversification of its distribution network and faced industry trends.†Extension of product line Because of extensive marketing and promotion budgets that are needed to introduce a new product from a new entrant to the market, the probability of new competitors entryRead MoreObesity A Social Problem Or A Epidemic1671 Words  | 7 Pagesproblem on a global scale. I plan to present what could solve the epidemic in the United States I believe that this epidemic can be solve by doing three simple things with our children or youth of our society . By teaching our children how to cook, promoting or introducing a fitness programs in our schools and removing unhealthy foods from the schools lunch menus will reduce if not solve this epidemic. When we teach our children how to cook, we are doing two things at once. The first action we are doingRead MoreHealth Concerns With Food Consumption1840 Words  | 8 PagesHealth Concerns with Food In today’s society, children are at higher risk for unhealthy food consumption. The increase in unhealthy food consumption has led children to become obese, and it has produced the need for parents and schools to add healthier options to our daily diets. Furthermore, the reason for childhood obesity is widely due to the lack of nutrition that children are getting. In addition to the lack of nutrition, children are also becoming obese because â€Å"children are consuming moreRead MoreLiterature Review Write Up with Cover Page4074 Words  | 17 PagesVending Machine Food Environment Assessment Literature Review Erin Fitzharris University of Iowa-School of Public Health Susan Klein Iowa State University Extension Carol Voss Iowa Department of Public Health Fit for Life Program Summer 2008 1 The food environment has only recently been studied as an important contributor to the dietary decisions people make every day; decisions which ultimately impact both short- and long-term health outcomes. The built environment, or the surroundings
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Case of the Sanctuary Lakes Pty v Commissioner of the Taxation
Question: Discuss about the Sanctuary Lakes Pty v Commissioner of the Taxation. Answer: Case introduction: This is the case of the Office of the Australian taxation which released the impact of the decision of the statement with regard to the full court of the federal court in the case of the Sanctuary Lakes Pty v Commissioner of the taxation. This case further raised an issue as to whether the taxpayer would be entitled to the deductions and whether the penalties were imposed and also remitted on the related parties (Schilling, 2006). The ATO has successfully published the impact statement of the decision in relation with the federal court in the stated case. Sections breached: The section 260-60 (1) was breached by the tax payer. Decision and the reason behind the decision: The appeal of the tax payer was dismissed by the full federal court of law. The court had found that the losses that were claimed were capital in nature and this also, agreed with the AAT which claimed that the outgoing was not incurred by the payer who paid the taxes during the year of 2003. In relation to the issues related with the penalties, the court had rejected the argument that was laid down by the court which followed that the payer of the taxes along with its agent must also take some of the reasonable care in case, it had a RAP. RAP meant having and taking a reasonable care which was in accordance with the statutory standards that were independent in nature and there is as such no reason which was supposed that the application would take a reasonable amount of care which would include the consideration as to whether the tax payer has a RAP or not. The court went on to dismiss the appeal of the commissioner. There was a disagreement between the views that was expressed in the case of Traviati wherein the court had held that the AAT failed to take into account all the facts that were relevant. When it came to the exercising of the discretion for the remittance of the penalty under the section 298-20 of the schedule 1 of the Taxation Administration Act of the year 1953, by the way of considering the facts that the payer of the taxes had the RAP on the deduction of the issue in the dispute. By the majority, the court had found that the AAT applied the test under the section 298-20. The AAT had further acknowledged that there was a need for the circumstances that would mitigate the failure of the payer of the taxes to take some of the reasonable care and appreciate the circumstances of the payer of the taxes that were relevant to the stated decision. Griffiths J further notes that under section 298-20, the application was confined to the terms and that under the scheme of the divisions 284 and the 298, the consideration was precluded of the fact of the RAP from the exercising of the discretion of the sections 227 and 240. The power under the section 298-20 required the consideration of the circumstances of the payer of the taxes and the fact that the tax payer in the stated case had a RAP on the provisions of the contract and the provisions had the party which was the matter which related with some of the particular circumstances. The judge also notes the decision in the case of Traviati was read in the full court decision in Dixon v FC of T during the year 2008 167 FCR 287 which required the decision to be made under the section 298-20 in order to determine the harshness of the particular circumstances of the payer of the taxes for the imposition of the penalty. The correct question under the stated section 298-20 is not the que stion of harshness but is the decision of whether the maker of that decision is satisfied to not. This has a regard to the payer of the taxes in the particular circumstances which was apt in order to remit the amount of the penalty. The decision was in accordance with the relevant paragraph 247-9. Before the AAT, it was held that the deductions would not be allowed. But then the AAT also stated that there were many of the tax shortfalls which were the result from the failure by the payer of the taxes or the agent so that it would be take care of. But the AAT decided that the penalty which was payable must be remitted in relation with the other of the issues that were involved in the dispute and this was decided on the basis of the payer of the taxes as per the issues laid down under the Reasonably Arguable position or RAP. Both of the parties had filed an appeal in this regard and the federal court had held that the decisions that were laid down in the case of FC of T v Traviati during the year 2012. Hence, considering the same the court dismissed both the appeals. In relation with the issue of the penalty, the full court agreed with the case of Traviati and so, rejected the arguments aid down by the payer of the taxes that it was necessary to follow the payer of the taxes took on a reasonable care which was independent of the statutory standards. The court did not agree with the view that was expressed in the case of Traviati and hence, the court did not take the same into consideration when it came to the exercising of the discretion of the remittance of the penalty as laid down under the section 298-20 of the schedule 1 of the Act of Taxation Administration of the year 1953. Hence, the same took into account the fact that the payer of the taxes had RAP on the issue of the deduction and so, the same was in dispute (Tax institute, 2017). The summary of the facts of the case included the payer of the taxes which was involved in the development of the Sanctuary Lakes Resort which is the residential development which was located in Point cook in the area of Victoria. There were many of the related entities which included the tax payer that was responsible for the different functions of the development and also, it entered into a number of different agreements. In its return of taxes of the year 2003 relating with the income of the year, the payer of the taxes claimed the deductions for the losses and also the outgoings were stated to have been incurred under a number of different agreements (Tax technical, 2017). After the ATO had conducted an audit into the payer of the taxes that was involved in the development, the commissioner went on to issue the amended assessment to the payer of the taxes, this disallowed the number of the deductions that were claimed. The commissioner has went on to assess the tax payer at the rate of 25% which was the rate of the administrative penalty on the basis of the different alternatives with relation to the issues that were involved. On the basis of the same, the tax payer or the agent had failed to take on some of the reasonable care when it came to filing the return of the income taxes and so, in relation with the issues that were involved, on the basis of the payer of the taxes failed to take the reasonably arguable position. On the review of the same, the tribunal agreed with the commissioner that the payer of the taxes were not allowed to claim any deductions in dispute as per the AATA 404 of the year 2012. The tribunal also deicide that there were many of the taxation shortfalls which was the result of the failure of the tax payer or it agent to take on some of the reasonable care. But the tribunal had decided to remit the amount of the penalty that was payable in full on one of the issues that were involved in the disputes, this was on the basis of the tax payer who had the RAP on the stated issue. In respect of the view of the decision taken, it is not usual in nature for the tax payer to take a reasonable amount of care when he is in the course of taking some of the statements to be made to the commissioner. In such a case, the full court has further recognised that having a RAP and also taking a reasonable amount of care is somewhat independent and is as per the statutory standard when it comes to the imposition of the penalties which is administrative in nature. The court also went on to reject the proposition that the same allows the tax payer and its agent to take some amount of reasonable are when it comes to making a statement in case the tax payer has had a RAP under the court of law. The ATO also accepts the decision of the curt when it comes to deciding the provisions stated under the section 298-20 when it comes to the remittance of the penalty which has been imposed when it comes to taking some of the reasonable care wherein a maker of the decision could take into consideration the falling that the taxpayer has had a RAP under the law of the income tax. Also, there is nothing contained in the legislation wherein such a consideration was relevant to the question that has bene stated. But the cull court also never stated nor the reasons it stated implied that there was an existence of the RAP which is the matter of the maker of the decision as if there was necessarily which was bound to be taken into account when it came to exercising the discretion under the section 298-20 of the Act (Jacmac, 2017). Hence, the weight that had to be given to the existence of the RAP was mainly for the makers of the decision when it came to determining from one case to another as having regard to the facts and the circumstances of each one of the case. As far as the administrative treatment is concerned there are no implications for the precedential documents of the ATO (ATO, 2017). Conclusion: Hence, in the nutshell, this was the appeal from the administrative appeals tribunal by the payer of the taxes and which was a cross appeal by the commissioner in relation to the amount of the penalty. The tribunal confirmed the objection that was raised by the commissioner who had allowed the deductions that were made for the losses and also of the outgoings that were incurred under the various sets of the agreements that were related with the development of the sanctuary lakes golf courses and the resort. The deductions that were claimed were mainly for the losses the which was incurred by the company on the losses of the sale of the golf membership and also for the losses which was in respect of the forgiveness of the debt which was owed by one of the companies that were connected with the development of the sanctuary lakes and resorts and also comprised of the two items of the expenditure which the payer of the taxes had agreed to undertake in relation with the development of the golf course. The tribunal had also set aside the decision of the commissioner which was related with the penalties of the administration in respect of the issues and had also held that the company had an arguable position (minterellison, 2017). Following the same, the appeal of the tax payer was dismissed. The losses that were claimed were held to be of capital in nature. Also, the interests of the memberships did not form the part of the trading stock of the payer of the taxes since it was trading at the time when the company had incurred those losses. Hence, the losses were considered of capital nature (Minterellison, 2017). References: (2017).Sanctuary Lakes Pty Ltd (VID 520 of 2012 and VID 521 of 2012 ). [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2017]. Morgan, J. (2017).*Sanctuary Lakes Pty Ltd v FCT Full Court confirms denial of $18m deductions in restructure of golf resort complex [37]. [online] Tax Technical. Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2017]. Schilling, M. (2017).TAXATION. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2017]. (2017).Decision Impact Statement - Sanctuary Lakes Pty Ltd - The Tax Institute. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2017]. (2017).No Sanctuary at the Lakes. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2017]. (2017).Income Tax - Deductions. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2017]. (2017).Income Tax - Penalties. [online] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2017].
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Concise Writing Cheat Sheet - The Writers For Hire
CONCISE WRITING CHEAT SHEET Vigorous writing is concise. -William Strunk Jr. The writing tips resource section covers an abundant amount of information on clear and concise writing, but this cheat sheet proves useful when you need an answer quickly. The following guidelines serve as a concise-writing overview. Print out our printer friendly version to keep on your desk or carry in your briefcase as a quick reference tool. Only repeat a word if it is necessary for clarity or emphasis. Original: My brother Chris, who is my only brother, graduated from the University of Houston with a degree in English.Edited: Chris, my only brother, earned an English Degree from the University of Houston. Avoid redundancy using two or more words or phrases that mean essentially the same thing. Original: When I was a child, Mom made me completely finish all of my brussel sprouts.Edited: When I was a child, Mom made me finish all of my brussel sprouts. Avoid beginning sentences with There is, There are, There were or There was. Original:Â There are over 12.7 billion people living in Zimbabwe.Edited:Â Over 12.7 billion people live in Zimbabwe. Avoid using too many nouns in one sentence. Original: The cause of the plane crash hasnt been determined by the government nor by the employees who work at the airline.Edited: Neither the government nor the airline employees have determined why the plane crashed. Remov e adjective clauses, such as who are, which was, that were and that was, whenever possible. Original: Two movies have been made based on the book Little Women, which was written by Louisa May Alcott.Edited: Louisa May Alcotts book Little Women is the basis of two movies. Use single adjectives or adverbs instead of prepositional phrases. Original: Most of the stores we visited were overpriced and snooty.Edited: We visited mostly overpriced, snooty stores. Replace to be, and all of its tenses, with active verbs. Original: Barry Manilow isnt considered to be a musical genius by the majority of people.Edited: Most people dont consider Barry Manilow a musical genius. Avoid using the phrase the fact that. Original: The fact that a dog scratches himself does not always mean he has fleas.Edited: A dog scratching himself doesnt always mean the has fleas. Dont get sidetracked with verbs. Original:It is important that there be no discussing the test in the room designated for quiet s tudying.Edited: Dont talk about the test in the quiet study room.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
ludhiana essays
ludhiana essays Ludhiana is an Industrial Town of India. Ludhiana Business Community has proved its Industrial Strength not only on the Indian Map but also on the World Map. Ludhiana is famous for Bicycle Ludhiana is commonly known as the Manchester of India and also as Industrial Capital of Small Scale Industry in the country. The origin of the town can be traced to the year 1481 A.D. when the Lodhies established fort here. There was hardly any industry worth name in the year 1947 in Ludhiana. The Muslims which constituted the major working force in the industry migrated to West Pakistan leaving a great gap to be filled up. The refugees who came from west Pakistan after partition and settled at Ludhiana, were very enterprising and hard working people. They immediately took up the industry ventures for their lively hood and this was the start of industrial development of the city. Ludhiana has seen enormous industrial growth during the last 4/5 years due to significant improvement in the law and order situation. A conductive atmosphere for the growth of industry is apparently visible. Lot of investment is coming up in industrial ventures may be from Punjab or from outside Punjab. A large number of units have come up both in small scale as well as in large A variety of items such as cycle and cycle part ...
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
An analysis of the policies introduced by the Office of the Mayor of Essay
An analysis of the policies introduced by the Office of the Mayor of London - Essay Example The GLA has power deliberated to perform duties in various parts of the city (Greater London Authority 2012). It has four bodies that range from the London Development agency, The Metropolitan police authority, which is in charge of security in the city, The Emergency planning authority that deals with the disaster, and the London fire brigade. The role of the mayor of London The mayor of London`s job basically ranges from developing policies, setting budgets, as well as ensuring that London is well marketed globally. The mayor has powers and duties to ensure that there is absolute promotion of both the economic social and environmental improvement (Greater London Authority 2012). That is perhaps what may be termed as â€Å"improving London for all†. Before putting any of his powers into action, the mayor has to first consult the city dwellers. Consequently, he must ensure that equality for all citizens is achieved. Being a mayor in London, means one is also in charge of all p olicies and plans for city. This covers all aspects ranging from panning, development, housing, health injustices, culture and other environmental issues including climate changes, noise pollution and health quality too. On improving London, the mayor has to set up budgets that must project the visions that improve London; this makes him to come up with the annual budget for the Greater London Authority and the entire GLA group, this includes the metropolitan police, fire brigade, transportation in London and the London Development agency (Great Britain: Parliament House of Commons: Justice Committee 2009). In addition to his duties, he holds executive positions, as well as non-executive ones, in different organizations. The need for reforms in housing policy The mayor argues that London has got the need to have better and quality housing delivered to the citizens. Due to long term housing pressure in London, it is evident that many have failed to meet the increasing demand of the r esidents in London. With this in mind, it is clear that the quality of life for London citizens have been clearly undermined especially for those who cannot afford the high rents for home in the open market. Despite the number of households registering as homeless decreasing over the years, the number of temporary accommodations has been increasing too. This leads to recording of two thirds of the total households in London. Over 150,000 household in London are overcrowded, this is more than half the total number nationwide. This means that overcrowding rates are now higher as compared to the private rented tenancies. The policies put in place would only do more harm than good because the estimated growth of the population would only increase to 80,000 by 2016 thus creating demand for over 300,000 households. Although the current new housing output is around 270000 new homes every year, only half of them can be affordable. Perhaps, that is why the London housing requirement study ha s identified a need to have 35000 increments of new homes yearly so as to meet the needs as per the projected growth (Greater London Authority 2012). According to the London Housing Capacity, there is enough land that can accommodate more than 31000 new homes every year. However, the significant increase in housing investments over the years means
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Virtual Business Design Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Virtual Business Design - Assignment Example Problem Definition Since the Eurozone debt crisis that affected Portugal since 2010, the pharmaceutical industry in general and Olive Pharmaceuticals have been experiencing reduced profitability. As a result, it has become difficult to stay within the annual operating budgets. As part of the 2011 IMF bailout package, the Portuguese government has instituted heavy reductions in public expenditure which includes the public health care system. Olive Pharmaceuticals has been affected because of the growing public debt of hospitals and the cuts in pharmaceutical expenditure by the government. In 2012, public hospitals owed â‚ ¬1.5 billion to international pharmaceutical companies. In 2013, the public pharmaceutical expenditure was further reduced by â‚ ¬333 million, which makes pharmaceutical expenditure just 1 percent of GDP (Feria, 2012). As a result, sales to state hospital pharmacies have declined by 10% over the past two years (Feria, 2012). At the same time, operational costs have not reduced proportionally because of increase in energy costs and imported raw materials. The business mission of Olive Pharmaceuticals is to provide high quality oncology pharmaceutical products at affordable prices to consumers through efficient operations and continuous research. This is achieved through goals of keeping operating costs low and maintaining supply chain efficiency. The situation has implications for planning and organizing decisions for Olive Pharmaceuticals as it influences the decision about investing in research or selling generic products. Secondly, the supply chain may have to be reorganized for greater operational efficiency. Situation Analysis Impact of the Situation on Planning Planning is defined as the management function related to the determination of organizational goals and objectives and identifying tasks and resources to achieve those goals (Hill and McShane, 2006). The goal of Olive Pharmaceuticals is to grow its market share and profitabili ty by investing in research and efficient operations. Planning is conducted at different levels such as strategic planning, tactical planning and operational planning. The present situation has implications for planning at all levels. Strategic planning is concerned with decisions about which products to produce and which markets to serve (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2009). In the current situation, where the government is reducing expenditure on pharmaceutical products, the sales of oncology products will become expensive due to high costs. Rationing will further reduce profits while keeping costs the same. On the other hand, sales of generic drugs will increase due to lower prices to the consumer. The planning decisions to be made in this situation include the selection of whether to continue investment in researching new products or market generic drugs to reduce costs and increase sales. This would require careful analysis of the organizational mission and goals. Tactical plann ing is concerned with decisions made at the divisional level. These goals and plans are developed with a view to help the achievement of strategic level goals and plans (Daft, 2013). The challenge of reducing operational costs can be achieved through effective planning at the tactical level with the divisional managers assuming responsibility for staying within the operating budgets for their divisions. Finally, operational level planning is also relevant in the current situ
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The Chesapeake and New England Colonies Essay Example for Free
The Chesapeake and New England Colonies Essay Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by the people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had evolved into two distinct societies. These two colonies divided based on their values and goals for their future, New England believed in unity, religion, and family, while the Chesapeake region believed in success, working alone, and entrepreneurship. Their lives really centered around what they believed in and was the determining factor on why these societies are very different. New England came over with a sense of unity and equality for their people. They wanted what was best for everyone. Massachusetts wanted to have the poor and the rich in their town as well as everyone having a share of the meadow or planting ground. They wanted people to have equal portions and opportunities. They sought comfort and strength in each other to reach goals and worked together to get the job done. John Winthrop who was an English Puritan speaks of knitting together and working as one man. He preaches about looking over one anothers flaws and pushing forward and supplying people with the necessities they need. He sees they should be the city upon the hill, a model for everyone to follow, and learning and experience with and form each other, together as one. He wants a tight knit community where everyone helps out and believes in one another. This region is more interested in building a strong sense of community and bond with one another. The New England region relied strongly on their religious beliefs and the church had a strong influence over the people. They turn to God in time of need and despair as well as in happiness. The people will preach the Lords words and be his servants. They vow to walk in the ways of Christ with the church and the other people. They unify and work together for the church and for the Lord. They overlook each others flaws and help each other day by day because thats what being apart of the church is. They want a perfect and united society and God to walk with them through it. This region wants to be able to have the religious freedom they deserve and believes God will take them where they need to go in life. Family was just as important to the New England region as religion and unity. Family ties all these values together into one. They wanted a certain amount of families in their towns. The ship full of emigrants bound for New England are full of families and marriages that have lasted a while. All these families make the community a whole, without them there wouldnt be the values to unify them or bring them together through the church. Basing their life off of these values and putting them into effect made their lives successful. They built such a strong community for themselves because they were in the right mindset and had the right tools to walk them through it. People and families are the backbone that need to be there in order for the town to survive and no one giving up. They were wealthy aspiring leaders and people throughout the region. Virginia and the Chesapeake region had different views on their lifestyle. They believed in success no matter how they got there, they just wanted the profit from it. Only the wealthy made their way through with their riches such as gold. John Smith a leader in Virginia tells that the people with money, spare clothes, credit to give bills of payment, gold rings, fur, or anything of that sort were welcome to purchase supplies. The dug for gold and other riches in the ground. They were not about equality or giving equal opportunities to the rich and poor. More men came to Virginia, it wasnt really family oriented either. There was only eleven out of many men coming to Virginia. The reason people came was for the profit and hope to gain riches. The people of Virginia worked alone and believed in entrepreneurship. They didnt care how they got to the top, as long as they were there. They didnt believe in working together to accomplish something, they wanted all the credit to themselves. They were self employed and wanted to make new businesses being their own boss selling valuables. The only people who helped them out was the many servants protecting them. They had no sense of community or compassion for other people. They thought about themselves before anything. Their motivation was the profit they would consume from it, not worrying about what it may have caused for others to reach that. These people wore more messy and dirty clothing than Virginia because they were working and some people were poor, and they had a lot of servants. These regions were completely opposites in the way they chose to live. The New England region believed in a strong community with families and religion supporting them, while the Chesapeake region wanted profit and riches, preferred working alone to get the necessities they needed. The New England ways gave us a sense of democracy and working together as a whole.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment Essay -- Health, Parkinson’s Disease
Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) is primary utilized as a voice treatment for individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (PD), it’s main focus is that it attempts to increase vocal loudness and improve vocal function (Countryman S, Hoehn M, O’Brien C, Pawlas A, Ramig L, and Sapir S, 2001)(Ramig L, Sapir S, Fox C, and Countryman S, 2001). There has also been success in utilizing this treatment protocol for clients with dysarthria associated with stroke, and traumatic brain injury as well as children who have cerebral palsy and Down syndrome (Marchant, J., McAuliffe, M., & Huckabee, M. January 2008)(Spielman, J Ramig L Mahler L Halpern A Gavin W., 2007,)(Wenke, R., Theodoros, D., & Cornwell, P., January 2008)). LSVT was conceived in 1987 and has been extensively studied around the world since then (Countryman et. al., 2001). LSVT is a very unique form of voice therapy in that it focuses on several very simple tasks that are designed to maximize the client’s phonation and respiratory functions. (Countrymen et al., 2001). Spielman et al., 2007 indicated that the standard course o...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Our Buttocks Are Different Essay
I have chosen Arthur Rimbaud’s poem entitled â€Å"Our Assholes Are Different†. The poem was originally written in French and has been translated in many different versions. Interestingly, the poem is also known as â€Å"Our Buttocks Are Not Theirs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and carries a significant reference to the poet’s personal life as he was an unabashed homosexual. The poem is also a reflection on Rimbaud’s tongue-in-cheek and witty sense of humor that is his unique trademark in all his writings. In this paper, I will discuss his usage of tone, imagery and symbolism. First I am going to analyze tone. The poem is spoken in a direct, straight-forward manner with feelings of animation, pleasure and amusement. The poet is clearly thrilled with the idea of peeping into other’s private moment of relief but instead of looking at them with disgust, the view provides him with romantic, happy, idle thoughts that remind him of freedom. The act of relieving oneself is actually a form of release and that the pleasure is both mutual, for the reliever as well as the watcher, â€Å"And in those happy floods that youth set free I watched the architecture of our crotch†. To the poet, seeing the buttocks is a way of appraising nature as it occurs upon him that not one buttock is similar to the other. It is interesting how he describes the buttock similar to our faces, with â€Å"a dimple indent’ and characteristic from one another, â€Å"Its forms to muscles, and a wickerwork/ Of hairs; for girls, the most enchanting lurk/ In a dark crack where tufted satin grows†. The smooth roundness and blushing cheeks of our buttocks reminds him of the â€Å"painted cherub on a Baroque shrine†known for their adorable exposed buttocks that are as chubby as the cheeks on their innocent, angelic faces. The touch and appearance of its softness from afar excites the poet as it inspires him the meaning of liberation, â€Å"If only we were naked now, and free†. And at the end of the poem the poet even sounds aroused when he declares, ‘to watch our protruding parts align;/ To whisper – both of us – in ecstasy! †. Next I will analyze imagery. Rimbaud uses simple language to describe his emotions and responses to something we often keep private. As he begins with describing his habit of watching people urinating in private, he describes them as how he sees them with a touch of romanticism. The poet is descriptive in the physical attributes of the buttocks similar to if he were looking and describing a building, â€Å"I watched the architecture of our crotch/ Quite firm, in many cases, it owes its form to muscles, and a wickerwork/Of hairs†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . While others would feel embarrassed to look, let alone illustrate, the sight of another’s private parts, Rimbaud is unabashed, telling them as God’s enchanting work of art as he sees them as ‘touching and wonderful innocence†. It is interesting how Rimbaud uses a small reference for relief (urinating) and transforms them into a bigger and more profound imagery such as freedom of the soul. And as one openly exposes oneself with his buttock, we might as well go completely naked to experience the ultimate form of relief – spiritual liberation. Next I will discuss symbolism. On the surface level, Rimbaud’s buttock is extremely physical: one sees another urinating and the buttock is exposed for all to see, perhaps unintentionally. However, on a closer inspection, the buttock signifies an opportunity to be free, not just for the observed but also the observer. From just the mere sight of a person’s buttock, the poet is saying we are hiding something so marvelous and beautiful to behold, thus, let alone an entire body that would be even more marvelous to be shared, â€Å"Oh! If only we were naked now, and free/ To watch our protruding parts align†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The buttock is an attribute we have behind us and that is constantly covered, like a best-kept secret. Yet it plays a crucial role for humans as it releases toxins from the body. And because it is always kept hidden, it becomes a wonder. And how we keep it â€Å"quite firm†or â€Å"a wickerwork of hairs†, is a reflection of who we are and our personality, much like a thumbprint. And thus, seeing glimpses of one’s crack is much like having a preview into one’s personality before you even get to know that person, and that creates another significant excitement for the poet. â€Å"Our assholes are different from theirs†reverberate a connotation of distinction. It is as if the poet is saying, â€Å"theirs†are different to mine. He describes the buttocks he sees and those of â€Å"young men†depicting them as filled with youth and â€Å"innocence†. And if he could stand naked among them, his bottom would be â€Å"whispering†to theirs – as if in humility – the joys and pleasure to be firm, carefree and adolescent again. There are no worries and no hassles in life, just liberation. This poem has an odd topic for discussion, yet it makes a lot of sense about wanting, needing, and appreciating freedom. And what is unique about its symbolism, is that the poet uses a simple concept to teach us about freedom from the simple act of urinating and relieving oneself. The problems we bottle inside us are similar to the urine we accumulate throughout the day. And as we operate in a cycle from drinking to urinating, we need to do employ the same method in other aspects of our lives. Yet we do not. Imagine if we had the same discipline with our problems and our life’s choices. We have the ability to purge out unnecessary â€Å"toxins†in our body such as hate, anger, tension, stress, frustration and sadness on a daily basis, we would be leading healthy lives and cancer would not exist. Silly as it sounds, the poem about our buttocks is a good reminder of the little pleasures in life we often take for granted. And poems such as this are a reminder of why Rimbaud was hailed a brilliant poet. He succeeds in bringing to life imagery and symbolism that would otherwise make no sense to us.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Understand the Economic Concept of a Budget Line
The term budget line has several related meanings, including a couple that are self-evident and a third that is not. The Budget Line as an Informal Consumer Understanding The budget line is an elementary concept that most consumers understand intuitively without a need for graphs and equations -- its the household budget, for example. Taken informally, the budget line describes the boundary of affordability for a given budget and specific goods. Given a limited amount of money, a consumer can only spend that same amount buying goods. If the consumer has X amount of money and wants to buy two goods A and B, she can only purchase goods totaling X. If the consumer needs an amount of A costing 0.75 X, she can then spend only .25 X, the amount remaining, on her purchase of B. This seems almost too obvious to bother writing or reading about. As it turns out, however, this same concept -- one that most consumers make many times each day with reflecting on it -- is the basis of the more formal budget line concept in economics, which is explained below. Lines in a Budget Before turning to the economics definition of budget line, consider another concept: the line-item budget. This is effectively a map of future expenditures, with all the constituent expenditures individually noted and quantified. Theres nothing very complicated about this; in this usage, a budget line is one of the lines in the budget, with the service or good to be purchased named and the cost quantified. The Budget Line as an Economics Concept One of the interesting ways the study of economics relates to human behavior generally is that a lot of economic theory is the formalization of the kind of simple concept outlined above -- a consumers informal understanding of the amount she has to spend and what that amount will buy. In the process of formalization, the concept can be expressed as a mathematical equation that can be applied generally. A Simple Budget Line Graph To understand this, think of a graph where the vertical lines quantify how many movie tickets you can buy and where the horizontal lines do the same for crime novels. You like going to the movies and reading crime novels and you have $150 to spend. In the example below, assume that each movie costs $10 and each crime novel costs $15. The more formal economics term for these two items is budget set. If movies cost $10 each, then the maximum number of movies you can see with the money available is 15. To note this you make a dot at the number 15 (for total movie tickets) at the extreme left-hand side of the chart. This same dot appears at the extreme left above 0 on the horizontal axis because you have no money left for books -- the number of books available in this example is 0. You can also graph the other extreme -- all crime novels and no movies. Since crime novels in the example cost $15 and you have $150 available, if you spend all the available money crime novels, you can buy 10. So you put a dot on the horizontal axis at the number 10. Youll place the dot at the bottom of the vertical axis because in this instance you have $0 available for movie tickets. If you now draw a line from the highest, leftmost dot to the lowest, rightmost dot youll have created a budget line. Any combination of movies and crime novels that falls below the budget line is affordable. Any combination above it is not.
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